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Men's Basketball ASEAN Southeast Asia Basketball League 2023


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Qualified Teams  

  • HKG.gif 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern
  • INA.gif Surabaya-75x71-1.png Louvre Surabaya
  • MAC.gif MACAU.png Macau Black Bears
  • MAS.gif MATRIX.png Matrix Malaysia
  • PHI.gif 8585ZAMBOANGA.png Zamboanga Valientes
  • SGP.gif SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers
  • THA.gif 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers
  • VIE.gif SAIGON.png Saigon Heat
Competition Format


January 2nd - February 17th, 2023
8 Teams, 4 Tournaments, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Teams will qualify for the Semifinals
March 6th - March 9th, 2023
4 Teams, Semifinals Best-of-3 Match Series, the winning Teams will qulfy for the Final
March 11th -  March 14th, 2023
2 Teams, Final Best-of-3 Match Series, the winning Team will be the Men's Basketball ASEAN Southeastern Asia Basketball League 2023 Champion
Edited by frantic13poland
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Regular Season
January 2nd - February 17th, 2023
8 Teams, 4 Tournaments, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Teams will qualify for the Semifinals
  • HKG.gif 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern
  • INA.gif Surabaya-75x71-1.png Louvre Surabaya
  • MAC.gif MACAU.png Macau Black Bears
  • MAS.gif MATRIX.png Matrix Malaysia
  • PHI.gif 8585ZAMBOANGA.png Zamboanga Valientes
  • SGP.gif SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers
  • THA.gif 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers
  • VIE.gif SAIGON.png Saigon Heat
Regular Season
HKG.gif Hong Kong Eastern 8585EASTERN.png 94 - 63 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 28-9, 21-16, 20-16, 25-22
January 2nd 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
SGP.gif Singapore Slingers SLINGERS.png 84 - 82 MATRIX.png Matrix Malaysia MAS.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 16-13, 22-32, 28-17, 18-20
January 2nd 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes 8585ZAMBOANGA.png 108 - 94 Surabaya-75x71-1.png Louvre Surabaya INA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 19-24, 20-22, 26-28, 43-20
January 3rd 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore

VIE.gif Saigon Heat SAIGON.png 84 - 76 MACAU.png Macau Black Bears MAC.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 24-25, 20-20, 23-14, 17-17
January 3rd 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia MATRIX.png 84 - 88 SAIGON.png Saigon Heat VIE.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 20-21, 21-16, 29-30, 14-21
January 4th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
SGP.gif Singapore Slingers SLINGERS.png 111 - 69 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 32-21, 29-17, 28-13, 22-18
January 4th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya Surabaya-75x71-1.png 124 - 97 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 29-26, 25-25, 36-34, 34-12
January 5th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore

MAC.gif Macau Black Bears MACAU.png 75 - 81 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern HKG.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 22-26, 18-21, 20-10, 15-24
January 5th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
VIE.gif Saigon Heat SAIGON.png 75 - 71 8585ZAMBOANGA.png Zamboanga Valientes PHI.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 19-19, 25-13, 15-18, 16-21
January 6th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia MATRIX.png 73 - 54 MACAU.png Macau Black Bears MAC.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 22-13, 22-7, 14-15, 15-19
January 6th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
VIE.gif Saigon Heat SAIGON.png 108 - 47 Surabaya-75x71-1.png Louvre Surabaya INA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 23-13, 28-13, 38-13, 19-8
January 7th 2023, h. 16:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes 8585ZAMBOANGA.png 82 - 86 MATRIX.png Matrix Malaysia MAS.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 24-18, 25-25, 19-25, 14-18
January 7th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore

SGP.gif Singapore Slingers SLINGERS.png 52 - 68 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern HKG.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: `18-18, 13-19, 9-18, 12-13
January 7th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
MAC.gif Macau Black Bears MACAU.png 109 - 85 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 27-20, 23-18, 29-25, 30-22
January 8th 2023, h. 14:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya Surabaya-75x71-1.png 50 - 101 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern HKG.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 9-29, 17-31, 10-18, 14-23
January 8th 2023, h. 16:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore

