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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Now waiting for Martin and his buddies to do their effort-shaming.
  2. Well. hopefully this gentlemen's agreement will cost them their daily paycheck.
  3. By the way, who is Tony Martin to decide when the race stops?
  4. Wait, they are now angry at the weather? With this kind of an attitude, they should have stayed in a lockdown.
  5. What is this, some flash mob? Why is everyone lying on the floor all the time?
  6. Kooremans throws away Dutch upset win over Germany with a slow round. Poland makes a historic podium. Well done! Individually, Klimke takes 1-2 (surprise, surprise...).
  7. Spectacular fall for Hoogeveen. Lucky she did not break her neck there.
  8. Indeed, it's the Nations Cup from Strzegom. Cross-country stage is progress right now, with Linda Algotsson holding the provisional lead.
  9. Her chance is virtually non-existent, sadly. Maybe if she were a pure sprinter. But a high jumper? No way.
  10. Indeed, I always felt basketball was one of the most "racist" sports. I mean, Indonesia may have a massive population, but with an average height of 163 cm, they will always stand in a serious disadvantage (no pun intended).
  11. This is turning into nitpicking at this point. So tired of people insisting on hearing the right syntax all the time, rather than focusing on semantics. It's like those people who insist on hearing "I love you" all the time, even when their spouse is sending the exact same message with their actions alone. Coaches who say those things surely don't wake up every morning with an intention to make their athletes miserable. We can all agree that a sport like gymnastics requires a certain body type, and calling someone "fat" is just one of the ways of sending such message. Obviously it is not the most tactful way, but quite straightforward. Is telling someone they are overweight in 20 sentences really that much better than being upfront about it? My concern here is - people will hear what they want to hear either way.
  12. Glad I wasn't banned for being an equestrian fan from Croatia then...
  13. His favorite sport was water polo, so I'm not convinced it was spam...
  14. Nosferatu > Dracula @hckosice Apparently Nosferatu was partly filmed around Slovakian Tatras.
  15. [hide] UEFA Champions League - Final August 23rd, 2020 Date & Time (GMT +1) Club 1 T1 T2 Club 2 August 23rd 2020, h. 20:00 Paris 0 2 Bayern [/hide]
  16. I find it fascinating how nobody seems to talk about Biden's age. If elected for two terms (which is the aim for any president, otherwise you are a failure), he would end his second term at age 86! Even with only one term on his tally, he would still be serving at 82. I guess Kamala could easily become the first female president, in the most underwhelming fassion possible, but alright...
  17. I know. But it's not like this capitalistic approach of races having to go forwatd by any means necessary is that great either.
  18. They had so much time to give all pros coronavirus on purpose, wait for them recover, and finally have them race without this mindless approach in which tons of tests get wasted for each race.
  19. They took an East German coach as soon as their regime went under? How very non suspicious.
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