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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. This SHOULD be a medal. Messed the 4S, so no gold for sure.
  2. Pretty good, but he got tired in the second half. Looks like this was Chen's competition to lose, nobody will come close to 127 TES.
  3. By 0.4. Interestingly he didn't get UR. Looked pretty URed. Probably no crazy 17th > medal free skate.
  4. Under rotation on quad, so he'll lose about 3 more points.
  5. Boyang 110 TES, before review. He had 20+ on Chen but he may lose it.
  6. Maybe, but probably not bigger than Francisco Fernandez Ochoa.
  7. Well, still a medal for . First since 1988. Too bad that their anthemn won't be played though...
  8. Kolyada falls on 4Lz, for the millionth time this season.
  9. Indeed, also Ghost The Musical (among the pairs).
  10. Zhou gets quad crazy too. But there were probably one or two under rotations.
  11. Sure, but that's not what goes into TES segment. His PCS wasn't the best.
  12. On one jump, for what he was penalized with negative GOE.
  13. Kerry shows how hard the quads are... Misses all of them, gets about 57% of Chen's TES.
  14. He was, nobody lands that many quads. Technical score is a difficulty.
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