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Posts posted by Monzanator

  1. 28 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Well that's a mess by those judges...

    It's actually happened a few times in technical events before though usually the contested mark has been ruled in favor of the athlete. I also recall someone getting an extra fourth effort in long jump since the original contested mark has been wiped from the sand already (and TV pictures are only as accurate).


    Also it rarely works the other way around as in the case of Bianca Kappler saying she couldn't improve her PB by 30 cms as given by the official measurement. She was later awarded bronze medal for fair play at 2005 Indoor Europeans.

  2. 5 hours ago, Belle said:

    Ok I say it now: it will be only one more medal for Sweden. The obvious one. Nothing more. :(

    Also the :FRA protest in women's discus was upheld so :SWE Kamga's last three efforts (which she had on measurement appeal) were voided and her PB from round five has been erased. She officially finished 9th.

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