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Everything posted by stepansevs

  1. Tak jsem se sekl, pouze 55. Nenominovali všech 6 do všech štafet. Třeba sprinterky jedou jen 4. No vypadá to že je na stránkách EAA je to opravdu finální nominace, protože jsme měli 2x těsně pod čarou a ani v jednom případě to vypadá že se nepodařilo kvalifikovat.
  2. No news about team too and we will not have any meeting in these days. Official announcement of our nomination should have been at 2nd August. Probably officers are on Holiday in Croatia now :-D
  3. It is not fair. And i do not know why they do not invite him now. Official list should ve known on 8th August, So there still is time.
  4. 9 athletes for relay? :-D only one athlete in technical discipline. It is poor :-(
  5. Jj možné to je. Na eaa už jsou ale zveřejněni pozvání a už tam náhradníci vidět nejsou. Tak otázka je jestli už je to finální nebo ne. Píšou že finální bude až 8.srpna tak nevím. Tak se tam dostal na poslední chvíli výškař Adámek. Co jsem se díval naposled tak první pod čarou je Míša Hrubá a někdo na 800m Výtisk? Ale třeba Diana Mezuliniakova je vedena jak na 800 tak na 1500 - to by ještě možná šlo, ale Stewartova na 10,000m a maraton :-) Jinak Eva Vrabcova-Nyvltova se odhlásila z maratonu. Nevíte někdo proč?
  6. Jinak napočítal jsem 58 atletů/atletek. Tak schválně jak se budu lišit od reality. Do štafet jsem počítal se 6
  7. Nevíte kdy proběhne schválení nominace na ME? V oficiálních dokumentech píší 2.8. ale už je 3.8. večer a pořád nic :-(
  8. Něco vám prozradim, ten Železný z profilovky ve skutečnosti já nejsem :-D
  9. To jsem rád, že dávají letos přednost mistrovství Evropy. I já, mám lístky na kompletní program, tak doufám, že jich tam bude co nejvíc. Problém je, že se teď už těchto sbírají body, ale i tak to vypadá na početnou výpravu. Možná i všechny štafety :-D
  10. It works now. If i refresh live results it did not work. I tried to go to official website iaaf and click to live results and it works now.
  11. Does liveresults work now? I have problem with it now. What a disaster. At first needed to log in and now it does not work? International event in 21st century :-(
  12. Technically it is take off. You take off from one leg and land with other leg :-D interesting is that if you do this way for example 2metres, it counts. So what is the rule? :-)
  13. Together with 50 but separated to 3 leagues to 3 competitions. So 16 in each.
  14. Does sb have more information about this one? I can not imagine how it will work. Will be there same rules? 16 points for winner of each competition and 1 point for 16th team? So i will pay more attention in order not to be DSQ :-) And what about technics? Still 3 attemps + 4th for best 4 teams? 4 errrors in HJ and PV? Thanks
  15. Maybe it was only training for match. But coach did not understand it :-D No i do not know, just rumors.
  16. Light show (or rather dark show when we see introduced athletes) before each medal event. So bad. :-(
  17. In Czech tv said that for Ukraine allocation for next season will be the same as was for this season.
  18. I hate that IAAF cancelled qualification in field events It is not fair that only 12 athletes in High jump but 35 athletes in run events (3000m, 400m)... Run run run
  19. Classic Finland tactics in play off in last years :-( It is the reason why i fan Canada against him in final in last WCH which i could not imagine it before. I was big fan of Finland before (of course Czech and Slovak first :-D).
  20. Easy to say: if USA win, USA will qualify. If USA lose, NOR lose, USA will qualify. So the only option when USA will not qualify is, USA loss, NOR win. In that case, NOR will qualify
  21. DSC was originally used to determine position if "it does not matter" for it so much (as if you are 7th or 8th). But for important position as religication to B-division of ECH or qualification to play-off it was not used in past (maybe only for there were more teams, to determine who will play with other team first). But they changed. I estimated maybe 6 years ago? Just estimation. I think the reason is that they wanted to plan schedule of matches better. I do not like it.
  22. I saw some part of match Japan - USA And i was surprise how good stones they played (especially Japan). I hope that they will advance to semifinal.
  23. I know, i know :-) But in this olympics it seems for me that favourites are playing too sleeply (Is it word? Ok you know what i mean) :-D So i think there is bigger chance here now than in WCH.
  24. And OG should ask to provide some guarantee that NHL players will be played in next olympics. If they will not play, please change format to 2*6. Not this bullshit, where is highly possible than you will be played in your 4 matches with some opponent twice (CZE - SUI, CAN - CHN, DEN - RUS)
  25. Maybe Slovakia can win gold medal. For me Sweden, Canada and Russia does not seem so good. Finland seems better but also not so good as usually. I like that i can support some team (Slovakia) in medal matches.
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