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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. How on earth is Khoroshilov still in top 15?
  2. This Skip-Lead-First-Second table is not completely correct, as Skip doesn't need to be the Fourth. Italian Skip is Third, while their "Third" is Fourth.
  3. Liechtenstein will withdraw (and maybe Great Britain), so we should be in. Also if Vidović or Kolega score some points tomorrow we will overtake the Czechs.
  4. Decathlon isn't really urban, is it? I think we have to consider the worst, that something like this might replace decathlon eventually.
  5. Schedule is finally out... A lot of annoyed people here because starting hours for the opening ceremony still haven't been published!
  6. FIS points from the second Thai are much better than what Mae ever achieved. This all sounds like Mae's excuse / coverup story.
  7. But she broke WR now. EDIT: Oh, wait, she didn't. Never mind.
  8. She's lucky that Sotskova skates like a robot, otherwise she wouldn't get the bronze solely because of presentation skills.
  9. It's a train wreck for the Swede. I doubt they'll send anyone to PC after this.
  10. Esepecially for Yonathan. "Competitors must also follow the FIS rules regulations." Gotta love the specifics there.
  11. Madrazo could have qualified too. But apparently he got some unauthorized help... Will have another chance tomorrow I guess.
  12. Amazing. They just have to make a movie out of this, so many ups ans downs in this story.
  13. Yeah, I forgot about those Iran super-gs (where they were scoring only 300+ FIS points). All of the other races with PRK were in 2010 or 2012, which is ridiculous. In any case, this is quite unfair to all those athletes from exotic nations that don't posses nuclear weapons...
  14. Greedy as hell. Their athletes in alpine skiing literally haven't competed in any int. event.
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