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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. He could be the oldest finalist (in the 50 free or 400 free relay).
  2. Only change in those events after the Canadian trials: Pickrem moves into 8th spot in women’s 400 IM with 4:37.03 I will post the top 8 for all events (relays included) at the end of the week (in case anyone is interested).
  3. 1) He could still recover in time. 2) You have more than enough other medal chances: Miressi (100 free) Detti (400/800 free) De Tullio (400 free) Acerenza (1500 free, if Paltrinieri doesn’t compete) Martinenghi (100 breast) Burdisso (200 fly) Maybe men’s 400 free relay Maybe Razzetti (400 IM) Quadarella (800/1500 free) Pilato/Carraro (100 breast) Panziera (200 back)
  4. Hopefully not. I don’t Even want to imagine how the matches would look like. Every non-german who watches the German matches (if their nation isn’t involved) has lost his mind. Compared to Germany even Spain looks good.
  5. Portugal finishing third is not a good sign for all other teams ...
  6. One of the most pathetic performances I have ever seen. You can’t blame Hungary, since they have no individual quality, but Germany playing like this with so much individual talent is a crime against humanity. Even England might be good enough to beat this team.
  7. Disgusting by Germany, they should try to score another goal instead of wasting time.
  8. Pathetic performance by Germany once again. With a win at home against Hungary they would have had a far easier opponent in the next round.
  9. Hungary should have a good chance to score again. Would be great to see both teams eliminated, but I guess that isn’t possible?
  10. Doesn’t really matter. If a system allows 3 of the 4 top European teams of the past decade to be drawn in the same group, then the system obviously doesn’t make sense.
  11. I really wonder who came up with this system/seeding. 6 groups and then we have the last 2 world champions and the current European champion (3 of the 4 teams that made the semifinal in 2016) in the same group (while there is a group with Ukraine, Austria and North Macedonia ...). Also the Runner up of by far the strongest group has to play against a group winner, while the runner up of a much weaker group has to play against the runner up of another much weaker group.
  12. I think this decision doesn’t have that much to do with Hungary. Hungary on a global scale is pretty much irrelevant, but I think muslim countries are pretty important for UEFA and they also wouldn’t have liked to see the stadium in rainbow colors. Also interesting that Hungary asks for politics to be left out, but at the same time we see tons of Hungarian „fans“ with black shirts during all their matches, probably not related to politics at all ... Western politicians can’t complain about UEFA, when they keep financing the Hungarian and polish government. Personally I wish that Poland and Hungary would be kicked out of the EU, but sadly that won’t happen. Also now that I learned more about this topic: I think the major of Munich himself said that this was supposed to be a protest against the new Hungarian law, so he can’t complain that this won’t be allowed. If they would have done the same for all matches (and not just the match against Hungary), there probably wouldn’t have been a problem.
  13. Rikako Ikee winning a medal would be pretty cool, sadly this doesn’t seem very likely. Maybe she can make a final. Slovenia winning a medal in men’s basketball would be pretty nice as well. Pellegrini winning a medal would be pretty funny, but I don’t really see it happening. Another very cool medal winner would be Popovici from Romania in men’s 100 free.
  14. For me it would be a medal for Sarah Köhler, Florian Wellbrock, Philipp Heintz, Gesa Krause or Malaika Mihambo. I feel like they deserved this after their performances in recent years.
  15. No, the problem is that apparently you think (or at least make it sound that way that) discriminating people because of their sexuality (or other things) is a valid opinion. Western countries certainly aren’t morally perfect (or close to it) as we have for example seen during the Iraq war (or many other instances). Many times it is just about trying to cover up the fact that you are trying to make money by claiming pure Motives, although it has to be said that this is usually on the level of politicians/executives (and it is the fault of normal people to buy into it). Personally I don’t care what laws the Hungarian people want to give themselves. If they think that people of a different sexuality shouldn’t be allowed to marry, then it is their right to have that law in their country, but it is not acceptable to hate against people of different sexuality. If Manuel Neuer would tell Orban in a press conference after the game what to do in Hungary, then it would be political and he shouldn’t be allowed to do that, but supporting a movement to stop discrimination (everywhere, this isn’t focused on only one country) isn’t political.
