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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2021 in Posts

  1. Guyana is not really an island
    3 points
  2. I know Ireland may have profited here but it’s a shame to see an athlete miss out because of an admin error (if that is the case)
    3 points
  3. Dnl

    Surfing ISA World Games 2021

    Mood at this point:
    3 points
  4. and then in tokyo it's going to look like this...
    3 points
  5. I was bored, so I made this. This first part lists how many athlete quotas a nation has in each boat type per gender, and the second part lists the possible boat entries per event (countries listed the left of the “/“ must field a boat, countries have listed to the right have the option to field a boat). This is all based on the current general understanding of the qualification system, and there could very well be errors. Men’s Kayak - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - Men’s Canoe - 3 - 2 - 1-
    3 points
  6. ^He just won. Both of our players made it to the fourth round. This is the first time ever that we have two Greek players in the fourth round of the same Grand Slam! Also we have a 16 year old girl playing in the junior event tomorrow. First time since 2016 that we have a player competing in a junior Grand Slam.
    2 points
  7. Yes, please! I don't know why you still keep her around. I absolutely hate the way she controls things and her work in PAGU.
    2 points
  8. Only 3 of 17 NOCs qualified for the Olympics are from Europe. I wonder if this is a historic low share of European participating NOCs in any sport?
    2 points
  9. Quota for Chile as best 3rd & Argentina trough reallocation from Messina
    2 points
  10. Leon Glatzer qualified, but I am not sure yet
    2 points

    Croatia National Thread

    Luka Plantić pobijedio i kvota za TOKIO
    2 points
  12. I think that the qualification aren't over yet
    2 points
  13. I fully understand...
    2 points
  14. Here we are
    2 points
  15. I’m around and available to serve as an “expert.”
    2 points
  16. Quasit

    [OFF TOPIC] Quiz Thread

    In approximately half an hour if you're free. Hopefully @dcro @mrv86 @Olympian1010 will be there again to support you as experts.
    2 points
  17. Provisional Olympic qualification after 2 of 4 subdivisions: Luciana Alvarado: 50.833 Abigail Magistrati: 48.433
    2 points
  18. guys! thank you so much for having me among your all time favourites! I really appreciate that... just kidding...
    2 points
  19. Bureaucratic oversight in failing to put any hurdles on the track, perhaps.
    2 points
  20. No But needs for Mesinas to be top 5 (or just close to top 5 if some other people finish high).
    2 points
  21. will take part in its first official international sporting event tomorrow. It is sending a team to the Athletics Championships of the Small States of Europe (taking place tomorrow in San Marino). Papa Francesco incoraggia Athletica Vaticana a testimoniare la “cultura della fraternità” ai Campionati di atletica dei Piccoli Stati d’Europa (San Marino, 5 giugno) | Athletica Vaticana
    2 points
  22. It should s be published here but unfortunately today they haven't yet, Here u can watch all events and find results as well of all today's action
    1 point
  23. Rebeca did THAT. Now please stay safe until Tokyo
    1 point
  24. Blame that harsh bars scoring/judging, there they lost those now needed tenths that took away the olympic ticket
    1 point
  25. There is no ranking like in tennis all points are safe, the avarage of the best five starts will be calculate.
    1 point
  26. Great question!
    1 point
  27. Well done Luka! We will have a representative after all.
    1 point
  28. Pts. 32,000 Which US state voted to omit "and Providence Plantations" from its official name it held since 1790 in a November 2020 amendment? ♦ A: Pennsylvania ♦ B: Massachusetts ♦ C: New Hampshire ♦ D: Rhode Island Then we can gratulate you to Pts. 32,000. Pts. 32,000 Which US state voted to omit "and Providence Plantations" from its official name it held since 1790 in a November 2020 amendment? ♦ A: Pennsylvania ♦ B: Massachusetts ♦ C: New Hampshire ♦ D: Rhode Island ♦ P t s . 3 2 , 0 0 0 ♦
    1 point
  29. You can skip and it was a wise decision having done that. Originally, the two were given the letters "L" and "S" for "large" and "small" but the older Yang didn't like the "L" so it became an "A" instead. And TV graphics showed Yang Yang (A) / (S) or even Yang (A) Yang / Yang (S) Yang. Pts. 32,000 What helped the audience distinguishing between the two short track speed skaters Yang Yang, born 1976 and Yang Yang, born 1977? ♦ A: 1 and 2 ♦ B: A and S ♦ C: Dragon and Snake ♦ D: Yin and Yang
    1 point
  30. I think unfortunately these skaters were competitive a little before my time. My gut says go for C, but your guess is as good as mine. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help here.
    1 point
  31. Sorry, I got lost in the repechage limbo
    1 point
  32. La Coruna, ESP Men's 20k walk Callum Wilkinson 1:20.83
    1 point
  33. Yes, the same for the other heat... if the australian advances...
    1 point
  34. Laraja

