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Injured athletes who will miss Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024


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7 hours ago, Federer91 said:

The "good" news for Bulgaria continue, as our only quota in Canoeing, Yoana Georgieva is with stopped competing rights. :rolleyes:


She hadn't been found in December for a doping test, when she has allegedly been at University. Afterwards she has been tested 8 times, all of which negative, but nevertheless she is not allowed to compete or train currently. A hearing will be scheduled, but the chances everything is sorted out in time don't look good imo.

What will happen with her quota?

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:CAN Khamica Bingham (athletics)


2nd best women’s 100m runner in Canada, would’ve been a massive boost to our 4x100m relay (not in terms of medals, but maybe making the final)

@Topicmaster1010 @james89 @Surlympics @intoronto @NearPup

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Canadian track and field athletes who competed in Tokyo but will miss Paris due to an injury


- Khamica Bingham

- Geneviève Lalonde

- Georgia Ellenwood

- Justyn Knight 

- Trevor Hofbauer

- Julie-Anne Staehli

- Andrea Seccafien  


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2023 World Discus Champion Laulauga Tausaga is OUT, not getting a valid mark at the qualification round at US Trials


2021 Olympic Champion Athing Mu also OUT, crashing and falling during the race, she was making her season debut at trials but tragedy hit her



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2 hours ago, Braulio said:

2023 World Discus Champion Laulauga Tausaga is OUT, not getting a valid mark at the qualification round at US Trials


2021 Olympic Champion Athing Mu also OUT, crashing and falling during the race, she was making her season debut at trials but tragedy hit her





Can i say that trials are a stupid way of selecting? A little flu is enough for throw away a carreer. Much better first two qualified by trials, and one choice.

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2 hours ago, dodge said:

It’s cruel for sure, but there’s too many good US athletes for most events and there will always be accusations of bias if they do it any other way 

My strong understanding is that the death match 3-and-done US policy is directly a result of trying to avoid litigation - a real fear that a disgruntled athlete in third could grind everything to a halt simply by picking a 'friendly' court - there's a Jarndyce v Jarndyce quality to US litigation, and the time frames are of course dreadful.

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1 hour ago, Notredame said:

Athing Mu (800 athletics-olympic champions) didn't qualify at Trials. She's out

A seismic shock in this event, and heartbreaking for real athletics fans, robbing us of arguably the race of the meet.


From a GBR perspective, however sad, this HUGELY increases Hodgknson's chances of gold and Reekie's chances of a medal. It's not just that a main rival is gone - it's that the whole event has just become tactically much, much simpler for her. Bizzarelly, I think this is probably a blow to Moraa's chances - she profits from the Mu-Hodgkinson stand-off. If she can muck about with Keely's rhythm, she still has a very good chance of gold - but no Mu makes that much harder to do.


Intriguing, but also dreadfully disappointing.

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    • But actually we can, going back to the crusades, to the Jewish exile from the land of Israel.    To Moses who walked the sinai desert for 40 years to get into israel.   To all the stories in the Bible about israel.  And even Jesus who was born a jew in Bethlehem and lived in Nazareth.  All places you can see to date.   The only way you would argue that there is no historic proof that israel is out land is if you are simply and atheist and dont believe anything in the Bible.   
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