SGP.gif Singapore Slingers SLINGERS.png 79 - 87 8585ZAMBOANGA.png Zamboanga Valientes PHI.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 28-20, 21-27, 12-20, 18-20
January 8th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), OCBS Arena, Singapore
HKG.gif Hong Kong Eastern 8585EASTERN.png 67 - 71 MACAU.png Macau Black Bears MAC.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 14-17, 16-18, 13-18, 24-18
January 12th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam

PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes 8585ZAMBOANGA.png 118 - 73 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 22-19, 32-18, 33-29, 31-7
January 12th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
SGP.gif Singapore Slingers SLINGERS.png 84 - 83 SAIGON.png Saigon Heat VIE.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 21-22, 25-21, 20-28, 18-12
January 13th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya Surabaya-75x71-1.png 67 - 104 MATRIX.png Matrix Malaysia MAS.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 21-30, 28-23, 11-27, 7-24
January 13th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
THA.gif Cooly Bangkok Tigers 8585tigers.png 94 - 94 MACAU.png Macau Black Bears MAC.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter:11-23, 21-23, 17-30, 15-18
January 14th 2023, h. 14:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia MATRIX.png 98 - 88 8585ZAMBOANGA.png Zamboanga Valientes PHI.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 24-25, 25-24, 26-20, 23-19
January 14th 2023, h. 16:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya Surabaya-75x71-1.png 64 - 109 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern HKG.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 17-21, 18-32, 19-21, 10-35
January 14th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
MAC.gif Macau Black Bears MACAU.png 81 - 88 SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers SGP.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 20-19, 20-26, 26-19, 15-24
January 15th 2023, h. 14:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
VIE.gif Saigon Heat SAIGON.png 82 - 89 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern HKG.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 31-22, 17-22, 17-20, 17-25
January 15th 2023, h. 16:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya Surabaya-75x71-1.png 84 - 88 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 18-19, 20-29, 15-20, 31-20
January 15th 2023, h. 16:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia MATRIX.png 88 - 79 SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers SGP.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 21-28, 14-21, 21-16, 32-14
January 16th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
THA.gif Cooly Bangkok Tigers 8585tigers.png 73 - 89 SAIGON.png Saigon Heat VIE.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter:10-25, 19-23, 25-22, 19-19
January 16th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
HKG.gif Hong Kong Eastern 8585EASTERN.png 70 - 75 MATRIX.png Matrix Malaysia MAS.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 23-26, 15-12, 13-23, 19-14
January 17th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
MAC.gif Macau Black Bears MACAU.png 90 - 78 8585ZAMBOANGA.png Zamboanga Valientes PHI.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 21-11, 27-20, 11-25, 31-22
January 17th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes 8585ZAMBOANGA.png 79 - 101 SAIGON.png Saigon Heat VIE.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 15-31, 18-32, 22-16, 24-22
January 18th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya Surabaya-75x71-1.png 83 - 138 SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers SGP.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 16-38, 22-33, 23-43, 22-24
January 18th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +7), Hi-Tech Arena, Batam
VIE.gif Saigon Heat SAIGON.png 98 - 81 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 26-29, 20-16, 26-19, 26-17
February 3rd 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia MATRIX.png 89 - 51 Surabaya-75x71-1.png Louvre Surabaya INA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 22-17, 25-16, 25-10, 17-8
February 3rd 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
SGP.gif Singapore Slingers SLINGERS.png 83 - 85 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern HKG.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 27-24,10-26, 27-15, 19-20
February 4th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes 8585ZAMBOANGA.png 92 - 82 MACAU.png Macau Black Bears MAC.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 21-18, 26-13, 26-32, 19-19
February 4th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
