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Totallympics Superstar
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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Dovbyk? Really? Who would have thought when he played in Denmark?
  2. 2 heavy shots to the head. This is where we could really use that extra substitution.
  3. I'm not questioning that it's a red, just mentioning that a still photo should not be used. Just ask the refs and experts.
  4. The ball was nowhere near? He hit the damn ball in the same movement...
  5. Come on. No doubt that it's a red card but attack? He went for the ball, but it a very irresponsible way!
  6. I expect Tazana Kamanga-Dyrbak to be in the Danish 4x100m relay if he's fit. Sweden have swimmer Robin Hanson
  7. If I wasn't enough for Germany already the fools booing did it for me!
  8. The GC riders getting in the way of the sprinter teams. Will Van Moer make it?
  9. But who will? Nobody have been constantly strong in both offense and defence.
  10. Yesterday was a bit meh, but today the tournament really woke up again!
  11. Wouldn't be surprised if we aren't (and wouldn't mind staying at 5)
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