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  1. Love
    heywoodu reacted to Bearas in Medalists at London 2012 not Qualified for Rio 2016   
    Aleksandr Kazakevič - Men's Greco-Roman wrestling.
  2. Love
    heywoodu reacted to DaniSRB in Medalists at London 2012 not Qualified for Rio 2016   
    Maider Unda
  3. Love
    heywoodu reacted to MantaRaymarc in Medalists at London 2012 not Qualified for Rio 2016   
    Men's Greco-Roman wrestling medalists at London 2012 who will not compete in Rio 2016
     Revaz Lashkhi
     Péter Módos
     Aleksandr Kazakevič
     Daniyal Gadzhiyev
  4. Love
    heywoodu reacted to MHSN in Wrestling Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    I'm quite sure Saudi Arabia, Syria and most probably Lebanon, Iraq and few more countries don't let their athletes compete against Israel, you never saw it happen because they are not that good to compete outside of Asia. I think in countries like Jordan it depends on athlete himself, they don't force athletes to withdraw or compete.
    I said it before, even if you qualify, NOC has to confirm the quota , so it doesn't happen unless he gets permission for that.
    about media react I can guess such headlines "Sourian sacrifices his chance to defend the people of Palestine" what you said will be written in Persian media "outside of Iran" while inside Iran, you should know media are not completely free. there are few "red lines" for them and Israel is one of them. btw they usually don't even use the word "Israel" but the "Zionist Regime"
  5. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from intoronto in Summer Paralympic Games 2016 Qualification   
    Have some patience
  6. Love
    heywoodu reacted to OlympicsFan in Medalists at London 2012 not Qualified for Rio 2016   
    Slamom canoeing:
    Tasiadis and Aigner are qualified.
    Track cycling:
    Förstemann is 99,999% out. Levy has something like a 60% chance to qualify in my opinion. Germany is allowed to send 3 athletes in mens team sprint and those athletes will be allowed to compete in Keirin/Sprint. Levy wasnt part of our mens team sprint squad at the last world championships, so he has to "do something special" to become part of the team, in my opinion he will do it. Enders and Eilers should be safe, but Niederlag was very disappointing at the world championships and Levy reached the final in mens keirin. Levy will qualify 100% if our team sprint squad will be faster with him, otherwise the question will be: Do we want to give away a medal chance in mens team sprint (by including Levy) for getting a medal chance in mens keirin, in my opinion the answer in this case should be no.
    Langehanenberg is out, because she sold her best horse and now she isnt competitive anymore.
    Other german medal winners who might/will miss Rio:
    Kurt Kuschela (gold in mens C2 1000 m) is 100% out, he ended his career, the same is true for Brink/Reckermann (gold in mens beach volleyball), Ole Bischof (silver in mens -81kg judo), Judith Arndt (silver in womens road cycling time trial), Thomas Lurz (silver in mens open water swimming), Katrin Wagner-Augustin/Carolin Leonhardt (silver in womens K4 500 m), Andreas Tölzer (bronze in mens +100kg judo), Hollstein/Ihle (mens K2 1000m), Helena Fromm (womens -67kg taekwondo).
    Britta Heidemann (silver in womens epee) is 100% out, she missed qualification.
    Kerstin Thiele (silver in womens -70 kg judo) is 100% out. She got pregnant last year and therefore couldnt collect enough points to qualify. She competed in womens -78kg weight category recently and probably wouldnt have qualified anyway, because Luise Malzahn is much better (7th in world ranking) in the same weight category.
    Lilli Schwarzkopf (silver in womens heptathlon) also might miss Rio. I think Rath and Schäfer are clearly better than her, she probably has to fight with Öser for the last spot, the same might be true for Christina Obergföll/Linda Stahl. Stahl, Obergföll, Molitor and Hussong are all pretty much at the same level, but there are only 3 spots.
    Björn Otto (silver in mens pole vault) didnt officially retire until now, but i think he wouldnt have a chance to qualify anyway.
    Dimitri Peters (bronze in mens -100kg judo) probably will miss Rio. He is 6th in world ranking, but Frey is 3rd in the same weight category and more than 200 points ahead of Peters.
    There will also be some medallists in mens hockey, rowing and mens foil fencing who will miss Rio.
    I think you didnt want to include retired/team athletes into your list, but you could add Thiele (100% out), Schwarzkopf/Obergföll/Stahl (if they miss qualification), and Otto/Peters (who are very likely to miss Rio).

