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  1. A lot of Olympic dreams are over - for now at least - after today's repechages Women's Pair & " Neutral" (NB the Croatian Pair had to withdraw due to illness) Lightweight Women's Double Sculls Women's Four Men's Four Men's Quadruple Sculls Women's Quadruple Sculls
    7 points
  2. W2- (11 places) - Romania, Chile, Netherlands, Australia, Greece, Spain, USA, UK, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Czech Republic. One country will miss this place. Germany is out!
    4 points
  3. nenad

    Varljivo leto 2023.

    Nije da nisam pisao da ljudi koji to pišu realno ne poznaju dovoljno košarku. Što naravno ne znači da je sad posle jedne ovakve pobede bezgrešan. Mi kao nacija mada nije generalno do nas nego je to stanje svuda rekao bih smo ili crni ili beli, ništa nema sivo ili neku nijansu da ima.. Gledao sam komentar na nekom od podcasta gde je lik napisao u komentaru da Bogdan nije za kapitena, Kari za selektora itd. Sve mi je jasno ali da Bogdan nije za kapitena, takvu glupost ne pročitah odavno, a to je bio jedan od onih najlajkovanijih komentara. Ovo danas je bila defanzivna klinika Pešića, sve ono što on želi od svoje šeme odbrane od pika je danas uspeo iako je Litvanija otvorila trojkama 5 od 5 i gde je Valančiunas pogodio ono što smo ga izazivali da pogodi, a to je ona prva trojka (što je koncepcijski rizik takvog načina odbrane od pika). Iskreno, mislio sam da ova grupa igrača ne može to da iznese na ovaj način, ali svaka im čast, jako je bilo malo propusta u odbrani a i u napadu kad smo počelik da igramo zrelije, sve je došlo na svoje mesto. Što se tiče polufinala, nama bi realno Slovenija bila mnogo lakši rival. Pogotovo što bi pobeda Slovenije nad Kanadom bila pobeda slabijeg tima nad dosta boljim, odnosno što bi za tu pobedu bio potreban neki scenario poput Litvanije protiv SAD, što nije održivo za ekipu takvog kvaliteta 2 utakmice zaredom protiv odličnih protivnika, što se pokazalo i danas na primeru Litvanije. Međutim, pošto pobeda znači kvotu, biram Kanadu svaki put, pa nek se pobijemo pošteno u petak. Iako bih rekao da su na toj utakmici šanse 65-35 za Kanadu. Kvota sa ovim sastavom tima bez obzira na žreb bi bila ogroman uspeh.
    3 points
  4. Whats with all those spam users and posts last days? Selling pills and stuff... Any way to prevent this?
    3 points
  5. This is proving fairly accurate. 11 of 12 semifinalists in the womens pair and all 12 in the women's lightweight double. Men's four was always going to be close between the boats in the b and c finals and in the men's quad well, I might have been a bit high on Ireland's brand new men's quad given how tricky a boat it is to row fast. They improved a lot from their heat in the rep so at least that is encouraging for next year for what is a very young boat.
    2 points
  6. The thing with three weeks is you could 'reuse' venues as well as the athletes village - especially for sports that are clearly 'connected' - I could imagine three weeks would allow a good even spread of wrestling freestyle, greco roman and judo, for example, or muay Thai, karate and taekwondo, reusing the same spaces again and again rather than new builds.
    2 points
  7. Although that was because having 1200 of the world's best players not being able to play embarrassed the IOC
    2 points
  8. My predictions for this season: AFC East: 1. Bills, 2. Jets, 3. Dolphins, 4. Patriots North: 1. Bengals, 2. Browns, 3. Steelers, 4. Ravens South: 1. Jaguars, 2. Colts, 3. Titans, 4. Texans West: 1. Chiefs, 2. Chargers, 3. Broncos, 4. Raiders NFC East: 1. Eagles, 2. Cowboys, 3. Giants, 4. Commanders North: 1. Vikings, 2. Lions, 3. Packers, 4. Bears South: 1. Saints, 2. Falcons, 3. Panthers, 4. Buccaneers West: 1. 49ers, 2. Seahawks, 3. Rams, 4. Cardinals
    2 points
  9. Report in "The Times" in London "Olympic chiefs are set to give cricket the go-ahead this week to be included as a new sport for the 2028 Games in Los Angeles. Olympic chiefs are set to give cricket the go-ahead this week to be included as a new sport for the 2028 Games in Los Angeles. The International Olympic Committee’s executive board is to decide on additional sports for the LA Games on Friday and sources say that men’s and women’s T20 cricket will be included. Any decision will need to be ratified by the IOC’s session in Mumbai, India, next month. Thomas Bach, the IOC’s president, is understood to be very keen to include cricket because of its appeal to the vast populations of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, which are traditionally not so engaged in Olympic sports as other parts of the world. An Olympic T20 tournament would be expected to attract enormous numbers of TV viewers. LA 2028 organisers (LA28) are understood to be willing to accommodate cricket in return for “flag football” — a non-contact version of American football where players are tackled by having Velcro tags removed — being included as well. Bach has been encouraging India to bid for the 2036 Olympics, which would be the first time it has hosted the Games, saying there is a “strong case” to take the multi-sport event there. Having cricket established as an Olympic sport would be a big boost towards that and would also be appropriate for the 2032 Games in Brisbane, Australia. It would also receive a positive reception in Mumbai during the IOC session on October 15-17. The ICC has agreed to some compromises — making the men’s and women’s tournaments run at different times and making them as short as possible with two matches a day. The format would be two groups of four teams, with the top two in each going through to the semi-finals. The IOC and LA28 are also understood to have reached a compromise over total athlete numbers which would allow more than the total of 10,500. Organisers have said the athletes’ village can operate inside its full capacity by spreading the schedule more, so that different sports take place at different times."
    2 points
