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Posts posted by LDOG

  1. Estamos jodidos por los próximos 8 años deportivamente. 


    Sin presupuesto, sin insumos necesarios para muchos deportes por las importaciones, con las instalaciones del parque Roca ahí oxidandose, todos los yog 18 alejados del deporte, salís de los deportes colectivos y ves que no emerge nadie que pinte que pueda estar ni cerca de ser una estrella mundial, dirigentes que no se les cae una idea al mando de casi todas las federaciones....


  2. No se si hubo muchos retiros o qué pero no conozco a la mitad de las jugadoras del equipo de handball. 




    Por otro lado, no se si vieron tyc sports hoy pero el técnico del equipo esgrima sable le pegó a los dirigentes en la entrevista con Bonadeo. Dijo que el presupuesto no les alcanza ya ni para ir a una misera copa del mundo y que hasta Brasil (que en sable es menos que Argentina) puede viajar. Además varios de la esgrima ya directamente se fueron a vivir afuera. 




    Justamente estoy notando eso en muchos deportes, se van todos afuera. Y ni siquiera en los deportes más amateur.... las ligas de voley y básquet son la desolación total. Hockey que antes aún jugaba la gran mayoría en el país ahora todos y todas en Europa.


    No se en cuánto está hoy pero me juego que la beca del enard no debe alcanzar ni para pagarte un alquiler de un tres ambientes.

  3. 11 minutes ago, phelps said:

    I don't think so...


    Tsunoda is a great player, Scutto is the future...and a couple of big names (Tonaki included) had a bad day, which made the bottom half of the draw look "easy" for people who normally don't make the podium in the global events.


    But the overall level wasn't cheap at all. ;)


    p.s. the fact that some medals weren't easily predictable is only a plus for the sport, it shows that also the stars of the game can lose against mid-ranking players if they are not at 100% (or don't take them too seriously).


    There are always two strong japanese in 48kg and I don't doubt your opinion about the italian but compare that to the depth of the previous olympic cycle.... 


    I mean, Menz taking a silver? The chilean making it to a medal match? 

  4. 3 minutes ago, konig said:

    Agree but the polls shows a big diference for Lula and at least, at the moment, that doesnt happen, tipical for Latin America.


    Only latin america? Exactly the same happened with Trump last time. Even though he lost he got better numbers than polls anticipated.  


    Some people are just ashamed to openly admit they vote for this type of politicians.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Wanderer said:

    What is the point of having same teams playing in QF as they played in main round? :wacko: Can't FIVB for once make a reasonable format? At this rate I am gonna miss the third round final six lol

    Because it's played in 2 countries a thousand km apart all the way to semis and they want to minimize the number of teams traveling in the final stages. 

  6. 45 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    It's not often one sees Bach making a statement that makes at least sort of sense.


    lol it would be preferable to just keep them all banned instead of this PR bullshit. 


    They wouldn't dare to condition chinese athletes participation on them stating opposition to the CCP ethnic cleansing. Or athletes from certain islamic countries if they support jailing/killing gay people. (Of course not since China and oil states bring in much more money than Russia)


    Just keep all the russians banned, don't turn IOC into thought police. 


  7. 17 minutes ago, phelps said:


    we still have a lot of guys practicing the sport, but our population is basically average sized, so we have a lot of good rowers in the lightweight classes, but we lack people in the senior ranks (and often we use lightweights also in the senior boats

    You have 38K rowers and 236 clubs.


    For comparison, Canada has 12K rowers and New Zealand 3K. 


    How I know this? I watched some rowing seminar on yt once for no reason :lol: btw we and Chile have around 800 rowers and Uruguay 300.

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