    (All german medallists from 2012 olympic games)
  7. Love
    heywoodu reacted to JoshMartini007 in Weightlifting 2016 Discussion Thread   
    I don't blame UAE for using that strategy. Any other nation could have sent athletes in those weight categories too. It's a product of the qualification system. At least they have a half decent athlete in the -58kg.
    We saw something similar at the 2012 Olympics in the women's -63kg. There were so few athletes that a bunch of -58kg women went up a weightclass just so they can say they finished with a higher rank.
  8. Love
    heywoodu reacted to Federer91 in Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games 2016 News

  9. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from thiago_simoes in Brazil National Thread   
    For the Brazilian's over here, I've written a season review and next season preview for the biathletes (Bruna and Gabi mostly), so if you're interested, here it is  (it turned out to be quite a long story, so I've placed it in a spoiler)
  10. Love
    heywoodu reacted to dcro in Swimming Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    You just insulted a Bhutanese archer.

  11. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from Pavlo in Athletics Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    The situation is not straightforward at all. It's unfair for her to ban her, but it's quite unfair for the others to be competing against someone who is genetically between men and women. 
  12. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from Wanderer in Supporting Small and Exotic Nations at the Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    For many years during every Olympics we have a special thread on the main Dutch forum. In this thread, people choose one small or exotic nation and introduce them to the rest, support them during the Olympics and keep people updated on how they're doing. This way the small nations don't go through the Olympics without any kind of attention and we learn more about the lesser-known nations and athletes
    It's a bit hard to give exact criteria of which nations are eligible, obviously powerhouses like the USA, China, Russia etc are not. For starters, let's make these criteria:
    - Countries with more than 50 athletes in Rio are not eligible
    - Countries that reached the top-30 of the 2008 or 2012 Olympics are not eligible
    - Countries with a big medal favourite are "reserves", when all or most other countries are taken (for example Grenada with Kirani James or Fiji with their rugby team, if they even stay under 50 athletes which doesn't seem likely anyway)
    Many nations that have a bit more than 50 athletes or that have one or two medal candidates are up for debate of course. Imagine a user from Grenada here, he or she would be more than welcome to take Grenada even though they have a big medal favourite. Same thing goes if you have specific personal reasons for a certain country (apart from the obvious countries, those are just off-limits for this).
    Feel free to share your opinion on this or, in case you already like it, simply choose a nation  
    Nation List
     Andorra - Jur (1st choice)  Angola - JoshMartini007 (1st choice)   Bahamas - tuniscof (2nd choice)  Bangladesh - Benolympique (1st choice)  Belize - mrv86 (1st choice)  Bhutan - heywoodu  Burundi - KhanBeaver  Comores - bestmen (1st choice)  Cook Islands - Wanderer (1st choice)  Costa Rica - Agger  Cote d'Ivoire - OlympicIRL (1st choice)  DR Congo - amen09 (2nd choice)  Ecuador - hckosice (1st choice)  Eritrea - rybak (2nd choice)  Gabon - IoNuTzZ (3rd choice)  Guam - Jur (2nd choice)  Guatemala - amen09 (3rd choice)  Guinea-Bissau - vinipereira  Honduras - Henry_Leon (2nd choice)   Iceland - OIympicIRL (3rd choice)  Kiribati - africaboy (2nd choice)  Kosovo - tuniscof (1st choice)  Laos - Griff88 (1st choice)  Lebanon - carivan   Liechtenstein - dcro (3rd choice)   Luxembourg - IoNuTzZ (1st choice)  Maldives - bestmen (2nd choice)  Mauritania - Gianlu33  Mauritius - OlympicIRL (2nd choice)  Micronesia - ahjfcshfghb   Nauru - Crolympic  Nepal - Wanderer (3rd choice)   Nicaragua - hckosice (2nd choice)  Oman - mrv86 (3rd choice)  Palau - dcro (1st choice)  Palestine - Malik (1st choice)  Panama - Henry_Leon (1st choice)  Papoa New Guinea - tuniscof (3rd choice)  Paraguay - Pabloffo   Rwanda - uk12points  Saint Kitts and Nevis - IoNuTzZ (2nd choice)  Saint Lucia - ofan  Samoa - africaboy (1st choice)  San Marino - Pavlo (1st choice)  Sao Tome and Principe - mrv86 (2nd choice)  Senegal - amen09 (1st choice)  Seychelles - Wanderer (2nd choice)  Somalia - rybak (3rd choice)   Timor-Leste - Griff88 (2nd choice)  Tonga - Jur (3rd choice)   Turkmenistan - LDOG  Tuvalu - rybak (1st choice)  Zimbabwe - dcro (2nd choice)  
    - Countries that have "1st choice" behind the username are not available anymore, just like countries that only have the username without "xx choice". Countries with "2nd choice" or "3rd choice" are still available to pick up as your first choice. 