  10. Squash is probably the single most obvious sport whose absence is nigh on inexplicable. It doesn't have the reach of tennis obviously, but is probably comparable to any other racket sport in terms of global interest - certainly 5 continents (Egypt, Pakistan, Britain, United States (or at least variants), Australia), venue is an easy relatively build, governing body will bend over backwards to get entry, top players want to be there. I genuinely wonder is there someone high up in the IOC who has a personal grudge against the sport - did so frat boy squash player flirt with Bach's wife or something. There are other sports I'd love to see more in the Games (and a few I'd bin), but it just seems such an obviously Olympic sport. I think Baseball can be justified, especially given it's the US, and leave cricket to 32 in Brisbane. I cannot for the life of me see a justification for flag football - and I say that as a lifelong NFL fan who liked Arena football. There simply is not the reach - it would be like putting Aussie Rules flag football, or Gaelic Football or Hurling or shinty nines in the thing - some sports are just very location specific, and the Olympics aren't the place for them.
    2 points
  11. Oops. Squash Positives - Relatively easy to host, really, really wants to be in the Olympics Negatives - Been trying to be included for decades. If not successful in the past then why now? The story seems to be that the LA organizers really want Baseball/Softball and Flag Football for local interest. The IOC want Breaking and Cricket to break into new markets. And they need to work out a compromise between the two.
    2 points
  12. Rowing World Championship 6 new quotas awarded on day 3 of the World Champs - 2 in PR1 W1x, 2 in PR2 Mix2x and 2 in PR3 Mix4+ PR1 Men's Single Sculls PR1 Women's Single Sculls PR2 Mixed Double Sculls PR3 Mixed Double Sculls PR3 Mixed Coxed Four Quotas
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Time trial today, let's see what the organization and TV direction manages to mess up today after forgetting to check the sunset time in Barcelona, randomly taking the times way before the finish in such a way the whole stage might as well be erased and the danger was not taken away anyway (and having no system in place for that, so asking spectators for videos so they can make a result), a weird final kilometer in Tarragona causing some crashes, missing basically an entire bunch sprint for the stage win, missing deciding attacks on the climbs, being stuck in 2005 with their late TV starts resulting in missing an epic echelon battle on Sunday and going live when everything has already calmed down, being stopped by some mud and so taking the times at 2050 meters (?) from the finish at some random gate in the middle of nowhere (but with a solitary lady with a notepad standing there, so a mess in recording the times is impossible!) and then messing up the travel to the time trial city resulting in riders arriving almost in the morning. Ah, La Vuelta I can already see some of this week's stages being cancelled because they end up not having permission to cross the French border or something
    2 points
  15. France will choose the -59kg and -81kg
    2 points
  16. @Bohemia @Benolympique and other French users. Did you make decision if France will host upcoming edition of TISC Open? We have reached another September and it would be good to know if you already thinking about something
    2 points
  17. My analysis. Baseball POSITIVES - One of the biggest sports in the host country, will require no new facilities, might attract big crowds live, A US Olympics might persuade MLB to allow players to compete NEGATIVES - Little interest outside a few parts of the world (North America, parts of Central and South America and East Asia), If MLB doesn't allow their players to go the Olympics then the competition will be the lowest quality of any Olympic sport. Will take a lot of quota places Flag Football POSITIVES - A variation of one of the biggest sports in the host country, will require no new facilities, might attract big crowds live. A US Olympics might persuade the NFL to allow players to compete NEGATIVES - Little interest outside the USA, the USA will win easily, unlike Rugby Sevens it's not established as a serious sport. Will take a lot of quota places Breaking - POSITIVES - Got to be in with the street culture, dude. It's quite fun to watch NEGATIVES - There is no subjective way of judging the "sport". Is it even a sport? Cricket POSITIVES - India is the last important country in the world where Olympic TV rights are undervalued. Mr.Bach likes Rupees. NEGATIVES - Will need new facilities. Cricket is only played well in about 25 countries around the world. Will take a lot of quota places Lacrosse POSITIVES - Popular in North America. Exciting to watch. NEGATIVES - Only a handful of countries are competitive. Will take a lot of quota places Karate and Kickboxing POSITIVES - Widespread competition around the world NEGATIVES - Too many similar combat sports in the Olympics. E-Karting POSITIVES - There must be some? NEGATIVES - Does motorsport belong in the Olympics anyway?
    2 points
  18. I watched it on didn't see your message in time silver medal for Madagascar you couldn't ask for a better start (I know this is a non-Olympic event but still )
    2 points
  19. It’s hard to understand for Cricket lovers how boring and incomprehensible Cricket is to most people. I say this as someone who enjoys Cricket.
    2 points
  20. I wanted to do this for the team sports, even if it's very early. I am excluding smaller versions of the same team sport (beach volley, 3x3 basket). First column is for the teams that are returning after Tokyo. Second column is for the teams that gained a quota. Third column is for the teams that qualified for Tokyo and currently don't have a quota. My aim with this is to track how each nation is doing in team sports compared to Tokyo. For now it mostly just shows the French dominance until we will get to the OQTs. Returning Tokyo2020 teams Gained quotas Lost quotas M Football (9/16) W Football (4/12) M Basketball (1/12) W Basketball (2/12) M Volleyball (1/12) W Volleyball (1/12) M Handball (2/12) W Handball (2/12) M Water polo (3/12) W Water polo (3/10) M Field hockey (1/12) W Field hockey (1/12) M Rugby (7/12) W Rugby (7/12) Baseball (-) Softball (-) 14 teams 4 teams 2 teams 1 team
    2 points
  21. Topicmaster1010


