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Everything posted by intoronto

  1. Wow Mexico was over scored in dive 4 no? I know nothing about scoring tbh
  2. Surprised no Brazil. Have the Claro announcers said anything about no bronze? @mrv86
  3. Canada onto its 36th silver in baseball...
  4. CBC is showing this match instead of diving, in which a Canadian was the top qualifier. h Earlier, they were showing the gold medal tennis game with no Canadians and switched to rhythmic after the two Canadians finished competing. Never change CBC lol
  5. If all 8 did (and even 6 or higher) there would be complaints its Euro-centric. But that's not Europe's fault at this point lol.
  6. Where would they realistically add 8 competitive nations? 7 of those 8 would have to come from Europe.
  7. Kelsey Mitchell wins gold. Amazing.. First unexpected gold for Canada...
  8. It definitely is apparently. Unless the scoring system was wrong.
  9. Its likely the same finishing order for hoop will follow in ball...
  10. Which is why judged sports are not my favourite...
  11. Only a Canadian swimmer can lead by 48 seconds with less then a KM left and not win a medal
  12. There is a journalist sleeping at the tennis final lol
  13. Speaking of tennis, what a final match in the women's singles.
  14. I think the tennis venue is amazing!! It blends in nicely with the city, is quite simple. This is what venues should be like, and not over the top.
  15. Most of the events are now sold out or close to it in Lima. The venues are really nice, the competition is good, and Peru seems to be embracing the games. Dare I say these are a really excellent games and hopefully they finish with a bang with swimming/athletics. Considering where Lima was 2 years ago in preparations vs now, they have come full circle to put on a world class event.
  16. She injured herself really badly (broken ankle) in April. Canada's group was just put together this year. Already from last year's worlds there is quite a bit of improvement. They just need time to get better, and unfortunately that is not on their side for Olympic qualification.
  17. Finally some consistent sailing action. Any idea why it was delayed?
  18. Rhythmic is a mix of a/b (Best overall + Natalie Garcia, for development). Jason Burnett is the big name in trampoline here, but he is no longer the world threat he was before. He finished 10th and last nationals just last week (Chartier was 7th), and ofc the women are missing MacLennan here.
  19. People do care about overall medals. That's where funding comes from. Why is there a medal table if only gold matters? lol. OFC gold will take preference over the other two any day, that's a given. Even with the home advantage, Canada won the same amount of gold vs Brazil AND Cuba combined. That's is not because of home advantage, that's because Canada's A team was present in every sport. Even with a B team in most sports here, Canada is still hanging in there, and honestly I am surprised at that! And per the Totallympics tracker, Canada has 7 gold in WC events, almost double Colombia/Argentina/Brazil combined...
  20. Canada won more than double the gold in 2015 vs 2011. If the country cared, there would be no competition for second imo. Canada was top 10 in Rio in overall medals, won almost double Argentina/Colombia combined. I just wish the NF's here like swimming, cycling, rowing, canoeing etc. woudl actually take this competition seriously. Only way to do that is make all sports Olympic qualifiers. Looking at diving for ex. straight from worlds to this competition and Canada sent its A team, because of Olympic quotas on the line.
  21. Canada's two men in trampoline finish last two in the first round smh
  22. Okay. I'd probably have to say the South Asian Games in December will the most boring. All the results will be predictable there
  23. Unless one of the Brazilian horses does not finish, which is highly improbable.
  24. Surprisngly Canada has the top seed in two events. Even one gold would be al miracle.
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