  13. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from intoronto in Athletics Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    "Morning honey, that was great last night. Ooooh waaaait a minute..... " 
  14. Love
    heywoodu reacted to JoshMartini007 in Taekwondo Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    Anyone want to give predictions on which nations will win the four tripartite events? They are the men's -68kg, men's -80, women's -67kg and women's +67kg.
    Here's a list of eligible nations which competed at one of the qualifying events and have not qualified in taekwondo in a different event (note this is not a requirement, but it is likely the spots will go to one of these nations).
    Men's -68kg -
    Men's -80kg -
    Women's -67kg -
    Women's +67kg -
    Unsurprisingly the men's -68kg has the most competition including decent athletes from Afghanistan, Andorra and Central African Republic and you can add Suriname for a representative from the Americas too. Macedonia will probably be the favourite for the women's -67kg assuming they applied for a spot. The other events don't have a clear favourite. Using the Olympic rankings the highest ranked nations are Central African Republic (-68kg), Honduras (-80kg), Macedonia (-67kg) and Honduras (+67kg). Obviously Honduras won't get two spots (more likely to get the women's spot). With that said my predictions are Afghanistan/Central African Republic, Chad/Pakistan, Macedonia and Honduras respectively
  15. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from stamura84 in Totallympics New Start   
  16. Love
    heywoodu reacted to Sindo in Totallympics New Start   
    Try now, I think it was because the reputation was disabled for "Premium Members"
  17. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from Wanderer in Totallympics New Start   
  18. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics New Start   
    If only there was an arrow there... what kind of sorcery is this, how did you get an arrow?! 
    Do you have to bribe Sindo for that? 
    Here is a screenshot of how I see posts, pay close attention to the distinct lack of the Green Arrow 

  19. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from hckošice in Boxing Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    I'll celebrate the day they kick this joke out of the Olympics for a while 
  20. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from NearPup in Handball Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    I think you can see most people are happy with Tunisia's win, so your comment is a bit off  
  21. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from vinipereira in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)   
    My point about this is that it's a) easier to believe and b) more logical that countries where "glory to the Motherland" (or some communist stuff) through sports is so incredibly important, are doping with state help.
    For example here in the Netherlands we don't have this extreme "glory to the Motherland" feeling and I don't think there is state-run doping here. Obviously I think there is doping here, but I think it's more private or arranged by the teams itself instead of coming from the sports federations and authorities.
    But my main point stays the same: it is a sign of huge weakness when people are saying "Stop it, it's a conspiracy from the big bad wolf against us!" instead of "We're gonna do all we can to clean up this shit". 
    1. XX athletes from country X get caught
    2. People in country X respond by saying "omg, conspiracy against us, we're the victims!!"
    That doesn't make it any more believable. 
  22. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from intoronto in Swimming Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    I don't think anybody is actually having an issue when you post the daily CAN qualifiers, at least I'm not and I don't hear anyone else complaining
  23. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from intoronto in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)   
    I don't know what's suspicious about that. It's definitely not the extremely childing Russian thing of "OMG it's a Western conspiracy to make us look bad!11!!!!", because if that was the case, Russia wouldn't have voted for the inclusion of meldonium on the WADA list. And besides, that's Russia's standard reaction. They don't like something, they make it "a Western conspiracy". Grow up Russians. 
  24. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from vinipereira in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)   
    Trust me, there is no way I believe the Dutch skaters in general are clean  
    But thinking that this whole thing about the Russian state doping is actually a Western conspiracy..nah, no way. Maybe it is easy to make people believe that countries like Russia, China and North Korea are massively doping, but I really don't think this is such a weird thought. 
    Instead of screaming "OMG it's a conspiracy!" like a frustrated teenage child, it'd be a lot more helpful to take the blame and start cleaning up the mess for real. 
  25. Love
    heywoodu got a reaction from vinipereira in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)   
    I don't know what's suspicious about that. It's definitely not the extremely childing Russian thing of "OMG it's a Western conspiracy to make us look bad!11!!!!", because if that was the case, Russia wouldn't have voted for the inclusion of meldonium on the WADA list. And besides, that's Russia's standard reaction. They don't like something, they make it "a Western conspiracy". Grow up Russians. 
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