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Posts posted by LDOG

  1. Just now, Grassmarket said:

     Leftist voting tendency = 

    Poor, isolated regions. :rolleyes:

    In latin america at least it's 100% like that.   


    Those are hard facts, then some people will explain it saying "it's because they are ignorant and dependant on social welfare" while others will say "because only leftist policians care about them". You decide your interpretation.

  2. An additional problem besides traveling costs was that many windows clashed with decisive stages of european leagues which made many teams play some pro league games with B/C squads.  


    If you check the schedule for this year it's all compressed in November-February (when many european leagues do a long winter stop) and then straight to June when all european leagues are over.  

  3. Tbf with team sports, it's only volleyball and water polo that have that problem, the rest are perfectly fine as they are (in the sense that all have at least one competitive enough team per continent). 


    Women's football tournament is still not ideally shaped but since football is such a popular sport and women's game is evolving fast I'm sure even the most uncompetitive confederations will improve drastically in the next few cycles. 

  4. 3 hours ago, hckošice said:

    now, this is plain stupid. :crazy:

    I read the PR statement from this group of people and it seems their request centers around the anti-government interference rule that FIFA has, which is a fair reason but in practice FIFA has been notoriously inconsistent at enforcing in the past, turning a blind eye to several cases.

  5. Llegamos a las 200 medallas? Apuestas? :d


    Vamos 185.  


    Ya tenemos aseguradas 7 mañana: 2 en waterpolo, 2 en Squash, 1 en Tenis, 1 en beach voley, 1 en handball.


    Faltarian 8. Va a haber competidores en: 

    - Un bronce de beach voley.



    - dos chicas en 3000m obstáculos.

    - Salto con garrocha masculino. 

    - 800m masculino.

    - 800m femenino.

    - maratón masculino.

    - Disco masculino.



    - Keirin masculino (dos ciclistas tenemos). 

    - Madison femenino. 

    - Madison masculino. 



    Viendo marcas es improbable que se consiga medalla en 800m y en el disco. Y en el ciclismo no tengo idea del nivel de nuestro Madison femenino (pero supongo debe ser muy pobre). 


    Yo creo que nos vamos a quedar a una o dos de las 200. 



  6. 22 hours ago, LDOG said:

    Well, 10 golds in a day is great despite one or two screw ups. 


    I'd guess we should win between 5 and 10 more in the last 3 days. There seem to be a lot that will be 50/50 chances, though I have no idea of our level in things like Bochas and Squash (it looks like there was good performance in both today).


    Ok, it looks like my prediction will fall short. 6 golds today. I didn't expect this many golds in athletics after years of very poor performances.

  7. 2 hours ago, bestmen said:

    The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that condemns #Russia's "illegal so-called referendums" in regions within #Ukraine's internationally-recognized borders, and demands it reverses its annexation declaration.

    In favour: 143

    Against: 5

    Abstentions: 35






    7 months have passed and it looks like Venezuela still hasn't paid the debt fee to the UN in order to be allowed to vote again :p

  8. Well, 10 golds in a day is great despite one or two screw ups. 


    I'd guess we should win between 5 and 10 more in the last 3 days. There seem to be a lot that will be 50/50 chances, though I have no idea of our level in things like Bochas and Squash (it looks like there was good performance in both today).

  9. 53 minutes ago, JoshMartini007 said:

    Any chances for :SUR ? I'm not seeing it unless they can luck out in wrestling?

    Jair Tjon En Fa is not here I guess? He would be a clear medal chance in cycling.


    Edit: of course he's not here, track cycling World Championship going on right now...

  10. 2 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    I don’t follow international handball too much outside of various multi-sports games, but the women’s side in South America seems pretty open behind Brazil. :ARG:CHI:PAR:URU all registered relatively close results in games against each other, or at least there didn’t seem to be a more dominant side following Brazil. Any thoughts/analysis from our South American users, or those more knowledgeable on handball? Trying to figure out if :PAR getting the Pan Am quota is a surprise.

    We're playing with a B team (no players from european clubs).


    CHI/PAR/URU are all around the same level. They seem to beat each other alternatively all the time. 

  11. 54 minutes ago, mrv86 said:

    Wow :BRA 54-1 :BOL in women’s handball

    With Argentina it was 48-1.

    I watched a bit of it, even caught their only goal.


    They remind me when I played youth school handball and once we had to play a team from upper category who had all +1.85m guys, we lost like 30-1 and I scored the only goal. Never been prouder of myself in sport  :p 

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