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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. To be fair, if every continental event in all the sports and lots of national championships and entire World Cup seasons of nearly all Olympic sports are on your calendar, there really isn't going to be a time where you've got two weeks available for this If it was in March, it would be bad timing because of South German dressage championships, and in November because of the Abkhazian curling classics (nothing against you, it's the same for me, there is never an 'empty moment' except for basically two weekends a year when most winter sports are done and the summer things didn't really start yet and vice versa )
  2. Yeah, it's unfortunately the same in the World Cups. It's like they have a perfect system for races, but for trainings they use something entirely different which just doesn't work (for years already)
  3. Right, now I remember one of the flaws of this result system, for whatever reason they show training results (hopefully not actual race results later on) like this I mean....come on, just enter "Sort by 'Time'" somewhere
  4. Mentioning Daytona 24, but not the Daytona 500....ouch, man But yeah, in terms of time it's entirely logical, I just don't think there is such a wide interest in Youth Olympics as we on this forum - me definitely included - would like to believe
  5. Oh I didn't even mean that Schwarz and Vlhova obviously became leaders in the World Cup, but several of the other medalists are having nice World Cup careers as well. In 2016 that's a bit less the case, where River Radamus and Alione Danioth were all the hype, but Radamus never really lived up to that (but he's got a decent World Cup career going now) and Danioth just snowballed from bad luck to bad luck with, if I'm not mistaken, 6 (!) serious injuries in as many years..
  6. True, but being entirely's the Youth Olympics, even if they were in the middle of the European day I honestly doubt there'd be much more than a handful of viewers... We would watch it, obviously, but we on this forum really are nowhere near the 'normal' sports fan
  7. Always nice to look back at old junior/youth results That good old time, when skiing powerhouses like Morocco and the Netherlands won medals
  8. There is some ice hockey in the second half of the European morning! Skeleton isn't really early neither, after 9am European time. Curling is even later than that, the problem with that (for me) is that it's curling Men's ice hockey final even starts at midday European time. But yeah, in general it is incredibly focused on only half of the day. I remember the Pyeongchang Olympics were not much different, there were several days in which I was just playing a game for one or two hours during the Korean day, simply because nothing was going on.....(followed by like 4 finals at the same time, come on)
  9. That was excellent if I remember correctly, just remember to keep it open on a tab and do not accidentally refresh it during the day, because the only disadvantage is that they show the medal winners on the main page But other than that, this one is perfectly fine!
  10. Can't wait for that to be online. Especially since it's the central hub not only for results, start lists and whatnot, but also simply for the basically finalized schedules.
  11. Q-School is over, Darren Webster didn't make it and is somewhat angry (and being rather dumb). He doesn't even know the event he is playing in. "128 players in Germany (the EU Q-School event) and England" just isn't true: that's the number of players in the second stage in both events, for which certain players - including Webster - were automatically qualified. However, the rest of the players came from stage 1, which was Monday through Wednesday, and where the EU event had 150+ more players. In other words, EU event having more Tour Cards to distribute is....well, entirely logical. Even more....interesting: Webster would actually have made it if he had not played today. He lost out on leg difference, but today he won a match 6-4 and then lost 6-2, in other words, had he not played today, his leg difference would have been 2 legs better and that would have been enough.
  12. I honestly don't think it's a problem, it wouldn't be the first time he's this good months apart. Besides, peaking twice in a month or so...yeah, that's difficult, but half a year in between two peaks really shouldn't be a problem for professional athletes...
  13. The raw speed of Lavreysen is simply unequalled, damn
  14. Huh, I had to Google that to make sure you weren't joking
  15. Wow, De Laat almost manages to mess up even this absolutely massive lead in the last laps But, almost.
  16. Yeah, probably it's something with mixed feelings among athletes: for sure some will prefer Olympic gold, for sure some will prefer a Grand Slam, and I think a lot would say it's 50/50. Kind of like the Four Hill Tournament in ski jumping being an arguably more cherished prize than Olympic gold, but of course also there not every athlete will agree (same in road cycling, kind of). Best option is to just win both
  17. Josie Knight beating Franziska Brausse in the individual pursuit final by 0,003 seconds after an absolutely perfectly timed last half kilometer What a race!
  18. Sighel with the full sweep Only the second man in history to do so, after Sjinkie Knegt in 2018.
  19. Although would one really prefer the Olympic gold over a Grand Slam? (unless you've already got several Grand Slams of course) I honestly have no idea anymore who are the Tokyo Olympic champions
  20. Didn't know about this (or much about her outside of the court), so this post got me reading a little bit....damn, what a story, and what an absolute waste of oxygen scumbag for a father
  21. Yeah, we've been hearing the 'it is going to get hard now' line just as often as the 'the next title will be historic' line
  22. Sabalenka - Seidel is an excellent example of Eurosport's eternally unfortunate choice in having the absolute need to show every single 'top-5 athlete destroying lowly ranked athlete' match Double bagel incoming.
  23. Do they still do Game, Schett and Mats? Almost anything that replaces that would be good (although Kyrgios might indeed be an exception to that rule ), but I assume that will be kept for the coverage outside of the matches...?
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