    Two National Age group records for Lorne Wigginton so far. Came 4th in the 400m Free in 3:49.05. Then won bronze in the 200 IM today in 1:59.44. Now the 3rd fastest Canadian of all time in both events. Can't wait to see what he does in the 400 IM.
    1 point
  22. I thought LA 2028 prefers baseball-softball, flag-football and maybe lacrosse because they are more popular than cricket in the USA. But if they take cricket than lacrosse that means additional sport concept works more from what the IOC wants than the home country.
    1 point
  23. They also reported Tokyo 2020 would be cancelled in early 2021. Their record on Olympics “exclusives” isn’t great. They might be right here (who knows), but I’ve been burned before by them.
    1 point
  24. Tham did really well, 172 kg total, 19th overall - easily top of the D group, beat out the bulk of the C group, and took several B group scalps.
    1 point
  25. If the ICC and BCCI play ball, cricket, once in, will go nowhere. Baseball was entirely scuppered by MLB in its routine lack of interest in growing the sport. There is no guarantee ICC or BCCI will playball, but it would be sensible if they did. The Olympics may very well be cricket's entry door to China and the US
    1 point
  26. Our canoeing federation received a letter, that we have obtained a quota in the women's K1 500 m. Don't know how that happened.
    1 point
  27. Well, if we qualify all four of our pairs and both singles, we still match our 10 quotas from last Olympics The quadruple men don't look that strong, wouldn't put my money on them at the Olympic qualifier tournament, but still surprised why we didn't attempt to enter the women's quadruple skulls, when we have a full team sitting this event out after successful World & European U23's
    1 point
  28. Sad da navijamo za Kanadu i SAD.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. @dodge this link is a live scoreboard, so, the results are on only while the action is taking place the full results will be published on the IWF website (and Wikipedia or a few other specialistic websites), but only taking their time...we have to wait by the way, the live action is free on the Olympic Channel in many Countries (I have no idea if is among them, you have to check by yourself)
    1 point
  31. thepharoah

