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Everything posted by Agger

  1. I wonder when's the last time Asgreen got overtaken in a TT?
  2. Man I'm pissed that I picked Van Aert and swapped Roglic
  3. The amount of Intermediate points is almost at winter sports standards!
  4. Terribly disappointing Games for Swedish judo!
  5. Men's pair in the final! Fantastic race!
  6. I wonder, how may riders will overtake Ali Zada?
  7. Any idea about the schedule tomorrow, @dcro. I have to go get a PCR test tomorrow and the afternoon feels like the least bad time but I don't want to miss the top riders. I guess it's not official before tomorrow's vet check, but just wanted to get an idea when I can expect the top 10
  8. Making herself a medal candidate in the individual?
  9. Never had I thought I would be this nervous during dressage!
  10. So nice of Hosszu to not start in the butterfly. Now nobody will be sad about being the one swimmer missing the semi final!
  11. If the last scores are equal to the qualification will take bronze with 10 pts. This could be very close!
  12. Oh yeah. That fantastic start for Jonas!
  13. Danish commentators say that it's to make it more comparable. Don't know if I agree, though.
  14. So happy for Neff. And what a race by Vas. What a talent! Also very happy about the Danish results
  15. Well fought by Lærke but as expected not much of a chance.
  16. A nice welcome to the new medalist at the shooter's hotel
  17. Stealing 2 gold medals from Denmark is not the stuff of legends! Just Kidding. Absolutely agree. 3 Olympic and 4 Worlds golds in such a sport of detail is amazing!
  18. First Danish medal in what is almost a copy of 2012 (First Danish medal was a silver in skeet with Hancock as winner)!
  19. Yeah. But they stopped counting the two at +6 while the other 3 were at +5. But yeah, the fact that they didn't move them up was a bit strange!
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