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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. When I do play something it's usually CS:GO. Although I've been doing it less and less in recent times.
  2. Yay, Venezuela will have a yachter because Brazil took one of the places at the European championships.
  3. It will count for both Group C and Overall rankings. However, Group C nations will have more potential points on the table, since this event technically counts as "Group C Championships". Individual Group C winner can get as many points as European champion later this year, so yeah, it's a big deal.
  4. Detailed entries are out. Belarus Aliaksandr Faminou (Martinie) Hanna Nemtsava (Gambrinus) Raman Varanko (Dervish) Alexander Zelenko (Verdikt) Czech Republic Miloslav Prihoda Jr. (Ferreolus Lat) Poland (4 riders will be selected) Jan Kaminski (Jard) Mateusz Kiempa (Grand Supreme) Mariusz Kleniuk (Winona) Joanna Pawlak (Fantastic Frieda) Pawel Spisak (Banderas) Pawel Warszawski (Aristo A-Z or Filer) Russia Aleksandr Markov (Kurfurstin) Andrey Mitin (Gurza) Evgenia Vysotskaya (Eclair d'Amour) Belarusians have a reputation for being rather fancy movers in dressage. They could even lead this thing after the opening phase, but really this quota is Poland's to lose. Markov is not bad, but Russia can't do anything with only three team members. Unfortunately for them, Belarusians also have a reputation for being snails across the country. Czech Republic only has an individual, but it can be significant. Baborowko qualifer will be a chance for getting a huge amount of ranking points. Don't you just love the names of Belarusian horses? Dervish, Verdikt. Gambrinus.
  5. Another Efrurt case getting public tomorrow? Just kidding... Or am I?
  6. heywoodu always likes Switzerland.
  7. So I just heard the Sammarinese song, and apart from the leading vocals, the song is absolutely perfect.
  8. Come on, are Dutch really the favorites? (proud to say that I haven't heard any song so far, just surprised it's Dutch )
  9. Maybe with Czech Republic it could be a problem, but even then it might not. Unlike Groups F/G event which is held at 3* level, Group C qualifier will also serve as 4* MER opportunity.
  10. Indeed, and since we are talking eventing here, period for Certificate of Capability effectivelly ends in mid November. Add to that the required rest period of 4 weeks in between the attempts at long format 4* events, and there you have it, arguably the hardest minimum eligibility standards of all Olympic sports.
  11. They might, but the main problem is the Certificate of Capability for the team event (meaning 3 riders with MER by December 31, otherwise team quota is gone). China will probably find the away. Alex Hua Tian is already established at the highest level, while Sun successfully stepped up to 4* last month... Hong Kong has some experience (Heffernan Ho competes at 4*, Lam is already show jumping Olympian). Thailand is just hopeless though, at least for now...
  12. Group F nations: Group G nations: will be fielding teams in Saumur. China (4 riders will be chosen) Bao Yingfeng (Teseo) Bianba Ciren (Sultan de la Motte or Tropic d'Heauville) Alex Hua Tian (Don Geniro or PSH Convivial) Liang Ruiji (Agora de Bordenave or Crackerjack) Sun Huadong (Lady Chin van't Moerven Z) Hong Kong Thomas Heffernan Ho (Jockey Club Charlene OLD or Tayberry) Annie Ho (Lost in Translation or MJI Belle Bonita) Patrick Lam (Jockey Club Weronique) Thailand Arinadtha Chavatanont (Bolleybawn Prince) Weerapat Pitakanonda (Chateau de Versailles M25) Korntawat Samran (Luminous) Supanut Wannakool (Tzar of Her Dreams)
  13. Group C nations: However, will be the only ones entering a team in Baborowko.
  14. Well, if he is not leading, then he has not secured anything.
  15. So much for Roglic securing a win after the prologue...
  16. Well, even one can be enough for individual qualification.
  17. I have no idea if you are being sarcastic or not...
  18. Taekwondo still doesn't have a proper results system for the World championships? Unbelieveable.
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