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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. According to Wikipedia the following nations have the biggest diasporas in Japan: China (800k) South Korea (450k) Vietnam (400k) Philippines (300k) Brazil (200k) Western nations with the biggest diasporas: USA (60k) UK (18k) France (14k) Australia (12k) Canada (11k)
  2. How can you say that it is „unsurprising“, when she (as far as I know) has never finished top 10 before?
  3. Yes, glad that only scrubs like the Gold and Silver medalists in men’s slalom at the Last world championships compete in this event.
  4. Interesting that even Bulgaria knows how to produce world class talents. I guess at this point the German coaches are the only ones who don’t understand how biathlon works. If you want to win races, you have to be elite in cross-country and somewhat decent in shooting, sadly Germany seems to follow the complete opposite approach. All „talents“ are good/solid in shooting and horrible in cross-country.
  5. Interesting fact about Tatalina (who won the big air event): Less than two weeks before winning the gold medal, she was only third in the European cup behind Elisa Nakab from Italy and 14 year old Muriel Mohr from Germany. Pruskova who won silver at the world championships was only 4th in the same event.
  6. Crazy to think that Peiffer and Neuner are the same age, but Neuner retired 9! years earlier.
  7. Makes sense. I think he was the most talented guy at the junior worlds. It was super impressive that he was among the best in the cross-country despite being two years younger than most of the other top guys. He looks like a 10 year old kid too, so he has a lot of room to grow and become even faster. If I remember correctly his dad? is from Norway, so it might be in his genes to be good in cross-country. France also has some girls who are good enough to get a chance and I hope that girls like Passler, Skrede and especially Repinc will become regulars in the World Cup too sooner rather than later.
  8. Interesting, but shouldn’t affect their medal chances.
  9. Surprising quota for Germany? Did Germany already qualify Someone before this tournament?
  10. When exactly was it possible to win a bronze at world championships with a zero spin?
  11. He said that the Olympics don’t motivate him because they aren’t about the athletes anymore. Also I don’t think that the atmosphere in China would have been great for biathlon. You are quite right about the German future. On the men’s side there are some nice talents, but on the women’s side the only good talent is Grotian (born in 2004).
  12. Germany nominated its squad today including 16 yo Youssoufa Moukoko! Sadly Jamal Musiala and Florian Wirtz weren’t nominated, which indicates that they will play at the senior European championships. Surprisingly Karim Adeyemi and Mergim Berisha also weren’t nominated, not sure why though ... Not sure what to expect when 4 of the top 5 talents are missing.
  13. I can’t believe how disgusting the judges in Aspen are. Yesterday Höflich got fucked by the Austrian and Swiss judge and today Gütl (scored 83.50) got 76 by the Swiss judge (by far his lowest score), while Vicktor scored 77.75 and got 75 by the two Swiss judges (clearly his lowest scores). Obviously some influential people in Switzerland/Austria have a problem with Germany becoming good in freestyle snowboarding. I hope that Snowboard Germany won’t just remain silent. If there is no other way, then the German judges should underscore Austrian/Swiss athletes in the future just out of principle. Edit: Annika Morgan missed the big air final by one place and of course in both her runs her two worst scores came from the two Swiss judges. Rolling the dice to determine the results would be more fair than this travesty, I hope that someone will be hold accountable and that we will have professional judges at the Olympics.
  14. I think the top 5 in the medal table at the Olympics will be: 1) Norway 2/3) Germany/China 4) USA 5) Russia
  15. Very weird results in women’s team. When you look at the individual results, France, Russia and Hungary should be clearly the best, but in reality Poland and Italy made the final.
  16. Does anyone know if there will be an age limit at the Olympics next year? Mia Brookes from GB (born in 2007) could medal if she will be allowed to compete.
  17. I can’t believe what I am seeing, both Blackwell and Josey insanely overscored by the two American judges. They are trying too hard to push one of their athletes on the podium. Thank god we will have different judges at the Olympics. The cheating in snowboarding might be even more blatant than in figure skating.
  18. Both Hablützel and Josey disgustingly overscored. Looks like Höflich getting robbed. I guess if you aren’t from one of the traditional nations you have to be superior beyond belief to even have a chance to win a medal.
  19. 1) Obviously most junior world champions never reach the same level in the seniors, but Sweden has too many talents for all of them to fail. At least one of them will become world class. 2) You can’t just look at junior results, you also have to look at the age, the level of competition (did all the talents who were eligible compete?) and the gaps. Sweden has multiple girls who are already elite at junior level despite being younger than most of the other competitors.
  20. Sweden will be good again in a couple of years, they have multiple very good talents.
  21. Really surprised by Lienshuber. She actually might be able to challenge Shiffrin for Olympic gold next year!
  22. Please tell me why Hungary is so good in fencing!!!
  23. Women’s Sabre semifinals: Marton vs. Pusztai and Berder vs. Yoon Hungary looking very strong in women’s sabre, they might be the favorite in women’s team sabre at the Olympics? They had a 3rd girl in the top 16 (Katona), France had 4 in the top 16, South Korea and Russia both had 2 in the last 16, no other nation had more than 1.
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