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Everything posted by dcro

  1. So once again I am using a new system. Following the first listen, I have distributed songs in four groups... Group A - 7 songs - likely to score points Group B - 11 songs - realistically can score points Group C - 8 songs - unlikely to score points Group D - 8 songs - highly unlikely to score points And now in the second listen I am starting with Group D and working my way up... Group D is failing to impress me once again. Maybe one song will survive.
  2. In translation it means they will be some of the weakest GTs on record. I mean, the whole one-day classics season has turned into track cycling sprint at this point...
  3. That's just wonderful. Also, I had no idea there would be WC this year.
  4. It would have been so, so easy to come up with literally any other non-misleading name. No excuse.
  5. Meanwhile, I can't believe experts still call this COVID-19. Is it the bureaucracy or just plain laziness stopping them from changing it to COVID-20? Future generations will be inclined to think that things started going downhill in 2019, while in reality 2019 was NOTHING like 2020. It's like the whole thing of Native Americans being referred to as Indians, just because some dude was wrong.
  6. 100% mask efficiency is a fairy tale, just like the distancing measure always being applicable. If masks are able to stop the spread 50%, then that's 50% worth saving. One other thing, you will not get COVID-19 from inhaling one (1) coronavirus. There would have to be a considerable amount of viruses, and masks do help here.
  7. Of course this year we get the best weather conditions in Soelden in years.
  8. That could have been done in January. Also, if China were able to keep it inside their borders. For a country which claims to have fewer confirmed cases than Panama, Portugal and Belarus (despite having 1.5 billion people), it sure is interesting how they weren't able to prevent it from becoming a pandemic.
  9. That should be fun to follow. 200k daily cases, WR for Slovakia... Or maybe just 5k, proving that asymptomatic cases are really not that common?
  10. WEL Season starts today in Aarhus, Vilhelmsborg.
  11. Or you could just start attending independent cinemas instead
  12. Miroslav Trunda confirmed his MER last weekend in Strzegom.
  13. May we get this emoji? :popcorn: And this one? :ghug:
  14. Jari Kessler changed allegiance to . It will be interesting to see if he could give us a bit of international spotlight.
  15. True, but they are playing tutorial mode.
  16. So according to the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Istria is the safest place on earth, COVID-wise. The only green oasis. Not that surprising. They have 0-5 daily cases (from about 300 tests).
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