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Totallympics Superstar
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  1. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from intoronto in Tokyo Summer Olympic Games 2020 News   
    Sure , I'm against any kind of mixed events, those athletes can win medal in individual events if they are good enough.
    and the team competition in Taekwondo is very weird, anybody fights against anybody. they couldn't separate men from women in this format. ! imagine a +80kg guy fighting against a 50kg girl !
  2. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    well the Government (by Government I mean Rouhani, Zarif etc) is smart enough to make any threat right now , even the intelligence minister denied Saudi's involvement in this, at least for now since they have no proof yet.
    but IRGC published an statement claiming they will take "revenge" ! they didn't mention Saudi's name though but we know they are talking about them. probably just an empty threat but you never know.
  3. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    This is a good summary but things are not black and white like this. for example Hamas is a Sunni group. and some Sunni countries like Oman and Kuwait always had good relationships with Iran.
    and I also don't believe all those new about Iran's influence in Yemen and Houthis, Iran is not that interested in Yemen.
    and about today here people remember this comment from the Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman only a month ago.
    " We will not wait until the fight is inside Saudi Arabia and we will work so that the battle is on their side, inside Iran, not in Saudi Arabia "
  4. Love
    MHSN reacted to konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    My Condolences for you and your people in this terrible moment, in my country we had two big terrorist atacks in the 90s ad we knoe the feeling and you are rigth, i must say internal muslim war and not arabian, my apologise for that, i know your country is "Persian", not arabian, i dont know why i sayed that........
  5. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    well Iran is not an Arab country and this is the first time such things happen in middle of Iran in 20-30 years. Iran is/was probably the safest country in the middle east.
    Today was a very sad day. I never saw such thing in Tehran in my lifetime (yeah we had MEK terrorist attacks but that was long time ago) I prefer to not judge until we know the nationality of the terrorists. that's very important. but that was about time until ISIS found a way inside Iran.
    so far 12 deaths, mostly innocent civilians RIP and I hope such things never happen again, anywhere specially in my hometown.
  6. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from hckošice in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    well Iran is not an Arab country and this is the first time such things happen in middle of Iran in 20-30 years. Iran is/was probably the safest country in the middle east.
    Today was a very sad day. I never saw such thing in Tehran in my lifetime (yeah we had MEK terrorist attacks but that was long time ago) I prefer to not judge until we know the nationality of the terrorists. that's very important. but that was about time until ISIS found a way inside Iran.
    so far 12 deaths, mostly innocent civilians RIP and I hope such things never happen again, anywhere specially in my hometown.
  7. Love
    MHSN reacted to dareza in Football 2017 Discussion Thread   
    it is ABBA system A team then 2x B and A again.
  8. Love
    MHSN reacted to crovitlaci in Football 2017 Discussion Thread   
    Yes, they did it couple months ago. They did a research on every match that went to the penalties in last 15-20 years under the FIFA, and concluded that about 60% of the teams that took the 1st penalty won the penalty shoot-out.
  9. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from dareza in Men's Volleyball FIVB World League 2017   
    Actually the reserve team of Iran in normal situation only one of those players (Ebadipour) could be a starter ! I don't think that was Kolakovic's plan to win the match with reserve players. he probably gave up trying and decided to rest his main team for the next weekend in Tehran.
    but yeah life is unpredictable sometimes.
  10. Love
    MHSN reacted to intoronto in Summer Youth Olympic Games 2018   
    They can send one men and one women team.
  11. Love
    MHSN reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Is this proof that it wasn't an Islamic terror attack in Manchester or something? Because these things didn't much happen in that case. Yeah, in the first hour there was no certainty about it being a terrorist attack, because in one hour you're not going to get 100% certainty about anything being a terrorist attack unless stuff is happening all over the place. 
    The only publicly known thing after an hour was that something happened and there were injured people, it'd be weird to say it's definitely no terror attack but it'd be just as weird to say it's definitely a terror attack. 
    In the end, these kind of pictures are basically just as stupid and meaningless as the people who say there's no problem at all
  12. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Yes , maybe not "too" much but there are big differences. people are more educated in Tehran, but almost the same goes to the other big cities. I would like to write this after having the detailed results cty by city but not published yet.
    but on Friday we also had the election for city councils (alongside the presidential election) now we have the results, the conservatives lost badly, in Tehran the reformists had won all 21 seats which means fortunately Tehran will have a new mayor the current Mayor Ghalibaf was Rouhani's number 1 enemy but withdrew from the election to support Raeisi. the same happened to all major cities such as Isfahan, Shiraz and even Raeisi (and Ghalibaf) hometown of Mashhad (the second most religious city in Iran )
  13. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    oh yes I'm very happy for that , it's great to see people singing and partying for this victory. but I would be happier if the gap was much bigger. Rouhani was needed more than 58% to make a big big change.
    actually this makes me sad to see 16 millions (Rouhani got 23.5) in my country still vote for such guy. there is not a single positive thing about this guy. well, still a long way to go for the Iranian people.
  14. Love
    MHSN reacted to konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Congratulations for the Rouhani victory , i prefer, usually, the moderates political candidates in the world.
  15. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from dareza in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Looks like Rouhani is winning,  even the hardliners almost accepted that, not official yet though , too early for celebration !
    the turnout was also very high, A record for the city of Tehran and also for Iranian abroad ! in Istanbul or some cities in US people had to wait 4-5 hours to vote in a weekday (Friday is holiday in Iran) apparently people understood the importance of this election as I said before.
    I don't know about the rules in Canada, but they didn't let Iranians to vote in Canada , some Iranians even drove few hours to the US to vote in Buffalo ! with half million Iranians living in Canada , the Canadian government should found a solution for that. Iran has no relation with US for 4 decades and still even under Trump there were 55 different extraterritorial polling booths in the country.
