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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Interesting that Germany currently has exactly the same medal statistic (1 silver) in the Olympic events as they had 2 years ago.
  2. Thanks. There are just too many medal contenders, you could probably name all Norwegian/Russian athletes too. I think there are just more competitive athletes at this level compared to youth level.
  3. What happened to you? Did a German beat you up when you tried to steal his bike?
  4. Completely random result. Another fluke medal for Slovenia. After this season the 3 medals should have gone to Norway, Poland and Germany. After the trainings I thought that Norway might even sweep this ... Surprising to see that Norway hasn’t won a medal at the last FIVE individual competitions at worlds (since 2015).
  5. Nope. Zyla is an even bigger fluke world champion than Kubacki.
  6. What a random result after the first round ... Would be funny if Slovenia would fluke another medal, somehow I hope that Zyla will win gold. Has he ever won anything individually?
  7. Norway will compete in the junior events tomorrow. Some names to look for: Women: Bened (France), Botet (France), Passler (Italy), Trabucchi (Italy), Gandler (Austria), Baserga (Switzerland) and Shevchenko (Russia, the big favorite) Sadly Skrede from Norway, who would have been the biggest rival for Shevchenko, won’t compete. Men: Claude (France), Mahon (France), Vidmar (Slovenia), Cisar (Slovenia), Hartweg (Switzerland), Zingerle (Italy) and hopefully (from a German perspective) Riethmüller. Sadly Bionaz from Italy (who would have been one of the. Ingest favorites) won’t compete.
  8. So now we already have 5 nations with medals, France with a great start. Belarus narrowly missing a medal again. Impressive skiing time for Wright. Also impressive times for Geny and Betemps, considering that they are both 1 year younger.
  9. It always amazes me how big federations can’t even care enough about their own sport to hire someone who can create a snowcat decent live timing.
  10. Sadly another disgusting gold medal. Would have been best if he would have been banned for the rest of the season after he attacked the finish guy.
  11. GB winning a medal would be funny after they already fluked a medal in freestyle skiing. GB has some serious diversity in winter sports. They could medal in alpine skiing, snowboard, freestyle skiing, shorttrack, skeleton, curling and cross-country at the Olympics.
  12. I really hope that Bolshunov won’t medal. Him attacking the finish guy really annoyed me. I don’t really care about the doping, but I always hate it when skinny guys try to act tough.
  13. Then you are obviously overestimating your English language/logical reasoning skills.
  14. I understood what you said, but obviously you didn’t understand what I said. I don’t care about The situation of Slovenian sport, so there was no reason to bring it up. Also please don’t act like a complete fool. You were trolling first, so don’t act as if you were trying to lead a normal discussion that I derailed. It is ok to troll, but at least be honest about it. Maybe Slovenia will finish ahead of Germany in the medal table, but contrary to what you hope this doesn’t bother me. Germany only has to look at its own results and if Germany wins less than 1 gold, it certainly will be a bad result. In the end Germany did amazing at the last two worlds and will do amazing again in the future. A country can have fluke results in both directions. The alpine skiing worlds were a positive fluke for Germany and the Nordic worlds will probably be a negative fluke for Germany.
  15. You are thinking way too complicated. You can just genetically engineer people. In China they already used CRISPR on twin babies.
  16. How would her absence make races much more exciting? It would still be a complete dominance by Norway and Sweden (kind of like Ethiopia/Kenya in long distance running), unless of course someone like Fossesholm develops into another Johaug and completely dominates. Maybe one day we will see Norwegian/Swedish athletes changing nationality if they can’t make the team, at least it would mean that more countries can compete for medals. Swedish/Norwegian athletes are far better off than Kenyan/Ethiopian athletes + the nations that could buy them don’t care about winter sports. Maybe Qatar will host Winter Olympics one day and then they will buy a bunch of Norwegian/Swedish athletes ...
  17. Would be like a lab experiment with all the crazy substances influencing their genetic material. I always hope that people like that at least have the decency not to have children.
  18. Looking at the skiing times, Repinc (born in 2003, by far the best skiing time) seems to be clearly the biggest talent. Zingerle (born in 2002) also had a great skiing time. Very encouraging to see Grotian (born in 2004) from Germany with one of the fastest skiing times despite being 2 years younger than most of the other girls. Richard and Michelon from France also look good. The Russian girls were surprisingly slow, will be interesting to see if they can turn it around (after all it was just one race). Hard to know how much value all of the results have thanks to the Norwegian absence, but it is very hard to imagine that any of the Norwegian girls are on the same talent level as Repinc.
  19. So already two nations you hadn’t on your list with medals, also Sweden and Belarus pretty close.
  20. Would be nice if people who know the results would post them here instead of just naming random medalists ... Gold: Jeanne Richard (France) Silver: Lena Repinc (Slovenia) Bronze: Ema Kapustova (Slovakia) Interesting that Repinc started first, followed by Andersson (who finished 4th). Richard started 6th and Kapustova started 9th. It looks as if the starting order had an influence on the result.
  21. All the German officials were perfectly clear about the situation before the start of this competition. Nobody expected a medal in women’s ski jumping for example. You clearly didn’t inform yourself about what the expectations were in Germany. Also I don’t really care about the situation in Slovenia and Germany should never compare itself to Slovenia.
  22. Another bad day for the sport when a doper steals another medal. Also another horribly boring race. Cross-country should be one of the most exciting sports, but for the last few years it has mostly been super boring. Not sure what can be done to change it. The difference between Norway/Sweden and the rest is just too big. It would be a start to allow less athletes from Norway/Sweden to compete and to focus more on shorter races. I think with climate change the gap will otherwise just get bigger.
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