  16. I see, you just want to have your beliefs confirmed. Just to clarify a few things (in case you are willing to reconsider your position): - It might surprise you to hear the mayor of Munich makes its own decision and he doesn’t even belong to the party that governs Bavaria. I wouldn’t be surprise to see a Hungarian person thinking that one party determines everything, but if I remember correctly you said something a while ago about the mayor of Budapest having beef with Orban, so I am bit surprised to hear the can’t fathom the idea of the mayor of a city having his own mind. Also if you think that this is somehow determined by Merkel or other higher-ups, it would be nice to see proof (which is normally what you do in a discussion of you make a claim like that). - Did you even read my comment? I never claimed moral superiority, I even said that western countries often/usually don’t take their own values very seriously, since they usually aren’t willing to pay for it. Often they just like to tell themselves that they are morally pure to ease their conscience. I also said that certain societies just have completely different values and there is no point in trying to impose your values on them. If people in those countries want to change something it is up to them and it is up to other countries not to be in bed with those countries if they don’t share their values.
  17. He didn’t make the relay? Also what about Ajee Wilson?
  18. And when exactly did it become a disagreement between countries? Last time I checked Germany as a country wasn’t doing anything here, but maybe I missed something and Manuel Neuer became the spokesperson of the German government ... This is about people asking other people not to discriminate against certain people. If certain countries want to see it as a personal attack, then it is their problem. If those countries don’t feel addressed, then they should have no problem to ignore it, but for some reason those countries don’t seem to be able to do that. When German players want to show their support for people of certain sexual orientations, then it isn’t political, but when Germany asks Hungary do behave a certain way in that matter, then it is political. Also: Saying that certain people shouldn’t exist isn’t an ideology, it is criminal.
  19. In some way yes, but asking people not to discriminate against other people isn‘t political, it is about common decency. If certain countries see that as a personal attack, then it is their problem.
  20. Not sure what you mean ... Karl Marx spent most of his live in Paris/London ...
  21. No, but after reading your other comments, It doesn’t surprise me that you fail to understand even such a simple thing. This is not about country A vs. country B, this is about people who want to end the discrimination of certain people. Ukraine vs. Russia or Azerbaijan vs. Armenia is a completely different topic (geographical conflicts = political). It makes me sad to see how limited your understanding of the world is. Political = conflicts between countries or fight against a political institutation. This is about how people treat other people.
  22. I applaud your creativity (for connecting communism and equal rights for people of all sexual orientations). Don’t think I heard this one before ... now I get why people in former communist countries have such a big problem with this.
  23. Again: How is advocating equal rights political? Also if the west would dictate the terms, then UEFA probably would have told Russia to fuck off. UEFA really has to stop with the hate towards Hungary ... first they gave them two group matches and now they even consider handing them the final, this discrimination of Hungary has to stop ...
  24. Yes, the west is a big blob, everyone is the same and all people here have a Common Agenda. Baffling to see people with such a limited understanding of the world they live in. Also: 1) Not using rainbow colors for the arena would be better how? 2) You realize that people can do things in support of other people instead of only doing it to „punish“ someone else? Sometimes it helps not to be that self-centered. 3) People that feel the need to tell you that they don’t give a shit, usually give a shit ... 4) So what exactly are you doing apart from rambling on the internet? There are different cultures and trying to force your values on another culture usually doesn’t work. Usually we see a conflict between values and money/self-interest and usually the latter wins out. If you aren’t willing to give something up to defend your values, you can’t be surprised if other people don’t take you seriously. The solution is to try to deal with people with different values as little as possible and to let them live in their own world.
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