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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Wait, since when do you have to beat Edmund (whoever he is) to qualify for a GS final?
  2. New Zealand +1, France +1 It's interesting how New Zealand suddenly started to accept all kinds of quotas, just like Belgium. You think you know somebody...
  3. Great, I guess we might lose quotas thanks to our sleepy NOC.
  4. Kenya is the winner of the most care free NOC title. Congratulations!
  5. Who knows, it's actually quite possible that both and simply missed the deadline... No help in that case...
  6. I'm getting the reports that the Swedish bribe just came in.
  7. Also I wonder if Russia or Czech Republic will say enough is enough at some point. They can potentially gain a whole bunch of places. Who knows how far can this go.
  8. We can count them out completely though. Yesterday they announced their Olympic team and in cross-country for example some athletes were said to be waiting for reallocations. No such remarks in alpine skiing, so it looks like 11 athletes is the final team.
  9. Then you ignore Germany, Sweden and the likes. It very much looks like reallocation will go beyond 100 places (and that's how much this table shows) - meaning good news for Chile, the only more or less exotic nation that should manage to grab a reallocation...
  10. It's a mess. According to Swedish NOC they selected 9 skiers and team event. And, yay, looks like the reallocation could be follow live too. USA already confirmed one more place (as if they need any more?).
  11. American Samoa beats Samoa on both accounts. Ouch.
  12. Croatia is in the Group C, rather. Group C is basically everything behind the "iron curtain" + Greece/Turkey. Eventing will have its technical XC level reduced from 4* to 3*, so it should be somewhat easier to get around, while the time will have its influence of course. Olympic format - 4* dressage, 3* XC, 4* jumping - will be used at WEG for the first time (with 4-member teams though), however WEG should still give some insight. European championships have always been on 3* level for example, so it's not getting terribly easier either.
  13. Yeah, but I hoped he would show and finish the race this time, giving a little bit of a closure to Dominica...
  14. Yeah, her experience is just by far greater than what anyone has here. More about the switch can be read here.
  15. left... Damn, Eritrea wasn't as slow as I expected. South Africa looks somewhat worrying. Only one of their skiers competed in the actual winter season and still no word from them.
  16. Well, that's an unfair allocation. First of all, the document says that reallocations will be applied on the 25th. Secondly, Czechs will get a reallocation anyway so this extra quota for team event was uncalled for, as they will not need it!
  17. I see. Shame, I don't know much about her, but Makayla Gerken-Schoefield sounds pretty neat.
  18. team dressage rider Karen Pavicic will ride for from now. Did not see that coming, but definitely an interesting prospect for us! In other news, Sabine Schut-Kerry & Sanceo made an impressive international big tour debut last week. One to note for the WEG selection.
  19. Karen Pavicic declares for Croatia. Did not see that coming. Competed at 2014 WEG and almost made the team for Rio.
  20. They still haven't confirmed that on the FIS website though.
  21. Makes sense, WD was the only logical continuation after that.
  22. @Dragon @uk12points Japan declined 3 places in women's moguls, one of which is going to Great Britain. Will they accept it?
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