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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Erfurt is the city where the German doping doctor is based, yes. Also a major speed skating town. By the way, the German doctor (ex-Gerolsteiner ) used the machines previously used by Austrian doping doctor Stefan Matschiner (that blood transfusion equipment was apparently bought and paid for by Michael Boogerd, Bernard Kohl and Michael Rasmussen back in the day )
  2. Where did you get this from? Because holy fuck, that's goodbye Austrian cycling.
  3. No idea, but a crystal glove must be incredibly uncomfortable for shooting during a biathlon competition.
  4. Meh, wouldn't wanna be the coach who has to pick the names. Lavreysen, Hoogland, Büchli, Van 't Hoenderdaal, Van den Berg and Bos could all be part of a gold medal winning team sprint team..I'd go for the first three if I had to choose, but damn
  5. I think the Olympics were a year too early for Bos, but I seem to remember he was definitely world class before Athens. Sure, not as dominant as Lavreysen and Hoogland now, true How many sprinters (team sprint, individual sprint, keirin) can a nation send to the Olympics?
  6. 7:42, Dominik Landertinger training with Max Hauke and his coach...not gonna be surprised if that's one of the next names
  7. Changing a system or not, I'd just like to thank @wumo26 for taking the time to organize it, I like regular prediction contests, but am an even bigger fan of stuff like 'special' bet contests
  8. Meanwhile Preidler has said all of his successes were clean, but right when he tried this blood doping thing, he got caught They took his blood, but it was never put back in, so he didn't really dope Such bad luck, getting caught right in that one moment you do something bad
  9. Definitely, it's just a feeling I mean, less than a week in and we've got a bunch of XC skiers named and confessed and two cyclists who confessed, it's a decent start.
  10. And after Denifl, the next to confess is Georg Preidler, with more names expected to be known this week. I have a good feeling the Austrians are gonna do a hell of a better job than those miserable cover-up-Spaniards
  11. In 2021 I'm gonna be there, can we start working on a Totallympics flag or something for when Totallympians visit events like this?
  12. What a performance for Holund, and a more than respectable counterattack by Bolshunov Quite a lot of enjoyable races, at least I enjoyed the championships
  13. Lol, that normal hill competition of yesterday (yeah, just finished watching ) Nothing against Kubacki, Stoch and Kraft, but if ever someone was a lucky medalist....
  14. A little under one hour to go until the historical launch of SpaceX's Crew Dragon 8.49 CET
  15. That's so cool, only her second win on senior level ever (she won a pursuit in Kontiolahti 2017, plus a gold at the European junior champs some years back)
  16. Pics and videos once they are available please
  17. Cool I wonder of athletes can get full access there
  18. Just gonna be controversial and agree with our German friend here on Takanashi being the best female ski jumper ever (so far) That's probably gonna change quickly, although it's hard to see someone winning significantly more than her, since the sport is (like Monzanator said) still so young and so one can be sure that the quality is going to increase year by year, meaning it's less and less likely for someone to dominate.
  19. That is awesome, unless we get a 10-year case like Operacion Puerto
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