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Everything posted by konig

  1. i watched, Bolivia makes the goal and nothing more, the referee help Chile in the end with the penalty.
  2. Finals results of the Panamerican championship: Man: 1) Colombia, 2) Mexico 1, 3) Mexico 2 Woman: 1) Mexico 1, 2) Argentina, 3) Mexico 2 historical for our country
  3. haha for me it was!!, someday that bad luck will finish, may be in this tournament, may be in ahother.
  4. you are rigth, England must defeat us in the same way a british movie, they do that: Mike Basset, England Manager.
  5. hehe i agree with you, i grow up watching Brazil with a good teams and referees help like something "normal", in Korea-Japan 2002, i added to that match of turkey, with Belgium, they make a legal goal and it was annulled by the referee, nobody understand why......
  6. Peru Eliminate Brazil with a "Hand-goal", like Brazi make to us in the Americas Cup of 1995......i never forget that.
  7. there wasnt or at least it isnt important, agaian Biagioli sufer the "Cold Water", i dont understand how they cant find a solution for that problem. Tomorrow start the womens basquetbal Preolympic, i wont be optimistic........
  8. and AGAIN argentina fails in and individual preolimpyc tournament......
  9. in womens is all finish?, is there a little hope for reallocation or doping for Argentina?
  10. Like LDOG says: when an argentinian have a preolimpic in an individual sport........dont qualify, they qualify only for ranking.
  11. thanks, in that case i dont have any hope of argentinian qualification for reallocation.
  12. can be a reallocation for the individual quota of Canada?
  13. Gallay-Klug are now qualified in Beach Volley, 201 argentinians qualified to Rio
  14. i cant be ofend, is like you say: we are a very few persons, even we fail when we want to make the liberal libertarian party, we dont have enough people to exist.....ironicaly, we are like the "Troskos" in being a minority wich never obtein more than a few congresman. i cant defend Macri but some of his team is interesting for me, in all the other things you say, i agree.
  15. well for me liberal and conservatives are two parts of the"rigth" but it isnt the same: the conservatives are who sostein the traditional values, the liberals sostein the free market and the state has the less intromition in your live, for example with low taxes. In my particular case, im closer with the austrian liberal school of Ludwig Von Misesand and Friedrich Hayek, the comunism and fascism are two strong forms of statism, and the socialist, socialdemocrats etc etc are anothers forms of statism, "ligth form". you probably will laugh but for us the kirchnerism was a very statism form of goverment (for me comunist but its my opinion) and Macri and his goverment is closer the same,a socialdemocrat goverment but with a big statism too. when somebody call our goverment like "liberal" or inclusive conservative, i always think ¿where?, ¿for what?
  16. well in politics we wont have much in common, im liberal , i acept your "right" is particularly bad, Berlusconi is a good example of that.
  17. do you considerer yourself socialist or socialdemocrat?
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