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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2021 in Posts

  1. this is amazing sometimes how people believe whatever they read. first I have to say I'm really ashamed of what Iranian regime did here, they gave legitimacy to Taliban by inviting them to Tehran to "negotiate" while this group is still considered as terrorist by their own list. people still remember what Taliban did to Iranian diplomats in 1998. Iran almost went to war because of that. but Iran wasn't the first one taking pics with Taliban giving them legitimacy, that was Mike Pompeo. (and that was exactly when Taliban won the war) and while Iran has/had some influence in Afghanistan that's mostly culturally. Iran could not play a major role. unless they wanted to send troops and fight with Taliban. that was possible and probably not "that" hard for Iran but they stupidly thought they can manage living with Taliban next to our borders. and I have to say some stupid officials here just want US troops out of the region, Taliban is more "manageable" for them and again, Iran will be in lots of trouble in future, I assume none of you guys know that something like 3 million Afghan refugees are living in Iran. some of them even born in Iran. all of them (or their parents) fled Afghanistan when Taliban took over for the first time. the number was much higher but lots of them came back after the fall of Taliban in 2001. I assume lots of them (plus a lot more) will cross the borders again. and the current Iran can't handle its own people, let alone millions of refugees, it will be a disaster. and I assume with Taliban in charge there will be more drugs coming through our borders, another problem Iran has to deal with.
    2 points
  2. Kata sounds very beach too me
    2 points
  3. Official now. Next world championship will be held at the indoor Roubaix vélodrome from the the 20th to the 24 October 1500 seats only.
    2 points
  4. Similar to some boxing bouts I’ve seen so
    2 points
  5. This is the 2024 Olympic class which will replace the RS:X.
    2 points
  6. 147 for Higgins in the 1st televisive frame of the season What start
    2 points
  7. MHSN

    [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread

    lots of reasons as you already discussed about people in Afghanistan mostly think there were some behind the scene deals with army leaders etc with Taliban. (town by town, I mean not in general) they gave up fighting in return of having a role in future armies. even though that's a bit hard to believe, one most be extremely stupid (like US government) to trust Taliban's promises. Afghan army leaders knew Taliban very well but that's what people "think" as far as I know Afghan Army had something like 350,000 soldiers while Taliban has something like 80,000 (maximum estimation) how come that's even possible?! personally I think that was because they didn't trust the leaders in Kabul. when USA and NATO left (or said they will leave) they just saw no reason to fight because they will lose after all. probably having 1000 US soldiers + equipment in Afghanistan would give them confidence to fight back. I think most people don't know few things about Ashraf Ghani and how he became the president. Afghanistan has something like 30 millions population but only 3 millions voted in 2019 and Ghani won the election by just 923,000 votes (his opponent never accepted the defeat and considered it rigged) that's unbelievable less than 1 million you can imagine people lost hope in this "democracy" (which was corrupt and not working well) long time ago. the same goes to the soldiers
    2 points
  8. Globo Esporte (a big sports page in Brazil) has asked a few questions over the last week: What medal from Brazil was the most exciting? 1. Hebert Conceição (gold, Boxing) - 21,96% 2. Isaquias Queiroz (gold, Canoeing) - 16,79% 3. Laura Pigossi e Luisa Stefani (bronze, Tennis) - 12,07% I said it at the moment that the bronze medal of Pigossi/Stefani was the best moment of Tokyo for me, but the k.o. by Hebert was pretty damn exciting/surprising also. What was the biggest brazilian name at the Games? 1. Rosamaria (silver, Volleyball) - 65,08% 2. Rebeca Andrade (gold/silver, Gymnastics) - 15,09% 3. Rayssa Leal (silver, Skateboarding) - 8,22% Rosamaria's (big) fan club probably had a huge influence in this poll What was the most memorable moment of the Games? 1. Hebert Conceição knockout in Gold medal bout (Boxing) - 23.03% 2. Shared gold between Gianmarco Tamberi and Mutaz Essa Barshim (Athletics) - 18.59% 3. Youngest podium at the Olympics, women's street (Skateboarding) - 11.24% Of course a moment from a brazilian athlete would be picked, but also nice to see the high jump moment.
    2 points
  9. Luísa Stefani stills making history after the bronze at the Olympics
    2 points
  10. Putintseva and Strycova were quite involved in these But Kerber-Andreescu and Schnyder-Martinez are very spicy
    1 point
  11. Yes, I don't see how Shia Muslims could support Sunni Muslims here at all. That's one split of Islam the so-called Western democracies have never understood and probably never will.
    1 point
  12. I am not an expert of Muslim issues. But I guess Shias Iranian will not support Sunnis Taliban. For China, we don't care who's in charge, democracy or not, we just want a stable government to do business.
    1 point
  13. I love they're trying to figure out how to split the trophy
    1 point
  14. I guess one of my favorite random moments goes back to Day 1. Larissa Pauluis & Flambeau were going through their test when torrential rain suddenly started. It was pretty much the only rainy moment of the equestrian Olympics, if my memory serves me. For some backstory, Larissa Pauluis was more oriented on the business / training side of dressage, rather then competition. But that all changed when her husband Greg died suddenly in May 2020 (age 39, heart attack). She became a single mother and business owner overnight, and basically started preparing for competitions to fill in the void. She received a last minute Olympic call-up after Belgium received a late team reallocation (following Ireland's controversial withdrawal). Was so pleased for her when she nailed that second piaffe (at 1:07). The rest of the test did not go as smoothly, unfortunately. Even the heart she drew on her glove started turning into mush by the end of the ride.
    1 point
  15. diable

