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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Watching the scenes from Copenhagen really makes me sad that I'm here in self isolation and not there (had planned to give it a go getting a ticket)
  2. Ide Schelling in the break for the 3rd day in a row, Is he going for every stage?
  3. - in the quarter final. Who would have called that?
  4. Just started to feel happy about spectators before we had our first crash caused by it!
  5. The Hungarian government has found another way to spend EU money (I guess). Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten had this ad today: Any other countries seeing this?
  6. [hide] Knockout Round - Round of 16 June 26th - July 11th, 2021 16 Nations, Winners of each Round of 16-matches will qualify for the Quartfinals Round of 16 Date & Time (GMT +2, CEST) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 June 26th 2021, h. 18:00 Wales 1 Denmark June 26th 2021, h. 21:00 Italy 2 Austria June 27th 2021, h. 18:00 Netherlands 1 Czech Republic June 27th 2021, h. 21:00 Belgium 1 Portugal June 28th 2021, h. 18:00 Croatia 2 Spain June 28th 2021, h. 21:00 France 2 Switzerland June 29th 2021, h. 18:00 England 1 Germany June 29th 2021, h. 21:00 Sweden 1 Ukraine [/hide]
  7. Sara Slott Petersen and Jonas Warrer will be carrying the Danish flag
  8. Everybody isn't impressed. Here's Annimari Korte telling that 30 km/h is her speed when passing the hurdles: (and to Swedish newspaper Expressen she claims that 13-year old girls can reach that top speed)
  9. That number was just upped to about 4000... Awesome!
  10. More losses than gains. Andreas Schilling and Annika Langvad retired and it feels like Fuglsang isn't quite at the same level as last year (though I will not count him out of the medals). Andreas Bube would have had a better shot at qualifying last year I believe. Meanwhile athletics more generally gained. Don't think the men's relay would have had much chance and it would have been tougher for the women as well just like both our steeplechase runners have a better chance this year having both struggled with injuries last year.
  11. Seems like the match in Amsterdam will still have som Danish fans. About 2.000-2.500 are expected. There won't be much time to celebrate though as they have to leave more or less at once as they will be using the 12 hour window.
  12. I would pick Sara Slott and Lasse Norman Hansen. Sara made history in Rio and has been a great a ambassador for athletics and Lasse has medals from the last 2 games and will become historical if he takes 2 this time (which certainly isn't impossible)
  13. But Hungary did sign the Copenhagen Criteria and have done troubling things on both human rights and democracy (especially press freedom). The main reason that Hungary haven't been punished is Poland standing in the way, just like Hungary have been helping Poland.
  14. Sweden has already officially selected them!
  15. I happily admit that I've never played golf but I have watched quite a few tournaments throughout time and I live with a former golfer. I do not see the things that he does but I would say that I have a decent understanding of the game. Once again, among the 5 lowest ranked players going to Tokyo (at the moment) 1 has a PGA Tour Card, 2 have European Tour cards, 1 is ranked high enough on the Korn Ferry Tour to get a PGA Tour Card and one is doing well enough on the Challenge Tour to get a card for the European Tour. Sure there are some Asia Tour players in there as well but these would be the first to go! I know there are mixed feelings about the Olympics in the golf world (among both players and fans) but talking about a "mickey mouse tournament" and players being lucky to break 80? That's pretty damn low! I haven't looked at the course yet but in Rio there was ONE single round at 80 in the men's tournament in Rio. Almost all others were 77 or below. Rodolfo Cazaubón who was the 2nd lowest ranked player in 2016 had two 70-rounds. You suddenly think this will be that much tougher? Yes, there's a long way from 292 to top 60 but one of the beautiful things about golf is that even the low ranked players can have a great round (or more). The fact that you're even mentioning Finland makes the whole statement seem so much more wrong considering the level of the two finnish players.
  16. We have less new cases (per million) than five of the safe countries within the EU.
  17. I believe Danes have to quarantine for 10 days. That's at least what others are saying.
  18. @heywoodu can the Netherlands please lighten the restrictions for Danish fans to go?
  19. Watched the match at a big screen event at the local stadium (6 screens for about 6.500 spectators). Almost felt as if we had won the tournament! What a match, what an atmosphere and what a feeling for our team!
  20. For the first time ever a Swedish Prime Minister has lost a vote of no confidence. The Social Democratic prime minister, Stefan Löfven, now has a week to resign or call for a new election, The strange thing is that the proces started by his resignation may very well lead to Löfven as prime minister again!
  21. It is common decency to respect people no matter their race, religion, sexuality, political views (etc.) as long as they don't work towards taking away other people's rights. Politics is central in sports. As sad as it may be there is no changing that. Using sports for soft power wasn't left in the 30s, it's still used. Meanwhile it's also a stage for homophobia and sexism. We even still hear homophobic shouts on Danish football stadiums. That does make some homosexuals feel uneasy about going to sports (and some women feel the same). That's a problem that's more important than sports!
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