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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I swear I remember somethin about football and ghosts and them being allowed
  2. That's what I did in the first few years, but then it got harder and I hadn't really learned how to study, resulting in piss-poor notes on hellish stuff like maths (and by extension chemistry and physics, they don't tell you those are all basically just maths as well )
  3. Also, unbelievable so many bigger teams than this Terengganu keep contracting rider after rider of who you can already bet they'll perform less than someone like Reguigui, who would at least be good for some important points for a ProContinental team or something.
  4. His number of top-5 finishes without a significant win this year is getting incredible Surely he should win at least one stage in this race..
  5. As long as you don't use black magic in your weird fucking..
  6. Ik denk het wel, maar durf het echt niet met zekerheid te zeggen, vaag gedoe allemaal.
  7. Didn't Egypt have rules about not allowing the use of ghosts in football matches or something? @thepharoah
  8. I feel like a mod should move a couple of pages to another thread We all really suck at staying on topic and yes, I'm very much looking at you, guy in the mirror.
  9. And do you, like me, pretty much collapse as soon as the exam is over? I'm generally tired but fine during the exam, then in the train back home I have to pull out all stops just to stay awake
  10. Every single time after an exam, pass or fail, this is exactly what I promise myself. "But I did the same last time", I tell myself then. "No but this time it's for real!", I answer. And here we are again
  11. What do you guys do when studying for an exam, out of these two options? 1) The night before the exam, go to bed early enough to have an extra decent amount of sleep. 2) Sacrifice sleep in the night before the exam, and spend the extra time studying, with the drawback that you'll be tired come exam time. Option 3 ("Make sure you've got all the studying done in time so this dilemma is not necessary anymore") is not an option
  12. Ah yeah, the joys of an uncompetitive sport
  13. Two men who ran under 10 seconds of whom I'd never heard before, that's rare Ser-Od Bat-Ochir in the marathon, can't wait to see him start way too fast again And I know Samba's actual participation and, mostly, his form is a big question mark, but man am I ready for this
  14. Rare 10 million-year-old fossil unearths new view of human evolution New study of an ape-like pelvis suggests human ancestors might not have been built like modern African apes. This is pretty damn interesting.
  15. Especially this one is just truly shocking.
  16. Holy crap, when changing the minimum prison sentence for corruption from 4 to 2 years is by far the least bad of a given set of changes, you know the changes are truly godawfully sucking big time
  17. That profile seems to make it look much, much, much harder than it probably is Looks like a seriously hard mountain, but then you look and see the average gradient for the whole thing is like 3% At least Demare should still be there I think, not so sure about the two other main sprinters so it'll be interesting indeed
  18. That's fine for some not so important 1-star tournament, but an OQT..? That's just unfair..
  19. Just noticed it now, but what's up with this incredibly unfair thing of having a group of four pairs, but each team only playing against two other teams instead of all three other teams?
  20. It would actually not. Not much exciting about differences of 10+ minutes between positions in the GC.
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