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19 hours ago, hckosice said:

Stupid question. how are those electoral college votes things distributed ? by population density ? I don´t get why Montana has only 3 but smaller Indiana has 11

If you are interested in the Math behind the distribution, CGP Grey has a detailed video on the same. 




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How does mail-in votes work with respect to verification needs vs need for secrecy? Counting officials would need to verify that the vote that they have received is from a eligible voter who has not voted in person but should not know whom s/he voted for. What are the mechanisms to ensure both things. I know, absentee/postal/mail-in ballots are used in a lot of places (including India), but I don't think they have been used at such a large scale anywhere else and thats why I never thought about this. So, it would be amazing if @Olympian1010if you can share your experience. 

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