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Posts posted by james89

  1. 3 minutes ago, orangeman said:

    I was close to my prediction.  Knew it right when Biles said she was going to do the beam.  

    This seemed like inevitable - too bad for Ellie Black. And ugh another 4th.......I'm not sure I can handle another one.....


    CBC said Ellie Black has indicated she will stick around to Paris which surprises me. 

  2. Just now, orangeman said:

    Another 4th!


    Haha, good effort by the girls.  A medal was going to be tough.  

    Making the bronze medal final in this field is perhaps the biggest reward. We had to beat out some great teams to get there and the US had their sights on the gold. We finished 4th at the last several World Championships. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, orangeman said:

    This isn't supposed to be a fast track yet everyone is easily going under the previous WR.

    I think it just shows the changes in technology and investment of the event. Plus its a relatively new event, its only been a 4km race since after the London Olympics. 



  4. Just now, Surlympics said:

    yeah they must have been saving it for today, they were way better then yesterday

    To be fair - I dont think any of the teams were anticipating Germany going out that strong and all the teams that went after them really struggled (Canada, NZL, Australia). 

  5. 1 minute ago, orangeman said:

    Ah yes, I have found those rules as well.  I was going off the commentary today when I was watching.  The announcer said the top four compete for medals while the other compete for placings.  When Aus fell to 5th she said they won't be able to get a medal.  So I was going on that.  Thanks for the clarification.  

    I know - i think that announcer was wrong because she repeatedly said that but I only noticed during the mens race.

  6. 2 minutes ago, orangeman said:

    I don't believe that's possible on the women's side.  Only top-4 race for medals.  Ironically, the men still have a chance for bronze if I'm not mistaken.  

    I looked more into this - the men's and the women's race have the same rules - "The remaining six teams will be ranked by their times in the First Round and will be paired as follows: The two fastest teams ride the final for the bronze medal. The next two fastest teams ride the final for 5th and 6th places. The last two teams ride the final for 7th and 8th places."


    Which means both the mens and womens team could win bronze - it will be a tough ask but its possible so I'm going with that.

  7. 6 minutes ago, orangeman said:

    No.  Only top4.

    I may be wrong but my understanding is that the men’s team pursuit you need to finish top 4 for medals. For the women’s you need to finish in the top 4 for Gold or Silver but the second 2 fastest splits will go into the bronze race. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, orangeman said:

    I had my doubts after Italy and Germany, but Aus left the door open for a top 4.  They were doing great till the last 2 laps.  


    Oh well.  On to soccer.

    They can still contend for the bronze medal if they have a solid ride tomorrow - I have a feeling we will see at least one of the bottom 4 teams in that round.


    EDIT: I just learned the rules are different for women and men re: this.

  9. 6 minutes ago, orangeman said:

    Another Canadian "medal threat" finishes qualifying.  

    I mean I was uncertain that the team pursuit would be contending for a medal - but that ride was a mess. Hope they can hold it together tomorrow. 

  10. 16 minutes ago, NearPup said:

    Canada is now entirely out of women's wrestling. The wrestler who beat Lappage got demolished in the following round.

    That Mongolian wrestler was something else. There was no chance Lappage would have beaten her in a repechage either but the hope would have been alive. 

  11. 1 minute ago, orangeman said:

    Shocking ending for Ware.  Even with the miss on round 4, she just needed to land on her head in round 5 to make the final.


    On the flip side, as James said, Abel looked great, only 5 pts behind the 2nd Chinese diver.  Top 3 looked much better than everyone else.

    I'm so glad I kept the feed on long enough to see Ware smiling with Meghan Benfeito and coaches by her side - they kept showing her looking visibly upset and it was heartbreaking. 



  12. Pamela Ware shockingly had a failed dive. It's really upsetting to see her not make the final in that way and very disappointing since she was looking really good up until the 4th round. 


    On the flip side Jennifer Abel looked fabulous qualifying for the final easily in 3rd mere points out of 2nd. 



  13. 5 minutes ago, intoronto said:

    Erica Weibe's draw is crazy hard. First round vs Defending world bronze medalist Estonia, who she lost to at those worlds. Then if she wins that its likely vs Japan (silver medalist in 2019)

    Tough draw but she has beat the Estonian athlete before. Here's hoping!

  14. Just now, NearPup said:

    Canada's medal drought in boxing continues another three years.

    Maybe Paris will be our year!


    It's tough - Tammara Thibeault gave it a good fight but the dutch athlete was just better - it was a tough draw. Paris is only 3 years away hopefully Thibeault will stick around till then, she's a talent.

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