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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. This clearly shouldn’t be an Olympic event, not remotely competitive enough.
  2. Very possible in Nordic combined large hill or men’s ski jumping large hill. Would have been easy to win 3 golds in Nordic combined, but pretty much all the German guys are out of shape. Riessle almost getting lapped by Grabaak and Frenzel barely making up any time compared to Ofterbro is a shocking proof. In cross country nothing was expected and the same is true for women’s ski jumping. I would be happy with those results if it would lead to Germany giving up snow-related sports, but sadly that won’t happen.
  3. Bad luck for Italy. Zingerle was super dominant and then he messed up the last shooting (3 misses), otherwise it would have very likely been the gold for him. Superb talent nevertheless.
  4. 1) I don’t know how many people trust this sport, therefore I won’t just assume that they do or don’t trust it. In general you are almost always wrong if you make general statements about a group of people. 2) I don’t blame the international organizations. Obviously there is a lot of corruption and when people, who are from the dominant nations in a sport, make it to the top of the organization that should govern that sport, you can’t really expect objectivity ... but I don’t see any chance of ever getting rid of doping, especially when there is no political will to do it in certain countries. We will have Doping as long as there is incentive to dope. Obviously you could do more, for example by excluding nations like Norway or Russia, but then the organization would shoot itself in the foot, so maybe it would be up to the other nations to boycott competitions with Russian/Norwegian athletes. If you want to watch less dopers, you should watch more technical sports like luge or canoeing slalom, but sadly those sports are mostly boring. 3) So you didn’t refer to me ... ? Could we please stop this kindergarten? I think you are too old for it. I think I was the only one who called the Slovenian medals a fluke, so your „hint“ wasn’t difficult to get, especially because trolling wouldn’t work if you would make the hint so subtle that the person you are trying to troll can’t pick up on it ... Am i correct to conclude that you wanted me to know what you think about my opinion, but didn’t want me to answer? If so, then this is pretty much the definition of spamming in my opinion. If you want to lead a discussion, then quote me, otherwise just put a disclaimer before your comment, that shows that you are only trolling, then I will know that I don’t have to bother trying to lead a discussion.
  5. Looks like an excellent day for Slovenia again ... Cisar with a dominant performance so far. Great skiing + a clean sheet after 3 shootings, might very well be another (gold) medal for Slovenia. Cisar and Repinc seem like spectacular talents for Slovenia. Surprisingly Slovenia could become a top 5 nation in biathlon in 5-10 years ahead of nations like Germany or Italy. Their development across multiple endurance events is truly „interesting“ indeed ... Edit: Cisar missed 1 target in the Last shooting. This might have cost him gold, but it still looks good for a medal. In order to best him the other guys will either have to have a clean sheet or they will have to have a super fast skiing time while only missing 1 target.
  6. It was an other Russian. This is the only positive from this day of cross country. Maki got revenge, sadly the Russian wannabe thug is still allowed to compete.
  7. 1) Why do you think that people trust this sport? 2) How can someone who wants Schwazer to win gold in Tokyo „shame“ other people? Do you have a personality disorder? 3) If you want to troll me, then at least quote me. From what I can tell you are way too old to act like someone in kindergarten. Sadly this is a really sad habit of many people on here. If you have to reply to me, then quote me or else don’t bother, this should be common decency.
  8. I definitely don’t follow cross country, but I was very well aware of previous results and I was also aware of the fact that a) Results in the season usually don’t really matter in sprint, because the top Norwegian/Swedish athletes barely bother b) Thanks to covid Sweden and especially Norway skipped a lot of competitions Please inform yourself next time before clowning around. Thanks! Also: In 2019 it was a classical sprint, not freestyle. Also: Just because someone won a medal 2 years ago, doesn’t mean shit for their chances this year. If Peier would have won a medal in ski jumping, you wouldn’t have called it a surprise, because he won one 2 years ago? What kind of nonsensical logical is this, especially when it isn’t even the same team for Slovenia this year?
  9. Yes, especially because in neither of the team sprints all of the top teams competed. Please inform yourself next time before clowning around. Thanks!
  10. Agreed, other than Russia and Norway and the US not performing at their best it was completely expected. A bit like the result in men’s ski jumping, where it was the expected result apart from Granerud and Eisenbichler and Stoch not winning a medal. Also very Good point to bring up earlier results when we only had two previous team sprints and in neither of them all the top teams competed.
