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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Dutch decline everything in alpine skiing. Did not see that coming.
  2. That's the first ever Irish qualification in freestyle skiing.
  3. Yeah, I would wait for Croatia a bit. They were one of the first to accept quotas, before that team event column even appeared...
  4. What if some athletes qualify in two events. Do they count twice then?
  5. Here we go. Denmark already declined women's spot, while have already confirmed all of their places.
  6. Briliant job from FIS. They have went step further and we'll be able to see how NOCs are confirming quotas.
  7. Yesterday was the final qualification day. All quota places will be confirmed by January 25th.
  8. Commentator said like 5 times that the only way for both Czech crews to qualify for 2nd heat is if they tie for 20th place. And guess what happened? They tied.
  9. Fun fact about Madrazo, in his first ever FIS race (classic sprint, January 2017) he scored 4996.49 FIS points. Which is only about 1000 more than what certain Adrian Solano did in Lahti.
  10. Nice, we have secured team event qualification now.
  11. Yes he did it! Meaning Project Bogota was 100% successful, awesome.
  12. Come on, can't you let him enjoy a moment for a bit?!
  13. Apparently Sweden declined its spot in the men's 1500m. Any idea who will get it?
  14. Alright, I get it, Klaebo is like Northug 2.0 Nothing exciting about that...
  15. Somewhere in the middle, where there were back-to-back DNFs.
  16. I'm sure her beginners mistake at the start when she almost fell was also surprising.
  17. Dom For me he is the favorite in Pyeongchang.
  18. The fact that 2nd place finish for Frauscher in Konigssee wasn't enough to get selected amazes me.
  19. Vidović 25th Are we going to have 2nd run for the 3rd race in a row?
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