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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Oh well, we're at the point where testing everyone just makes no sense anymore. Once it's clear it has 'settled' in a certain area, focus should go on treatment and stopping the spread, not on testing more and more.
  2. I hope it's one of the first two, but fear there's quite a chance it's the third option. How extensive a health system would you say Afghanistan has, for example (in terms of availability, professionalism and so on)?
  3. No lockdowns here yet, but if everyone around us is closing their borders, we're basically in lockdown anyway
  4. The only thing I actually kind of liked about the press conference. I know these huge companies are obviously not doing anything out of charity but just because it's a business chance for them, but at least they do so publicly and they do have incredibly big logistics operations that are very useful now.
  5. About to watch today's biathlon and then snowboard cross. After that I'll watch what I've got remaining of the winter junior world championships, tomorrow's biathlon and then on to finally catching up on the climbing
  6. Trump's press conference is just bizarre. I know he is mostly known for rambling incoherently, but this time it's even worse. He is just monotonously droning out utter nonsense that's mostly about how great he is. Pure insanity and it's live on TV.
  7. NASCAR has postponed at least the next two races as well.
  8. And since they said they expect the season to get underway 'in the end of May', the finally happening return of the Dutch GP (early May) is in major danger as well.
  9. And that's the Giro d'Italia down the drain, at least for an as of yet unkown time.
  10. As we say in the Netherlands: "It's a strange sport, this cycling."
  11. +190 cases, +5 deaths, a rather big increase bringing the totals here to 804 (179 of whom work in healthcare) and 10 (all of whom had other health issues as well). For the first time today, the train was notably more quiet. It may be due to it being Friday, which is not a day in which I usually take a train, but still.
  12. And that's, considering the circumstances, an extra impressive win for Corona Bruna
  13. It is not yet official, but the minister of sports of Flanders has said the chance of De Ronde happening this year is 'basically zero'.
  14. Which is why a lot of people are expecting today to be the last stage, but let's see..
  15. I tried to take a quick look, but with pretty much every event in the entire world with the tiniest bit of competitiveness in it being added, I got overwhelmed I mean, seriously? Didn't see anything of which I know it's been cancelled though.
  16. Slovakia's situation (not the numbers of course) looks like Wuhan and Lombardy had a baby together
  17. The remainder of the Open European biathlon championships has been cancelled. Good move to bring the sprints forward from tomorrow to yesterday so they could be held at least.
  18. That last part, especially. My sister's boyfriend for example has a severe muscle disease and bad lungs. I know I most likely will get away with either no to mild symptoms or a flu-like period if I were to contract the virus, but people like him would be in severe danger.
  19. The North Sentinelese have come one step closer to dominating a world they most likely don't know exist beyond what they can see
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