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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Can you just imagine Vox or some other leftist media discussing Biden's mental health like this? Although, this was their biggest hit. Hands down.
  2. When? Whenever @heywoodu opens the thread (presumably any day now). What? Any song from your country released before Dec 31, 2015.
  3. Yeah, that 200 million thing just can't be defended with the out of context argument.
  4. Not necessarily reject, however both Chilean and Puerto Rican horses that qualified are on an older side.
  5. I'm not sure. FEI is yet to verify post-lockdown MER events.
  6. Even if Pakistan keeps their spot, I feel we could get a couple of unexpected reallocations in eventing. Watch out for Mexico or Lithuania sneaking in.
  7. Sadly, it will be an uphill battle. Transfer period ends in January, so at least there is still some time left to receive a new ride... Incidentally, if he is to withdraw, Zimbabwe would be the next in line.
  8. Croatian delegation has hinted that we will be "looking at the big picture" and thus "sacrifice any chance of a decent result in Holland". Whatever that might mean. More to come...
  9. Basically he was comparing some warm-up footage of Roglič and Pogačar. He then picked Roglič as the favorite due to his focused/professional body language, as opposed to Pogačar's ease and youthful arrogance...
  10. I guess nobody here is watching this on British Eurosport? Their special correspondent Bradley Wiggins made such a fool out of himself yesterday that the commentators are still talking about it now.
  11. I just found out that Andy Schleck has opened a coffee shop in Itzig. Someone should pay him a visit.
  12. I suppose it's a victory for us all when a team of bots gets stopped in its tracks?
  13. Too bad the difference will not be 10 seconds or less. I fear we will not get any reaction from Roglič now.
  14. Confirmation: 27 seconds faster than anyone else on the final climb.
  15. Van Aert casually made 30 seconds in the last 3 km or so?
  16. This did not age well. Screw Remco. Wout is a true star.
  17. Right, this will not destroy her legacy, but tarnish perhaps? Senate still had a Democratic majority in 2014, so I don't know... It all seems rather selfish/shortsighted for someone who was a Supreme Court Justice, after all...
  18. They will reintroduce the combativity award just to give it to Cavagna...
  19. And yeah, I wonder if RBG destroyed her own legacy with these decisions (or poor judgements of her own abilities, if you will...). Two years ago a hagiography about her somehow got Oscar-nominated, but right now it feels like her aura just went down.
  20. Doesn't his current term last until January no matter what? From what I know, the elections are held in November, however the actual new term only starts in January (on the inauguration day).
  21. Apparently the cross-country phase got postponed to tomorrow. Incidentally, Tamre Smith is currently sitting pretty in Top 5 aboard four different horses. Just a typical California outing for Tamie.
  22. Not many Olympians stayed around here. Tom Goegebuer asked something about qualification and then left. Yonathan Fernandez came to correct heywoodu's erroneous statement and then left too.
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