  11. Funny to see the German coach and media acting as if the results so far were mostly down to bad luck ... German cross country is in a pathetic state and there are no excuses when even nations like Slovenia or Switzerland can win medals. I have no problem with Germany being bad, but the waste of tax payer money is a disgrace.
  12. Nonsense. The combination of Lanisek, the girl who won a medal in sprint and this medal in team sprint is a far bigger fluke. A medal in women’s ski jumping was not a shock, but the other 3 medals were surprising to say the least. Also crazy that Slovenia has 2 medals in women’s cross country while Russia/Finland have 0 and Norway also only has 2.
  13. They should definitely change the format of this competition, the first couple of legs are super boring. Also not sure why cross-country has two relays for each gender, I think they should either have a mixed relay or a mixed team sprint. Also interesting that Russia has a German coach ...
  14. LOL ... Slovenia might have the biggest fluke performance in the history of sport. Even Steven Bradbury sweeping the gold medals at the 2002 Olympics would have been a smaller fluke. I would bet that they won’t win more than 1 medal at the Olympics in Ski jumping/cross-country.
  15. Not sure if it was a once in a lifetime thing. The girl in the youth competition was pretty slow, so not sure about her chances of doing anything at senior level, but the girl today seemed like a solid talent. I think she isn’t less talented than Vanessa Hinz for example. I could definitely see her becoming someone who regularly finishes top 30 in the World Cup. In the end most talents don’t make it at senior level, so no one really knows. If I would have to bet on one to make it, it would definitely be the girl who won silver today. Edit: I would definitely trade the girl who won silver today for all German girls I have seen so far except Grotian.
  16. Yes, it seems normal. Last year the top 10 in the women’s youth race had 26 misses, while the top 10 in the women’s junior race only had 16 misses. On the men’s side we had 18 misses at junior level and 24 misses at youth level. Sadly the horrible IBU side doesn’t show any older results, so I don’t know if last year was also an outlier.
  17. Hopefully it will change. Looking at the examples you gave (never heard of most of them) it seems quite rare to be trash in one and very good in the other.
  18. Congrats. Unlike the girl in the youth competition, she actually had a good skiing time. On the other hand she was 1 or 2 years older than many of her competitors, so it is difficult to judge where she ranks talentwise.
  19. I think that you have some problems with live timing ... Do you have an official document that states the time this competition ended? On topic: Passler (Italy, 2001), Owren (Norway, 2001) and Bened (France, 2000) are all young enough to come back next year, really nice group of talent. Trabucchi also can come back next year, but she doesn’t seem like a special talent.
  20. Did. you time Travel? According to live timing only 79 out of 90 athletes finished the race. Current ranking: 1) Bened (France) 2) Horvatova (Slovakia) 3) Trabucchi (Italy) Owren from Norway and Goreeva from Russia with superior skiing times. Skiing times: 1) Goreeva 2) Jakiela (Poland) 7.4 seconds behind 3) Owren 17.7 seconds behind
  21. I really wonder how Weidle can be so great in downhill while being that bad in super G. Is it normal for athletes to be that good in one discipline, while being extremely weak in the other?
  22. Unless something crazy happens, France will win another medal (possibly gold) in the women’s race. Bened with a good skiing time and clean shooting. Owren from Norway with tremendous skiing speed, but already two misses. Sadly Norway „found“ another athlete with superior skiing speed ... Edit: Gold for Bened seems inevitable at this point. Another gold for France ... very exciting ...
  23. Based on the individual events, the result in the mixed team should be: 1) Slovenia 2) Norway 3) Austria 4) Japan 5) Germany I think anything but the first 3 winning the medals would be a surprise at this point. I think World class female athletes are clearly more „valuable“ in the mixed team, since there are far less of them, which is pretty obvious when looking at the gaps in the individual competitions. In the men’s competition the gap between first and 5th was 11.7 points, between first and 10th it was 17.6 points and between first and 15th it was 22.8 points. On the women’s side it was 22.1 points between first and 5th, 37.8 points between first and 10th and 50.3 points between first and 15th. Nations with two world class men and two average women are clearly at an disadvantage compared to nations with two world class women and two average men, not sure if this is fair ...
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