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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. I wonder if there was a certain American juror who picked that song.
  2. Germany is for example getting lots of 3s and 4s. I can guarantee you that they won't be the winners today.
  3. Ah, yes. Not like TISC give much joy either. As I said, they have been scoreless for 44 votes in a row, and in total have scored a grand total of 4 points in two contests.
  4. Badminton commentator: "It has been a pretty good day for the Irish."
  5. I don't have stats with me, but I'm 99.9% sure that scoring 6+ points from first five juries is a sure way to victory.
  6. Yep, this isn't going well. 7 points from Slovenia, but last year they gave 12 to Zsa Zsa, so...
  7. So Argentinian and Dutch crying helped? Huh, who would have thought.
  8. (breaths in) It's fine. Contest only started. Ireland can't possibly run away with it again.
  9. Algeria gets a medal or nothing. Usually a receipt for victory. Btw, eventual winners very rarely score 1-5 points from juries. You almost don't want it (if you hope to win).
  10. Yep. You broke the internet connection right there. Contest postponed.
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