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Everything posted by Agger

  1. The official target is 8-10 medals. I'm going for the middle saying 9. 2-4 of those will be gold.
  2. I've taken the first week off meaning that I'll be nocturnal 25th-1st (I'll be at a wedding on the 23rd. Guess I won't be able to catch everything on day one). Then I have to make it work out in the last week. However I still don't have a job meaning I'll be at home. Guess I can get some time for the Olympics there as well but won't be able to go full time Olympics fan
  3. I've only seen that they're asking people to stay away from the marathon and race walk an that the Opening will be more or less for the VIP's.
  4. [hide] Knockout Round - Semifinals June 26th - July 11th, 2021 4 Nations, Winners of each Semifinal will qualify for the Final Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +2, CEST) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 6th 2021, h. 21:00 Italy 3 1 Spain July 7th 2021, h. 21:00 Denmark 2 1 England [/hide]
  5. I'm starting to feel that maybe we should have selected Andreassen and not Fini for the Olympics!
  6. Though it does go both ways. Teams qualified directly got home advantage in all 3. Should mean that the stronger teams got it (except for somebody like France who didn't bid)
  7. But UEFA had said that nothing would happen to people with rainbow flags!
  8. Comparing the rainbow flag with the Nazi flag? Really? This is not the flag of a regime that killed millions (somehow that's even legal many ways with the Soviet Union or other hammer and sickle flags). It's a struggle for equal rights!
  9. There's nothing islamophobic about calling Azerbaijan a dictatorship and supporting LGBT+ rights there or in any other Muslim countries. I am however very aware that it's the money talking, not any considerations to whether people have rights in the countries!
  10. It's stupidity to enter the field no matter why. But UEFA's actions on the subject have been horrible!
  11. Whooo. Vaccine booked for the 19th! Could have been already in a week but didn't work out with my plans.
  12. Stewards claiming that he was drunk. People around him (including from the Danish FA) saying otherwise. UEFA once again going against what they say! Disgusting!
  13. One single positive thing here was that Hendy finally got his national team goal. England winning the Euro would make me even more frustrated than about Portugal 5 years ago!
  14. Considering that England haven't won the Euro it has to be to one of the other teams?
  15. Trying to get tickets for one of the big screen events but the site keeps crashing. Everybody's in for this!
  16. Have you seen the English team? We certainly have a chance (but let Ukraine have a shot first )
  17. Kuipers not quite as good as the rest of the tournament. A few wrong calls.
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