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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Uhh...last time I checked India still has active Covid cases, and hasn’t reached anywhere near full vaccination.
  2. Right, if the IOC is willing to award Japan 2032, and Japan accepts that outcome, then an idea like the one you proposed is worth consideration for the IOC.
  3. Right, but the Japanese government would take a big hit from that, and while that might not directly affect any future bidders, the effects of such a decision would haunt the bidding process for years to come I feel. If there’s no certainty that your city’s/country’s investment in the Games will yield results, why would you be lining up to host the Games at such a great cost? I don’t think what your suggesting is a bad idea, but I think Japan counted too much on getting money from spectators and tourists. As whole, the international sports community has under valued the modern capabilities of television/streaming production, as well as, the doors those technological advancements open up.
  4. 50km Race Walk wouldn’t get a proper goodbye. Mixed Trap also will have never been an Olympic event. I would still caution against taking this reporting as final at the moment.
  5. Okay, so just so I can be clear what your argument is, you said: Sweden has social stability and hasn’t fought in many modern wars. The US lacks social stability and has fought in basically every modern war. Americans look up to Sweden as a model of a better society. Americans are dumb for doing so.” So your argument is: Sweden has better social stability and is more peaceful than the US, and Americans are dumb for wanting to follow their example, even though the US lacks social stability and struggles to stay out of conflicts. I don’t understand why Americans shouldn’t want our society to be more like Sweden’s then, if they have better social stability and stay out of more conflicts? It seems like Americans should want to be more like Sweden given those two points.
  6. That literally explains nothing about your original argument, and doesn’t answer my question about your argument!
  7. This argument is so confusing. “Sweden is great because they have social stability, and haven’t fought in many recent wars. As where the United States lacks social stability, and has fought in basically every modern war. Americans look up to Sweden as an example, and they’re dumb for that.” So, you’re arguing that Sweden isn’t the better or the two, and that the US shouldn’t attempt to learn from their example?
  8. I guess we didn’t fight in WW1 then (Monroe Doctrine ended with Woodrow Wilson when he got us involved in World War 1, and established the League of Nations)
  9. Yeah, I don’t know many, if any, Americans who want that.
  10. It will be interesting to see how the UPIM’s response to this compares to the IHHF’s:
  11. The same Silicon Valley that voted for him over Biden in the primaries?
  12. It relates to discussion that took place a few pages back.
  13. Well, when they’re homeless because their parents refuse to support them, and businesses refuse to hire them based solely because of their sexuality. From what I understand, this hostel is just about providing them support so that they can find employment, and build a new support system.
  14. We’re comparing political ideology, not population proportions. Plus, by your own reasoning, no one could ever compare communist Poland to the United States, so you disagree with the original argument anyways.
  15. If Biden is the greatest communist since the fall of the Iron Curtain, then I can’t even imagine the horror New Zealanders are going through under Jacinda Ardern. I mean they must be starving, and deprived of all freedoms! Oh wait...
  16. Welcome to the forum @Arnoud Beldman! Enjoy the forum.
  17. Stunning performance of Firework (sung by Katy Perry) from tonight’s Inauguration Concert.
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