HKG.gif Hong Kong Eastern 8585EASTERN.png 71 - 84 SAIGON.png Saigon Heat VIE.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 25-23, 19-24, 12-18, 15-19
February 5th 2023, h. 16:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia MATRIX.png 117 - 78 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 35-22, 32-16, 32-18, 18-22
February 5th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
MAC.gif Macau Black Bears MACAU.png 82 - 89 SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers SGP.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 19-16, 19-17, 17-25, 27-31
February 6th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
THA.gif Cooly Bangkok Tigers 8585tigers.png 80 - 84 8585ZAMBOANGA.png Zamboanga Valientes PHI.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 16-23, 17-14, 16-23, 31-24
February 6th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya Surabaya-75x71-1.png 59 - 93 MACAU.png Macau Black Bears MAC.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 14-29, 21-23, 13-22, 11-19
February 7th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes 8585ZAMBOANGA.png 88 - 83 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern HKG.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 19-22, 7-22, 16-15, 13-24
February 7th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
SGP.gif Singapore Slingers SLINGERS.png 147 - 89 Surabaya-75x71-1.png Louvre Surabaya INA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter:25-20, 45-19, 49-24, 28-26
February 8th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia MATRIX.png 96 - 86 SAIGON.png Saigon Heat VIE.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 22-30, 18-14, 23-22, 33-20
February 8th 2023, h. 20:00 (GMT +8), MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
THA.gif Cooly Bangkok Tigers 8585tigers.png 74 - 121 SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers SGP.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 20-31, 24-23, 14-40, 16-27
February 12th 2023, h. 16:00 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
VIE.gif Saigon Heat SAIGON.png 79 - 70 MACAU.png Macau Black Bears MAC.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 27-9, 10-26, 28-20, 14-25
February 12th 2023, h. 18:00 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes 8585ZAMBOANGA.png 83 - 69 Surabaya-75x71-1.png Louvre Surabaya INA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 24-29, 31-9, 9-12, 19-19
February 13th 2023, h. 17:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
MAC.gif Macau Black Bears MACAU.png 75 - 65 MATRIX.png Matrix Malaysia MAS.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 22-21, 19-22, 17-6, 17-16
February 13th 2023, h. 19:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
HKG.gif Hong Kong Eastern 8585EASTERN.png 65 - 71 8585ZAMBOANGA.png Zamboanga Valientes PHI.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 16-21, 15-13, 24-14, 10-23
February 14th 2023, h. 17:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia MATRIX.png 96 - 86 8585tigers.png Cooly Bangkok Tigers THA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 28-21, 21-14, 25-24, 22-14
February 14th 2023, h. 19:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya Surabaya-75x71-1.png 87 - 87 MACAU.png Macau Black Bears MAC.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 12-22, 20-29, 22-17, 20-19
February 15th 2023, h. 17:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
VIE.gif Saigon Heat SAIGON.png 71 - 68 SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers SGP.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 17-13, 17-23, 17-19, 20-13
February 15th 2023, h. 19:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes 8585ZAMBOANGA.png 87 - 97 SLINGERS.png Singapore Slingers SGP.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 26-24, 23-25, 23-28, 15-20
February 16th 2023, h. 17:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
HKG.gif Hong Kong Eastern 8585EASTERN.png 73 - 62 MATRIX.png Matrix Malaysia MAS.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 24-12, 15-19, 20-10, 14-24
February 16th 2023, h. 19:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
THA.gif Cooly Bangkok Tigers 8585tigers.png 66 - 75 8585EASTERN.png Hong Kong Eastern HKG.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 18-24, 15-13, 12-19, 21-19
February 17th 2023, h. 17:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City
VIE.gif Saigon Heat SAIGON.png 97 - 35 Surabaya-75x71-1.png Louvre Surabaya INA.gif
Quarter-by-Quarter: 36-11, 31-14, 21-4, 9-6

February 17th 2023, h. 19:30 (GMT +7), Nguyen Du Arena, Ho Chi Minh City


Regular Season Final Standing
VIE.gif Saigon Heat
MAS.gif Matrix Malaysia
HKG.gif Hong Kong Eastern
SGP.gif Singapore Slingers
MAC.gif Macau Black Bears
PHI.gif Zamboanga Valientes
INA.gif Louvre Surabaya
THA.gif Cooly Bangkok Tigers
Edited by frantic13poland
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