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Everything posted by stepansevs

  1. Tak už aktualizovali žebříček. Vypadá to celkem dobře. 2 desetibojaři, Doležala už kvůli zranění odstranili. Jirka tam je, Muller a Červenková, Maláčová taky, milarky taky. Na druhou stranu pulkari a mílaři ne, Juška out! S Juskou jsem počítal - to je škoda. Ale je 33., třeba mu to ještě vyjde
  2. No já jsem taky pro co nejpočetnější výpravu. Poslal bych je tam všechny :-D trochu jsem ještě čekal Jirku na 200 že se dostane. No uvidíme. Jo a nevíš jak vypadá badminton? Psali že nominace ještě není uzavřena že budou nějaké alokace v badmintonu. Tak jestli se nás to může týkat nebo to mysleli jen obecně
  3. Nechápu proč ještě ten týden nepockali. Proč to schvalovat takhle nadvakrát? Překvapilo mě že je tam dost ze žebříčku a třeba i Vrzalová a Gillarova které nepotvrdili svazový limit. Na druhou stranu žádný desetibojař, dle rankingu by ale chybět neměli, tak nevím...
  4. ČOV dnes schválil předběžnou nominaci 100 sportovců. Nemáte prosím seznam? Nemůžu ji najít ani na idnesu ani na ČT ani na oficiálních stránkách ČOV ani na tvém FB :-D
  5. Hmm Nymburský is 3rd after 1st group of qualification in World Cup in Osijek, Nepejchal is 7th. So it seems that our best shooter will not go to Tokio :-(
  6. Is it already known of Discovery (Eurosport) coverage? Will they broadcast everything from Olympics? How many channels in Eurosport player will be there?
  7. Why two? One Is enough :-) And i wonder that sb from athletic can join of opening ceremony. I heart one month ago, that athletes will spend in Tokio only a few days which they need for their sports. And opening ceremony Is one week before start athletic competition.
  8. I read one article on czech shooting site now And i am very surprised and disappointed again from czech officers. They decided that one of the best shooter at the world Filip Nepejchal will not compete in 10m air rifle and for 50M rifle 3 positions, they will battle for ticket to Tokio with Petr Nymbursky next week . And they nominated junior Prizivsky instead of them. Yes, Filip Nepejchal was injured and there was some drop of form but still i think that he would have the biggest chance to success in Olympics. Moreover officers did not inform ahead that they will choose athlete based on current ECH. Typical for Czech officers... And there are also some internal argues between two Czech shooting groups of officers which have impact on shooters individual lives. So 10M air rifle, it is closed: We will send: Prizivsky and Hrckulak 50M rifle 3 positions: Prizivsky and one of the Nepejchal/Nymbursky I hoped in change of quota od Hrckulak for sb in Rapid fire pistol, but it seems that Is confirmed now that Hrckulak will go too.
  9. Tak lukostřelbu jsem vážně už nečekal :-) No ale na druhou stranu ten tip v tenise ti moc nevyšel, to je minus 3 než jsi tipoval :-( a ta sestava cyklistů a cyklistky taky moc radost nedělá :-)
  10. Czech team: Singles: Kvitová, Plíšková, Krejčíková, Vondroušová Doubles: Krejčíková/Siniakova and Plíšková/Vondroušová It Is surprise that Vondroušová used "saved" ranking which she has from the 2nd half of 2019. it Is a pity, because due to it, Muchová can not go :-( no men: Veselý refused to go
  11. I do not think that they wanted to play fair. I think that they did not consider this consequence :-) it would be more typical for Czech officers :-)
  12. When is the first realistic medal chance of the Games for your nation? Day 2: Filip Nepejchal, men 10m air rifle. But in ECH he was not in good shape. When do you think your nation will get their first medal and in which event? Day 3: Ondřej Cink, mountain bike. Is there a bumper day for your nation where you expect more than one or a few medals to come? If so, what day? First Friday: Prskavec, Krpálek. Is there a day when you expect to have not so much competitors from your nation competing or no chances for medals? I hope that there will not be any day. Maybe some in the second week, where there are not so many sports as in the first week.
  13. Na tu 100 to dáme, začínám věřit :-D na Kluž se určitě dívat budu, týmovy šampionát mě vždycky baví nejvíc (účast v každé disciplíně, jen by mohli vratit techniky do klasického formátu, hlavně 4 křížky dohromady). Byl jsem i v Polsku před 2 lety a paráda.
  14. Aha já myslel že národní šampionáty mají všechny státy v jeden termín. Pokud už je měli, tak to je fakt, to zvyšuje naše šance. Nevíš jestli se 4x100 poběží i na republice nebo jen teď v sobotu? A co to plavání? Tam nějaka místa dle žebříčku nebudou? Ten basket bude těžký a myslím že to nedají. Myslím že v takovém laufu jak byli na MS už nebudou :-) ale zase + Veselý. Uvidíme
  15. Já si spletl Doležala se Sýkorou. Myslel jsem Sýkoru že se kvalifikuje :-) na to republikové mistrovství bych moc nespolehal, to jestli se nepletu tak má většina zemí. No snad máš pravdu víc ty než já :-) basketu moc nevěřím. S plavkynemi do štafety (4) jsem už myslím počítal :-). No já budu za tu 100 rád
  16. 70 je pořád málo :-( 72 jestli dobře počítám tam máš. 100 už asi nedáme. Jak se na to tak dívám, tak mi vychází už jen 6 v tenise (5 žen + Veselý), 2 judo, 1 gymnastika, 1-2 golf. Tj. 82. Plus žebříček atletiky, tam nevím kolik ještě tak 12? (Smíšená štafeta 6, Muller, Svoboda?, Mezuliánkova, někdo z dálkových (800/1500m) - vychazi jim to?, Veselý, Maláčová?, Juška, Červenková?, Doležal? Je to bída, bývalo líp. Tak 94 můj odhad. Co plavání? Tam se nebude něco doplňovat? Kolik odhadujes ty? Teď koukám že kvalifikovaná jeste není Špotáková. Takže +1 = 95
  17. Hmm. Interesting. Thanks. So if Hrckulak will earn the quota, i still think that Czech federation will send Hrckulak to olympics And we Will have 3 shooters in 10M rifle and 50m together. Maybe with one exception of skeet if current world Champion will not qualify. Maybe 25M Rapid fire pistol top. But i do not think so that Czech federation is opened to do these changes in qouta places. But still Hrckulak needs to earne the spot. Otherwise, it Is only theory. So lets go! :-)
  18. Thanks. New for me :-) but olympics Is coming (i Hope), So i am back for more information :-)
  19. I think it Is too early, but how many athletes from one country can start in one discipline in Olympic Games? Only 2 or 3? Because CZE already has quota for 2 athletes for 50m which has NQS for 10m too. So if Hrckulak will qualify, can they start all of them (3athletes) in one discipline?
  20. Hi, is there some live results of qualifications? Thanks
  21. I voted for sports which I have chance to se only one per 4 years and it is interesting to see it (shooting, archery, gymnastics-artistic). Plus canoeing slalom due to medals and due to option that this sport will be removed from Olympics. And tennis of course because it is tennis :-)
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