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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020

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Since people love side competitions, I’m happy announce the US is winning the US Cup (where only the US eligible). A highly successful day for us.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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1 minute ago, Vic Liu said:

I have a big hug and thank you to @Henry_Leon and Italy:ITA. We are into provisional top5 now.

Grazie Italia~~~


I'm the only one that not voted :CHN  :whistle:

But was a nice song !!!

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Czechoslovak Trophy after 3rd Session


:SVK 51

:CZE #whyevenbother



Pan-Slavic Championship


:POL 83

:UKR 60

:CRO and :SLO57

:SVK 51

:BUL 45

:SRB 37



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9 minutes ago, Wanderer said:

@Griff88 handing out money to everyone today like there' no tomorrow except to me :cry: 




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7 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

Since people love side competitions, I’m happy announce the US is winning the US Cup (where only the US eligible). A highly successful day for us.


I am still waiting to see if you will represent :ISV:NMI:GUM or :ASA. :coffee:


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Thanks @Vic Liu:CHN

This is incredible to score another 12


To me it seems as if either I get nothing at all or 10 to 12, nothing in between, so crazy 


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What impressed about Italy is that both China and Israel received medals from 3 jurors! :yikes:


Spain got 11+11+7 (because of course).


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File:Dr. Strangelove.png

A secret list from former committee leader Agger has been leaked!



Following long speculations about the plans of former Danish delegate president and committee leader we have made a major breakthrough.

An anonymous jury member received a list of countries to vote for. Payment for doing so is supposed to be sent in form of gift certificates for Danish restaurants and webshops. Is this a master plan to help Danish bussiness?

Several jurors states that they haven't received any mails, but it is hard not to suspect something.

Whether this has been an actual attempt to rig the contest or just a cry for attention from @Agger is unknown. We can however see that the current leading contry, Canada, is listed. This cannot be considered enough proof of a rigged competitions, especially as other contenders aren't listed. This could be a part of a diversion, but who knows? We will try to get a comment from the veteran after the end of the contest, but we highly doubt that he will admit to anything.


black flag GIF



image.png NEW ZEALAND 12
image.png SLOVENIA 11
image.png LITHUANIA 10


image.png UNITED STATES 8
image.png PORTUGAL 7
image.png MALTA 6
image.png SWEDEN 5
image.png CANADA 4
image.png SPAIN 2
image.png NORWAY 1


The real committee sends their regards!


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@justony You probably clicked on the wrong button and I have received a "report" with your message I think :d


If you need it, you can find it here:


Zdravo, izgleda, da češ ti poslati naše glasove. Žao mi je, pošto ne  možem poslati glasove.


Molim te, da napišeš sljedeče:


Zdravo,  vesel sem da nas je še vedno tako veliko, ki sodeluje pri tako lepem festivalu. Hvala vsem, ki v tako težkih časih sodelujete pri takšnem dogodku.


Hello, greetings to all, who contribute to this lovely festival, no matter what those days brings to us.


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