    Tennis ITF US Open 2023

    3 quarterfinalists here back in 2013 in US also
    1 point
  32. The race is almost beyond parody at this point. It’s like the organizers took Tour De Pharmacy as an blueprint for success rather than a mockumentary
    1 point
  33. In Chess, Chinese have higher ratings than our top players. Charanjot Singh is one the top contenders in FIFA. China and South Korea regularly send teams for League of Legends and Dota2 World Championships
    1 point
  34. not really AFC's decision , Saudis own AFC, one day they decided to not come and AFC said yes Sir as you wish and after 7 years they got buddy buddy with the old enemy and changed their mind, AFC again said Yes Sir. but there is a funny story, Saudi clubs now have lots of very big names in their squads, of course fans love to watch them. Ronaldo's club is grouped with the most popular club here Persepolis. and while fans were happy to watch him and Mane and other guys. they found out Persepolis has to play its first AFC Champions League match behind the closed doors because their instagram account wrote something very very stupid about India two years ago. (that's a weird and unrelated punishment though) btw until last year teams were limited to have 3+1 foreign players in their squads. AFC CL this year is a completely different beast with lots of foreign players in each team. Good luck to our shitty clubs facing these super rich Saudi and Qatari teams
    1 point
  35. thepharoah

    Tennis ITF US Open 2023

    Ons Jabeur is also out , typical Women's Singles US Open draw where top seeds been eliminated earlier as it comes at the end of a very long season
    1 point
  36. Gabriela Gajanová ide do Paríža 2024, splnila ostrý limit na 800 m Osemstovkárka Gabriela Gajanová zužitkovala výbornú formu a na striebornom mítingu World Athletics Continental Tour (WACT) Gala dei Castelli vo švajčiarskej Bellinzone splnila ostrý limit (1:59,30) na olympijské hry 2024 v Paríži. Dvadsaťtriročná atlétka AK ZŤS Martin skončila v silnej konkurencii šiesta časom 1:58,78 min a až o 1,08 sekundy si zlepšila osobný rekord z mítingu Diamantovej ligy 9. 6. 2023 v Paríži. „Z dnešného výkonu mám naozaj veľkú radosť, bol to kvalitný a veľmi rýchly beh. Snažila som sa držať sa za hlavnou skupinkou a a záverečných metroch ešte zabojovať a dostať zo seba úplne všetko. Mám obrovská radosť, že z toho vzišiel takýto výkon. Úprimne: neočakávala som čas pod 1:59 min, o to viac sa teším. Som nesmierne vďačná za to, že to takto vyšlo, a že mám aj limit na olympijské hry,“ skonštatovala natešená rodáčka z Liptovského Mikuláša, ktorá už na OH štartovala v Tokiu 2021. Gajanová len o 41 stotín zaostala za slovenským rekordom 1:58,37 Gabriely Sedlákovej ešte z roku 1987 a o 27 stotín za najlepším časom Lucie Klocovej (1:58,51), ktorá je v slovenských historických tabuľkách na 800 m druhá. Zverenka švajčiarskeho kouča Louisa Heyera je po prekážkarke Viktórii Forster druhou slovenskou atlétkou s istotou štartu na budúcoročnej parížskej olympiáde. Liptáčka sa tretí raz v kariére dostala pod hranicu dvoch minút, okrem spomenutého parížskeho výkonu dosiahla ešte 1:59,92 min na Európskych hrách v Chorzówe 21. 6. 2023. Osemstovku v Bellinzone vyhrala Jamajčanka Natoya Gouleová-Topppinová (1:57,53) pred Addison Wileyovou z USA (1:57,64) a Švajčiarkou Audrey Werrovou (1:58,13), pred slovenskú bežkyňu sa dostali ešte Rénelle Lamoteová z Francúzska (1:58,42) a ďalšia Švajčiarka Lore Hoffmannová (1:58,73). Až 9 z 10 osemstovkárok v cieli pokorilo dvojminútovú hranicu. článok prevzatý z SOŠ
    1 point
  37. So a little update here. Gray got injured during Canada's SF, don't know what exactly happened, but not looking good with Olympic Qualifiers just a few weeks away. Anyways we NEED her to be competing, otherwise, we'll have no chance at qualifying for Paris through the OQT, also dropping some big World Ranking points (Most likely will lose against the stronger teams, and most likely will drop sets against mediocre opposition) along the way. As for results, we lost in 4 to the Dominican Republic and won in 4 against Cuba, but during both matches, they were far from their best. They also showed some signs of rust against Puerto Rico and Mexico, I was hoping they could shake off some of that rust as time went on, but they didn't. On a positive note, I know they can play much better. Really hope this team can book their ticket to Paris, they're so fun to watch. (This has to be one of my biggest qualification hopes, maybe behind our women's 3x3 team and our already qualified men's 5x5 team)
    1 point
  38. very, very good race by Ragaini, improving himself of almost 2 secs from the recent Junior Europeans even Bertoni looks back in the same shape of last year (almost) now we just have to get Galossi back and we have 3 very good freestylers born in 2006 that could ensure our future in a good range of races (200m to 1500m) bit disappointed with the men's 4*100m free relay...they were close to bronze and all the guys could have been a bit faster, looking at their PBs surprised to see a guy like Flyn Southam in the Aussie relay, since he's already attending the senior worlds ealier this Summer
    1 point
  39. sorry, Today I'm really frustrated for personal reasons and I'm getting really aggressive against anything I don't's just like "me vs the world" I know I shouldn't put my troubles on other people, but I have to throw them off somehow before it gets serious better going to sleep...maybe tomorrow is a better day (still, I won't start liking those things in any case but maybe I'm gonna keep it for myself)
    1 point
  40. Breaking is NOT a sport...there are no set competition rules, the winners are not clear to the audience and those who are proclamed as winners are never the true best in the game in that given day same for artistic swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline gymnastics, dressage, surf and skateboard LET'S GET RID OF THOSE ARTISTIC ENTERTAINING ACTIVITIES THAT HAVE NEVER TO DO WITH SPORT! ALTIUS, CITIUS, FORTIUS...if the final result is not measurable according to at least one of those 3 principles, it's not an a sport and it shouldn't be in the Olympic program
    1 point
  41. thepharoah