  16. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Looks like Rouhani is winning,  even the hardliners almost accepted that, not official yet though , too early for celebration !
    the turnout was also very high, A record for the city of Tehran and also for Iranian abroad ! in Istanbul or some cities in US people had to wait 4-5 hours to vote in a weekday (Friday is holiday in Iran) apparently people understood the importance of this election as I said before.
    I don't know about the rules in Canada, but they didn't let Iranians to vote in Canada , some Iranians even drove few hours to the US to vote in Buffalo ! with half million Iranians living in Canada , the Canadian government should found a solution for that. Iran has no relation with US for 4 decades and still even under Trump there were 55 different extraterritorial polling booths in the country.
  17. Love
    MHSN reacted to DaniSRB in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Thank you for the answer. I did not know much about this, and i prefer not to watch news as i don't believe in objectivity.
    I hope Iranian people will choose the best option.
  18. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    it matters a lot, the supreme leader might have the absolute power over everything but it doesn't mean he uses it for every single case. in past few years he used his power only in few limited cases. of course few things are off limit like nuclear program (even though Rouhani changed that) supporting Bashar Asaad's regime, supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon, hatred toward Israel. and etc.
    who knows ?! we never had an election about having/not having that position. people once vote for the "Islamic Republic" 37 years ago and they think that's enough forever ! people who vote for Rouhani (or reformists in general) usually don't believe in this system and wants change (but in a non-violent way) at the moment, in 2017 there is no charismatic person to become the next leader. if he dies tomorrow I have absolutely no idea who will be next ! when Khomeini (the founder of IR) died 11 year after the Islamic revolution, they made Khameneyi the leader and at the time they made him something like god (for their religious supporters) but Iran nowadays is a different country. and with all these things internet. social media etc this will be really hard for them to "create" another "Supreme Leader" if he dies without having a serious candidate there is chance they might go after having a "council" instead of single person as a leader. at least that can be a small step into the right direction to get rid of that position one day.
    Raeisi was relatively unknown 4-5 months ago. which means his past is almost clear for the people. (as I said he ordered mass execution long time ago but it seems people don't care much about that since they were MEK terrorists.)    Sepah (IRGC) and other extremist groups tried their best to make him somebody. that makes me worry. he might be their chosen one. but he has to win this election otherwise it will be very hard to later "sell" him as a leader.
    you guys answer short questions but seriously they need long answers  but I really tried to be brief 
  19. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from Gianlu33 in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    pfff, Iranian elections are highly unpredictable. you never can trust Opinion polls here. none of them are accurate AT ALL. 4 years ago Rouhani had no chance when he started his campaign but one debate and what he said during that changes everything and later reformist leader (Ex-president Khatami) asked other reformist candidates to withdraw for him and put his support behind Rouhani and he won the election by 51%.
    I live in Tehran and from what I see (work, family, street campaigns etc) almost everybody will either not vote or vote for Rouhani but I know Iran is not just Tehran. people are more educated and less religious here but this doesn't apply to small cities.
    educated people usually won't vote or vote for the reformists so it depends on the turnout. low turnout always helps the conservatives. they always have their fixed number of votes from religious/poor people here. Rouhani's economical results were not brilliant in past 4 years (specially with US somehow cheating by bringing other sanction after the nuclear deal) maybe that hurts him during the election.
    PS: and there is always chance for a replay of what happened in 2009. rigging the election. I know so many people myself who never voted and will never vote again but that time they all came to vote to get rid of the disastrous Mahmoud, we were sure about the outcome but then the next morning ... that was shocking. I believe and i hope they learned their lesson to not do that mistake again.
  20. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    VERY important election in Iran tomorrow. I think only 2009 election had the same importance. with Khameneyi being old and sick he may not last another 4 years which gives more importance to this election.
    The atmosphere is also very similar to 2009 (not as passionate though, that was something unique which will never repeat) very polarized , now it's officially a two way race and won't go to the second round. I just hope the outcome won't be the same as 2009, that was one of the worst days of country's history.
    Rouhani is weaker now since he couldn't deliver all he promised 4 years ago but if Raeisi wins then God bless our country the way all hardliners/extremists put their support behind him makes me worry, he was relatively unknown 5 months ago.
  21. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from Gianlu33 in Islamic Solidarity Games 2017   
    and when I said  that ?  actually even a 4th place finish wlil be good for this U21 team against the seniors.
    and you also stop saying nonsense about B/C/Z teams. there are people who can google and find out the truth
  22. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from dareza in Islamic Solidarity Games 2017   
    and when I said  that ?  actually even a 4th place finish wlil be good for this U21 team against the seniors.
    and you also stop saying nonsense about B/C/Z teams. there are people who can google and find out the truth
  23. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from intoronto in Islamic Solidarity Games 2017   
    and when I said  that ?  actually even a 4th place finish wlil be good for this U21 team against the seniors.
    and you also stop saying nonsense about B/C/Z teams. there are people who can google and find out the truth
  24. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from mrv86 in Men's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2019   
    Apparently  I was wrong about the 2nd round, they will merge Group A and C together for both Asia and Americas. if that's true we will get Australia, Philippines, Japan or Chinese Taipei in 2nd round, much much different than that all west Asian groups.
  25. Love
    MHSN got a reaction from mrv86 in Beach Soccer Discussion Thread   
    Bronze medal
    I think that was their best game in the whole tournament against a very strong team, our guys missed A LOT of chances in 3rd period, the gap could be bigger. this is only our 2nd medal in FIFA competitions (after Futsal bronze last year)
    btw that was also the first ever medal for the Asian teams.
    hard luck for Italy,
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