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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Noooo not Alfred Kipketer Although he's not even nearly as fun to watch anymore as he was as a junior.
  2. Badr Hari does indeed sound like the kind of person to go and knock the officials and entourage around. Or just random people on the street who give him a bad look or something.
  3. Once the Olympics are done, they won't need it anymore and it can be taken away to be used elsewhere - with a different layout of course. Plenty of time for a new host, since apparently - as shown by Beijing - they don't want to use the full time they've got to take all advantage.
  4. Mostly because there's still nobody investing in continueing the research on a modular track, which would cost maybe 5% of a regular track and can be build up and taken down easily to be put somewhere else.
  5. To be fair, when it's about natural track luge I guess we can count FISI pretty much as the entire world
  6. [hide] #46 Will there be a country other than the Netherlands to have more than one medalist in the Mass Start Speed Skating? [Yes] #47 Will a country win a Curling Mixed Teams medal for the first time at Winter YOG? [Yes] #48 How many red stones will be scoring in the medal games of Curling Mixed Teams? (step - 1) [6] #49 How many skaters will get at least one point during both men's and women's Mass Start? (step - 1) [20] #50 Which country wins most medals on Day 7? [Japan] [/hide]
  7. The Dutch boxing federation is sort of trying to get Badr Hari, the criminal and way too aggressive kickboxing legend, to try and qualify for the Olympics First they'll have to convince him to compete for the Netherlands instead of Morocco, I guess, since his whole image is built around being the hero of Moroccan bad boys. I hope he succeeds, it'd be fun to see some wildcard boxer knock him around the ring at the Olympics
  8. Is there any source about this NTL2026 thing? Like a link I could link to in other places?
  9. But seriously, women's slalom was deemed too boring and so the two main camps set out to come up with some complete nonsense bullshit to make it seem like there's a scandal so people will go back to paying attention to the slalom? Team Shiffrin: "OMG they filmed us!" Big whoop, it's public space so shut it. Team Vlhova: "OMG they set a course just against us!" No they didn't, not all decisions are made with you in mind.
  10. Ah, you mean those things I've got around 200 of? Including several about the Olympics, to keep it on-topic
  11. I'm disappointed you're from a time where there was live TV.
  12. I am very much aware, I think I saw your name on a list of supercentenarians a while ago
  13. Isn't it usually live streamed on Facebook or something? That's such a shitty platform for live streams, it should be on the platform or YouTube.
  14. Yeah, if you see a German name (either as name of an athlete or of a competition venue) you can pretty much bet your ass it's in Italy
  15. Turning mosquitos into elephants is not about how rich or popular something is, it's about turning something tiny (Vlhova's coach filming Shiffrin) into some sort of big deal. Before we go all NFL vs football (I'd prefer to watch NFL anyway), let's get back to the point and that is Magoni shouldn't be a dick and turn around his statements and Shiffrin's camp should shut up about this being a big deal. Back to skiing.
  16. I get that, but still...surely there are people who can speak somewhat ok but more importantly, actually give the vibe of following the sport? These commentators talk as if it's the first time ever they watch these sports and they've just quickly gone through the Wiki on it..
  17. I've heard of that, yes, but Americans are not to be taken serious when it's about sports...especially about their own sports They can and will blow it up all they want, I don't much care. Time and time again we see Americans are utterly addicted to 'turning mosquitos into a zoo full of elephants'
  18. I'm pretty annoyed by Magoni and the way he's making a 180 in what he's saying, going from 'admitting' it to basically denying the whole thing....because in the actual situation, I'm definitely more #TeamVlhova than #TeamShiffrin
  19. I think I'm too used to German and Dutch commentators, who are generally very well-informed in the sports I hear them in - and Belgian in case of cycling. Same goes for the few English commentators I regularly hear, like Martin Haven (bobsleigh, skeleton, motorsports) and Tim Singer (luge), who really do know what they're talking about instead of just mentioning someones split time and their world ranking. Then every single time events like this come around, I get disappointed by the level of commentators.
  20. And to complete this trio of posts: if you're gonna be training in public space, which I'm guessing both Vlhova and Shiffrin regularly do, you can be filmed. It's public space, get yourself a private mountain if you want to forbid someone to film you. What's next, forbidding to save video footage of races 'because otherwise it can be used to analyze my skier!'?
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