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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. "We are gonig to have a very very crazy final." That sounds weird.
  2. Denmark in mass start speed skating (especially women's).
  3. He was 16th at the Worlds last year (despite falling in one of the rounds). However, at World Series few days before that he finished in front of Logan Martin, the World champion. The only problem is that there are only 8 Olympic spots per gender if I remember correctly. Still, he should have a good chance.
  4. They should have Roest / Nuis / Bergsma, hands down.
  5. Good luck nevertheless. Btw, can you translate for us what's being said after the song in this video? I understood the "country vibes" part, but I'm afraid my Lithuanian is not as sharp as it used to be.
  6. So I accidentally open this thread and read "In a couple of hours I'll probably get destroyed by the televote, can't wait ", confusing me immensely. Only to find moments later that @Werloc has a shot at participating at ESC with a lovely song. Wow, well done!
  7. So again it's being held during the weekend of my birthday. I'm in. Also, I think the part of rules is missing (about songs from Eurovision not being accepted). There was an issue because that last year.
  8. Apparently our team has ranted a sled from the Koreans. Medal here we come.
  9. Funny, I did that not long after the race. I watched her run again and again with different languages on Eurosport player.
  10. Nah, I have already lost too many bets to care.
  11. Strongest headwind of the round for Wellinger.
  12. Flock But she is Miss Inconsistency after all... Wanted to have 6 skeleton medals going to 5 nations, but GBR ruined that.
  13. Gutted for Hungary. Real chance for ST medals everytime and they fail. Hungary winning their first medal since 1980 is what Winter Olympics need...
  14. Adeagbo But she has the 3rd fastest start!
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