    Surfing ISA World Games 2021

    Teresa and Yolanda qualified
    1 point
  35. 1 point
    1 point
  37. Not live score as such but under the video on Olympic channel they’re quick to update the scores after the fights
    1 point
  38. Men's Pole Vault Oleg Zernikel 5,80 metres at the National Championships in Braunschweig
    1 point
  39. not yet, the (online) draw is Today at 2 p.m. CET
    1 point
  40. As if that would have been enough...
    1 point
  41. ring A 14h30 Wilfried Florentin 15h30 mourad aliev ring B 14h30 Sofiane Oumiha ring b 18h30 maiva hamanouche 18h45 emilie sovinco
    1 point
  42. Tak dík. No, som dosť prekvapený, že nemáte nikoho v bedmintone, CZE vždy mala zastúpenie v oboch pohlaviach. tak je to dosť prekvapko. S tou lukostreľbou som tak trošku tajne dúfal, hoci tých miesteniek je strašne málo, veril som že Alex Longová to nejako ubojuje, som dosť v šoku, že sa to podarilo niekomu inému a to jej 19 ročnej kolegyni, treba však uznať že Denisa mala super turnaj v turecku, súboj o bronze na ME a štvrťfinále v nesmierne psychicky náročnej olympijskej kvalifikácii. Pre mňa úplne zaslúžene. Snaď si Tokio užije a predvedie niečo pekne aj tam.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Yeah because she has the highest rank among all Europeans.
    1 point
  45. Women’s Kayak - 6 - 5 - 4 - 2 - 1 - Women’s Canoe - 3 - 2 - 1 -
    1 point
  46. Quotas are non-nominative because both countries qualified a full team at the World Championships. So, both and are free to send who they want to the Olympics with these quotas.
    1 point
  47. Aritz Aranburu Isauro Elizondo Vasco Ribeiro Manuel Selman Miguel Tudela Lucca Mesinas (quota from 2019 goes to Leandro Usuna ) Leon Glatzer I Ketut Agus Aditya Putra Shun Murakami and Hiroto Ohhara for one quota (if Shun qualifies, the quota from 2019 goes to Rio Waida ) And the two qualified from last heat @Mecki83
    1 point
  48. There is a competitor names "Lancelot Proton de la Chapelle" O.o
    1 point
  49. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 27th Qualified Athlete Denisa BARÁNKOVÁ - ARCHERY (W INDIVIDUAL) Lukostrelkyňa Baránková získala olympijskú miestenku do Tokia Na kontinentálnej olympijskej kvalifikácii jej k postupu do Japonska stačilo aj konečné 7. miesto Slovenská lukostrelkyňa Denisa Baránková získala miestenku na OH do Tokia. V piatok síce na turnaji Európskej kvalifikácie nepostúpila do semifinále a nezískala priamo jedno zo štyroch postupových miest, no keďže v hodnotení podujatia skončili pred ňou dve reprezentantky Turecka, Francúzka i Španielska, stačilo jej napokon aj konečné 7. miesto. Informáciu potvrdil Slovenskému lukostreleckému zväzu (SLZ) strešný orgán lukostreľby World Archery (WA). Slovensko bude mať zastúpenie pod piatimi kruhmi v lukostreľbe druhýkrát v ére samostatnosti. V Riu de Janeiru sa predstavili Alexandra Longová a Boris Baláž. Československo reprezentoval v roku 1992 na OH v Barcelone Slovák Martin Hámor. Baránková v piatok podľahla v kvalifikačnom turnaji disciplíny olympijský luk v tureckej Antalyii až vo štvrťfinále Francúzke Lise Barbelinovej 2:6 na body. Rovnakej súperke pritom podľahla aj deň predtým na rovnakom mieste v semifinálovom stretnutí ME 5:6 po rozstrele v dodatočnom sete. Devätnásťročná Baránková v piatok v snahe kvalifikovať sa do Tokia vyradila aj reprezentačnú kolegyňu Alexandru Longovú. V osemfinále nad ňou zvíťazila 6:0. Teraz ju ešte v nedeľu čaká súboj o bronzovú medailu v rámci majstrovstiev Európy, ktoré sa v Antalyi konajú paralelne s kvalifikáciou na OH. Jej súperkou bude Dánka Kirstine Andersenová. Baránková už teraz dosiahla najväčší úspech Slovenska na kontinentálnom šampionáte. Prekonala aj umiestnenie Alexandry Longovej, ktorá v roku 2014 skončila na 5. mieste na ME v Jerevane. Kvalifikačný proces na OH v lukostreľbe ešte nie je ukončený. Poslednú šancu budú mať pretekári na svetovej kvalifikácii, ktorá sa bude konať popri Svetovom pohári v Paríži 21.-27. júna. Zdroj SOŠV
    1 point
  50. Men's Football UEFA EURO 2021 Prediction Contest is now open Deadline is June 11th, 21:00 (GMT +2, CEST) @Henry_Leon, @Agger, @EupenM, @Ufilov, @IoNuTzZ, @Monzanator, @amen09, @MCMXC, @vlad, @titicow, @africaboy, @NikolaB, @ady48, @sami-eg, @Speedy, @crovitlaci, @Herberth10, @juliosilva, @hckosice, @LDOG, @Gianlu33, @rybak, @toulousain, @George_D, @Dolby, @rafalgorka, @varnoldr, @Giovanni Gianni Cattaneo, @PakoNatxo, @JOSE SEIJO, @Pablita, @Federer91, @tuniscof, @Hipooo, @Vojthas, @SteveParker, @Lund2, @OlympicsFan, @justony, @CiroMennella99, @heywoodu, @Crolympic, @Olympionikes, @Kirkpatrick, @Fly_like_a_don
    1 point
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