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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Terpstra was 4th after the start loop and less than a kilometer later she is completely gone and hasn't even been shown anymore.
  2. I can give it a try. It looks like the XCO is shown on the Dutch NOS website today (but sadly that won't be with Red Bull TV's awesome commentators), but I don't think they'll show anything from tomorrow.
  3. Red Bull TV is geoblocked in the Netherlands for the whole event...because some invisible party has the rights? No broadcaster mentioned, the channel that usually shows World Cups has nothing scheduled for the whole weekend..
  4. I wonder if that's why he was so mediocre so far, although if that's the case, he's been going on for too long..
  5. Yeah that mental state hasn't been good for a while To think there was a time, long ago, when Trump sounded like someone speaking in a coherent way, like regular people. I mean, the words made him sound like an asshat, but at least it sounded coherent, it 'made sense' (as in, normal sentences) and it was someone who came across as someone capable of talking normally. Since going for president...not so much.
  6. Oh he said it in an interview with loonatic Rush Limbaugh Ok, less shocking and even funnier to see people make a whole big deal out of it "F-Bomb"
  7. Wow, I never thought I'd live to see the day on which Trump scores a positive point in my book Saying that when you're the president of a country where a nipple on TV is a reason to change 'live TV' rules and for people to go batshit mad because 'omg a nipple!', that's just pretty funny. I know, it doesn't make him funny. At all. And he obviously is high as a kite since being admitted in the hospital.
  8. Either a lie or a mistake from the Brazilian federation there. It says 'these races also count for the ranking towards the Olympics!', but their recent internal criteria document very clearly and literally stated no rollerski races will count towards the Olympics. So either they've changed that again (which wouldn't be surprising), or they've made a mistake (which wouldn't be surprising) or they're outright lying (last option, which wouldn't be surprising).
  9. Was this accidentally a WTA match or what happened?
  10. Djokovic with the early break. Could it be? Could we finally get to see a Nadal - Djokovic Grand Slam final?! OMG so exciting!
  11. After a bit of a controversial moment at 4-4 40-40 in the last set: referee said a ball crossed the net via Swiatek's hand, she and Melichar denied it rather emotionally (Swiatek was almost crying even), but they did lose the point. They got back to deuce after that, but who knows what would have happened if they had gotten advantage.
  12. I should hope so. They had said there would be no 'night sessions' until next year, but I don't think they're dumb enough to stop a basically indoor semi final in the last set
  13. Tsitsipas taking it from two sets down to a 5th set
  14. Yeah, you get what you ask for I guess. He was rather busy 'liking' social media posts of some mediocre 'famous' people in the Netherlands who recently had some sort of weird 'campaign' called #ikdoenietmeermee, loosely translated to 'I'm not playing anymore' - meaning not listening to the rules anymore. It was a whole 'these rules and measure are nonsense' kind of thing. Now it's just a matter of time for girlfriend Joy Beune to be next
  15. The whole statement: Translation for those not reading English: "Thanks for 20 years of work, now get the fuck out."
  16. Francesco Moser and Alfredo Binda both have 24 second places in Giro stages, but I don't think we should compare Sagan with these absolute legends just yet, especially when it comes to the Giro
  17. I still have a handful of episodes to watch, but yeah
  18. Difference is they weren't really there yet in his time. There are plenty nowadays, and riders who don't do much more than finishing 150th in most GT stages get contracts left and right.
  19. Small talk about Demare's line, but after some replays it was pretty clear nothing was really wrong there, he was simply the best by a big margin once again.
  20. Weird sprint, it was as if Ballerini first and then Demare were the only ones who really wanted to sprint
  21. Demare beating everyone with two hands on his back, so to speak.
  22. Very interesting read about/from former cyclist Robbie Hunter, about how (mainly black) Africans are simply worked against in the pro peloton. Sure, teams can't just solve visa problems and so on, but they're barely even giving them a chance. Two of the main young Eritreans who are definitely not unknown among cycling fans - Henok Mulubrhan and Biniam Ghirmay - are some of the most blatant examples. If you're an Italian or Spanish or Dutch or Belgian C-level rider: here you go, World Tour contract. If you're an Eritrean rider wiping the floor with those riders: .... (not even an answer from most teams) I wish every team who wore these kind of masks during the Tour de France puts their money where their mask-covered mouth is and signs themselves a talented young African or two. There's more than enough of them who only need to learn some peloton skills and such.
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