    Tennis ITF US Open 2023

    Keys sweeps Pegula
    1 point
  42. So? The Olympics could not create a single new cricket fan, but adding cricket to the Olympics would add a lot of new fans for the Olympics.
    1 point
  43. NL defeated Denmark 3-1, but what a terrible match.
    1 point
  44. Day 1 Results: Finals: Men's 400m Freestyle: 1. Petar Mitsin - 3:46.49 (OQT) 2. Alessandro Ragaini - 3:46.66 (new OQT) 3. Filippo Bertoni - 3:48.73 Women's 400m Individual Medley: 1. Leah Hayes - 4:36.84 (OQT, CR) 2. Ella Jansen - 4:37.35 (new OQT) 3. Julie Brousseau - 4:38.45 (new OQT) Men's 4x100m Freestyle Relay: 1. United States (Diehl, Williamson, Williams, Zhao) - 3:15.49 (WJR, CR) 2. Australia (Sommerville, da Silva, McAlpine, Southam) - 3:16.69 3. Canada (Senc-Samardzic, Dardis, Sauve, Norman) - 3:17.34 Women's 4x200m Freestyle Relay: 1. United States (Sauickie, Hayes, Bowen, Mintenko) - 7:52.48 2. Australia (Perkins, Casey, de Lutiis, Weber) - 7:52.68 3. Canada (Brousseau, Angove, Cosgrove, Jansen) - 7:53.09 Semifinals: Women's 50m Breaststroke: Jefimova, Wieruszowski, Lepage, Enge, Ruiz, Mati, Kato, Metsakonkola Men's 100m Backstroke: Knedla, Saravia, Zheltiakov, Diehl, Bacico, Robb, Norman, del Signore Men's 100m Breaststroke: Nguyen, Chen, Burnes, Kozhakhmetov, Okadome, Ruiz, Truter, Mantegazza Women's 100m Backstroke: O'Dell, Pelaez, Barclay, Anderson, Lloyd, Drakopoulos, Sasaki, Gorlier Medal Standings
    1 point
  45. defeated They also won vs (12th in WR) but lost to and
    1 point
  46. National record for Ulises Saravia in the 100 BK semis and #2 time to the finals I expect Diehl and and Knedla to battle for gold, but he has a good shot for bronze.
    1 point
  47. France is a complete mess without Ngapeth.
    1 point
  48. Scorebard_graphics (
    1 point
  49. vlad

    Tennis ITF US Open 2023

    Sorana Cirstea is on fire
    1 point
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