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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Germany qualified in women’s 10 m air pistol?
  2. Please look up his season bests in recent years and then look at the times he ran at the European/World Championships. Thanks!
  3. I am really starting to get angry ... Why the hell do you feel the need to constantly talk about topics you have no clue about? At the 2020 European championships: Womens 10 m air pistol: Gold for Vanessa Seeger from Germany. Sure Germany is irrelevant, although for example the defending champion in women’s air pistol (who was 2 years younger than many/most of her competitors at that time) is from Germany ... Usually I am able to ignore your insane fanboying, but please try to be at least remotely non-delusional.
  4. ??? Those predictions were for swimming only. I have no idea how many medals/golds GB will win across all sports, but I would definitely think 60+ medals and 20+ golds. 8-10 medals in swimming and 2 or 3 of them in gold (most likely out of men’s 200 free, men’s 100 breast, men’s 200 IM, men’s 800 free relay).
  5. 1) 10 gold medals across all sports would be bad for GB and in swimming alone it is obviously impossible. 2) Best case for GB in Tokyo: 12 medals, 3 or 4 of them in gold. Realistic result: 8-10 medals, 2-3 golds.
  6. Whether Hungarians will be disappointed has no relevance for making predictions. In the 200 IM she seems to be too far away. In 2016 she improved less than a second from the European championships to the Olympics, this year she would have to improve by at least 2 seconds. In the 400 IM anything is possible.
  7. Good to hear that they are delusional as usual. Also really impressive for Greenbank to swim PBS in both events while being in heavy training. Also James Guy swimming his fastest time in 4 years while being in heavy training. Also Renshaw swimming a PB while being in heavy training ...
  8. 1) Impossible to say (no one knows her plans). 2) My guess: She won’t medal in the 200 IM, but in the 400 IM she should medal and maybe even win gold. 3) Any medal at her age would be a good achievement.
  9. And how long did it take her to cut 2 seconds? Any chance that it took her 2 years to improve by 2 seconds ... ?
  10. No, extremely unlikely. In 2024 she could be a medal contender in multiple events.
  11. Even without the injury it would have been unlikely for him to run faster than 10.15 at the Olympics.
  12. Lol, no. This obviously isn’t her real level and she got „lucky“ with the absurd wind conditions. She would be lucky to make it out of qualification. Also weird that you mention that the old record doesn’t count anymore because of doping, but at the same time get excited by someone improving their PB by 10 m in one year. The same obviously has happened with Allman before. She has crazy results at some insane conditions in the US, just to be irrelevant at global competitions. Her best throw at a global competition is 61.82 m ...
  13. You realize that: a) Germany and I think also France didn’t compete? b) Those events are usually dominated by non-European nations (mainly India, but also China/Iran/South Korea)? I wouldn’t get too excited about those results, although it certainly is promising for Italy to brave done clearly better than Russia.
  14. Yes, this take definitely doesn’t make sense when you have no problem with kids taking up archery/fighting sports/modern pentathlon/biathlon. Also I absolutely don’t think that shooting being an Olympic sport has a big effect on the number of people actually practicing it.
  15. Do you seriously think that there is the slightest chance that she isn’t doped to the gills? Personally I don’t see how she could become a big star with her looks.
  16. No way that basketball shouldn’t be at the Olympics. You certainly could discuss the other sports, but I think the better option would be to have less teams (8 per sport).
  17. So what is your take on archery and curling? I am also not sure why shooting should be an Olympic sport, but not darts. I think either you consider both of them a sport or none (not that I would like to see darts at the Olympics).
  18. Didn’t know that shooting also had mixed events, completely absurd. If they need to have mixed events for whatever reason, then at least do it in sports where it makes somewhat sense. Edit: Also not sure how much sense It makes to have shooting polls when shooting might very well be the least predictable event. So far I found most of the polls pretty underwhelming.
  19. 1) I know that it was an EJR for Burgin 2) Did you even read the comment I replied to?
  20. What makes you think that? France and Hungary are safe and South Korea/Netherlands/Canada could all be faster.
  21. The irony of something like this coming from a polish person ...
  22. How is it an European junior record when 5 European women have been faster in the U20?
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