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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It's not a stereotype if it's true man. I'm now going to go out for some groceries on my wooden shoes !
  2. CZE is impossible to beat in terms of beer consumption by the way, yes, but Slovakia isn't that high up (High, but not 'top of the world' high) Not exactly surprising Germany is high on the list, although a bit surprising it's not by far in 1st place
  3. So 'do not go to a Slovak hostel' is less frequent? That sounds dangerous, because you know, don't
  4. Considering someone can test negative more than once before actually testing positive, one should assume they're not going to let him ride the madison..?
  5. The afternoon sessions aren't being streamed anywhere, are they?
  6. And the world of swimming will not miss that moron for a minute
  7. We, people from above the rivers, find it weird and - depending on how much we've got to do with them - rather annoying when people are basically 'gone' for a week Every single year.
  8. Wait, "drink a lot of vodka" is a common stereotype for Sweden, Ukraine and Poland? I've never in my life even heard those combinations Smoking weed? I guess a certain amount of people do, but only sometimes do I smell a weed smell or something. Sadly cigarettes are significantly more common, like probably in most places in the world.
  9. Wow, that's an early start today Might we see double digits today in terms of the number of new countries?
  10. After 5 of 7 stages, the UAE Tour (cycling) has been cancelled after two Italians tested positive and, that's rather new, not for doping.
  11. Not to worry, it's only 'below the rivers', where the people are Catholic and celebrate their weird carnival stuff for a week There is now even extra news reports on TV
  12. Why do the Danish men have those weird helmets for, one can assume, a bit of aerodynamic help, while one of them is riding with a beard on his face?
  13. No sure place for 1 man and 1 woman in athletics and swimming?
  14. Anyone else where the Eurosport Player seems to be suffering from COVID-19 and not working at all?
  15. @phelps @Dunadan Is there some sort of a central list of Italian cities and how many cases there have been there? I'm particularly interested in Sondrio (mostly the east). So far I've seen there has been one case in Valdidentro/Isolaccia, but I'm trying to follow if it grows there or if it stays with that one case.
  16. IBU graphics really can't handle the fact that the super sprint only has one spare round per shooting bout
  17. Would they want them to not even take their time to grief? There's a difference between that or just focussing on the next season, especially in a sport where there is some sort of safety issue involved and having your mind in the right place is important.
  18. I've sort of been hoping she wouldn't, although of course how to deal with such a sudden loss is different for everyone. It would be entirely understandable though to just skip this whole season, take the time she needs and come back next winter.
  19. That's exactly the same when talking about Adolf Hitler and his nazism, he also had some good ideas and plans in between all the massive evil. It doesn't make his system less massively evil.
  20. Not 'almost' anymore: today they've announced - for the first time - more new cases than China. One can probably take the Chinese numbers with an entire mine of salt, but alright.
  21. The Ofterschwang women's giant slalom and slalom of next week have been cancelled due to the weather conditions.
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