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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Wait, this is the first Norwegian victory since 1994. Even though they competed in both 2010 and 2014, and again here in the group stage.
  2. That was a joke. Korean fell during the change and slid to the left. How can she slide to the left if you are supposed to go to the right after the change.
  3. Well, that's another disappointing competition... Onto short track now...
  4. Humphries loses a lot of time to McNeill.
  5. It's time for a pedestrian pace and Hirvonen gold.
  6. Screwing bet contest for everyone who followed this season.
  7. I used to dislike ice dancing very much, but it changes as you actually watch figure skating more and more (I imagine not just for me). A lot of technicalities with edges etc (particularly in the short dance) make it rather interesting for me.
  8. Swiss team always looks super relaxed and sooo care free.
  9. Mica McNeill.. +0.31 down at the start +0.25 down at the finish
  10. Too bad that the Belgian bullets have bad starts.
  11. Belarus men are a trainwreck. Just like Polish. Looks like the battle for the medals will be quite boring.
  12. Firesteel Reid is just about the most awesome surname ever.
  13. Winterton: "Would you rather lose by 1 mm in biathlon or 1 thousand in bobsleigh?" Someone is unfamiliar with the rules...
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