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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. I'm confused. First they say it is the top 7 (+1 host) athletes for each gender of the LAST Pan Am Wakeboard Championship in the Open division. Then in the table of events, it clearly says top 2 of the 2017 championships and top 5 (LCQ) of the 2018 championships
  2. Girl, I can relate to that so much. I did the closing ceremony on Sunday but I was like DEAD inside from the sleep deprivation. Organizing a TISC edition is no joke, so congrats
  3. I'm shocked about this entry, it's amazing and I think deserved at least top 5. But at least the medal table is yours
  4. Btw Portugal, we always give you points (and even a SONG in the last edition ) and you give us nothing
  5. So Brazil decides the contest again? At least wasn't a vote-by-vote this time and I could reveal the votes quickly
  6. BRAZIL Lithuania 12 Denmark 11 Portugal 10 United States 9 Serbia 8 India 7 Canada 6 Spain 5 Ireland 4 Poland 3 Mexico 2 Argentina 1 Goodbye from Brazil. Have a wonderful evening!
  7. BRAZIL Denmark 11 Portugal 10 United States 9 Serbia 8 India 7 Canada 6 Spain 5 Ireland 4 Poland 3 Mexico 2 Argentina 1
  8. BRAZIL Jury Spokesperson: vinipereira Hello from Brazil! As we had the honour of staging the previous TISC edition, the TISC Annual show earlier in the year. Now, we must congratulate our American hosts for putting on a fantastic contest. As usual, it has been a joy to be a part of! And now, it's time for the Brazilian jury (@titicow and @vinipereira) votes: Olá a todos! O Brasil teve a honra de sediar a edição anterior do TISC, a versão anual no início de 2018. Agora, parabenizamos nossos anfitriões americanos pelo organização desse concurso fantástico. Como de costume, foi maravilhoso fazer parte dessa festa! Sem mais delongas, aqui estão os votos do júri brasileiro: Portugal 10 United States 9 Serbia 8 India 7 Canada 6 Spain 5 Ireland 4 Poland 3 Mexico 2 Argentina 1
  9. Open Water Swimming +4 +4 +3 +2 +2 +1 Peruvian male swimmer actually ended 12th at the qualification event, but was awarded the eighth slot (host nation). Colombia, Uruguay and Bolivia failed to qualify an athlete.
  10. Semifinals of the South American Championships: Men's vs vs Women's vs vs Winners will qualify for the Pan American Games (Peru is already qualified which means Brazil will get another chance if it loses today).
  11. We can discuss the other cases, but since 2013 I don't see any other gymnasts coming close to what Biles does. She had an off day with two falls and a not so great floor exercise. Despite that, she still deserved the title (I guess she was a bit overscored, but in the end wouldn't have made much of a difference). It's not her fault that the system favours difficulty. It's not a great look when a gymnast with a fall wins gold (that also happens frequently in figure skating), but unless FIG changes the code, the win for Biles was fair.
  12. Water Polo South American Championship started yesterday. First 2 nations will qualify for the Pan American Games. Venezuela women's team won 59-0 against Paraguay Men's results l Women's results
  13. Erika Miranda (Judo), 6-time world medalist, announced her retirement today. She won a medal at each of the last 5 World Championships, including the only brazilian medal at this year's Worlds, and she was in good position to compete in Tokyo, so this is kind of a huge surprise. Health concerns might have motivated the decision.
  14. Medals 3 (bronze in Taekwondo) and 4 (silver in Swimming) almost at the same time for 2 silver and 2 bronze now - one colour is missing
  15. Unfortunately this elections unvealed the worst prejudices in brazilian society. People are now chanting in the metro things like "Hey faggots, be aware, Bolsonaro will kill you" like is the most normal thing in the world. If people wanted to elect a conservative, they had plenty of options like Alckmin or Amoedo, but they went straight to the far-right candidate, even though he's a very incompetent politician (27 years in congress and only 3 projects approved). I have no hope for this country anymore and zero patience for people who support him.
  16. It's probably the same rule of the previous YOG. A gymnast MUST compete in all apparatus in order to qualify for any final. So if your gymnast somehow doesn't start in one of the other apparatus, he won't qualify for the final in Pommel Horse. Crazy, I know...
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