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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Qualification Tracker


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Everything posted by konig

  1. The indonesian songs in some parts for me she says in spanish "Tirame Mani"
  2. Dont forget rowing, another in boxing, and some miracle in Weightlifting and archery.
  3. Sory for the ignorance but what is this ranking?
  4. i dont send the votes yet but for me, this is the first ocation to choose the first song was to easy.
  5. well, it could be worse the performance of Valente, now priding to have an argentinian in Gymnastics (any gymnastics)
  6. well, some sport journalist say Cordoba is in and others say he is out, i trust more in all of you
  7. Acording wikipedia the qualify countrys are.....
  8. i dont know much of this sport but Nicolas Cordoba (14 in first rotation), without the teams and discarding the countrys with more than one gimnastyc, will be in Rio?
  9. Congratulations for both qualified and thanks for the message, this is an incredible bad day for our fencing.
  10. Incredible, he is destroyed (a friend of him tell me that)
  11. Mormandi is ranked 2 in the competition and two fencers qualify in her division, i agree about Bustamante and i have som hope in Epee, Felipe Saucedo in Foil dont have any chance. Somebody know a live result or somethig? i cant find any information.
  12. Entry list for the american tournament: Female Foil Male Foil Female Epee Male Epee Female Sabre Male Sabre
  13. Sory, i forgot to say that, yes the song enter in the first exception
  14. ARGENTINA ENTRY TAN BIONICA- HOLA MI VIDA ORIGINAL LYRICS: Hola Mi Vida En tu cielo imaginario derretiste escenarios Y las noches de verano de los días estrellados Hola mi vida No desconfíes de la música No me molesta tu acento Me alucina Si te parece puedo pasarte a buscar Te llevo y te prometo una noche tremenda Yo nunca te dije que no te entendí Vos me deliraste como un fantasy si te cabe que te pique como vos a mi No pretendas que me porte como me pedís Son las dos de la mañana Y mordimos las manzanas Todos lo que pienses y lo que sentís A las siete se convierte en infierno hostil Tantos necesarios los desastres temerarios De las noches de verano de los días estrellados Hola mi vida No desconfíes de la música Si algo te tira te levantas Si te parece puedo pasarte a buscar Te llevo y te prometo una noche tremenda Fallo porque todavía no perdí la libertad Mientras escribo planetas te levantas Si te parece puedo pasarte a buscar Te llevo y te prometo una noche tremenda Hola mi vida No desconfíes de la música Que te convierto en princesa de América Si te parece puedo pasarte a buscar Te llevo y te prometo una noche tremenda Me hallo en este bondi lunático que es mi ciudad Si algo te tira te levantas Si te parece puedo pasarte a buscar Te llevo y te prometo una noche tremenda ENGLISH LYRICS Hello My Dear In your imaginary sky you melted stages And the summer nights of the starry days Hello my dear Don't mistrust the music Your accent doesn't bother me It stuns me If you feel like it, I can go to look for you I'll carry you and promise you a tremendous night I never told you I didn't understand you You made me delirious like a fantasy If it fits you that it bothers you like you do me Don't expect that I'll behave like you ask me to It's two in the morning And we're biting the apples All you think and feel At seven becomes a hostile hell So necessary, reckless disasters From summer nights of starry days Hello my dear Don't mistrust the music If something throws you, you get up If you feel like it, I can go to look for you I'll carry you and promise you a tremendous night I fall because I still did not lose freedom While I write planets, you get up If you feel like it, I can go to look for you I'll carry you and promise you a tremendous night Hello my dear Don't mistrust the music Because I'll make you princess of America If you feel like it, I can go to look for you I'll carry you and promise you a tremendous night I find myself in this crazy bus that is my city If something throws you, you get up If you feel like it, I can go to look for you I'll carry you and promise you a tremendous night
  15. Ok, tomorrow i will find the song, very probably, thanks Hckosice.
  16. I can do that job and give to you the candidates, if LDOG dont want, Argentina is in with me.
  17. Iraq, Fiji and Algeria will be in the group of Brazil.
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