    [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread

    Trump wanted to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan even earlier (May 1st) and he also reduced military presence in the area. Yeah, the world would be clearly much better with him…
    1 point
  16. "In all of history none has ever managed to conquer Afghanistan..."
    1 point
  17. Not this total bullshit again. Yes, Biden is partially at fault. But no, Trump is absolutely not free from any blame in this, not even close. If it were up to Trump, the result would have been the same, only a year earlier.
    1 point
  18. I saw this event in the YOG and even if I don't understand a bit how they do the scores (the same happens to me in artistic swimming or rythmic gymnastics tbh). The russian guy who won gold was amazing. I think this is one of those events you have to watch with an open mind and just enjoy it as an entertainment.
    1 point
  19. According Biden, this can never happen.... Please Trump, come back, the world is clearly better with you in the presidence....
    1 point
  20. Ted

    Greece National Thread

    Τέλεια! The fantastic 6.💪💪
    1 point
  21. Prakash

    India National Thread

    Thank you very much....
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. @heywooduCanada does not keep active licenses with the FIS during the summer, which is why the quota simulation shows as 0 eligible athletes. This will change when its renewed in the fall.
    1 point
    1 point
  25. Makedonas

    Greece National Thread

    Το πρόβλημα με την κωπηλασία είναι ότι πάντα έχουμε καλούς αθλητές στις ηλικιακές κατηγορίες αλλά οι περισσότεροι τα παρατάνε στα 18-19. Στέλνουμε πολύ νεανικές ομάδες σε κάθε Ολυμπιάδα. Ελπίζω το χρυσό μετάλλιο του Στέφανου να φέρει δημοσιότητα και στήριξη στο άθλημα της κωπηλασίας, ώστε να δούμε τις απαραίτητες αλλαγές. Εκτός από τον Ντούσκο, την Μπουρμπου και τις αδερφές Κυριδου, έχουμε και τον Παπακωνσταντίνου, Στεργιακα, Καλανδαριδη, τα αδέρφια Παλαιοπανου, την Αναστασιαδου, Τσαμοπουλου, Νικολαΐδου (είχε σοβαρός τραυματισμός αλλά ανέβασε ποστ στο Instagram πριν λίγες μέρες λέγοντας πως το όνειρο της είναι να πάει στο Παρίσι), Φράγκου, Χριστοδουλιδη, Ασουμανακη (εκτός αν έχει σταματήσει, δεν αγωνιστικέ καθόλου μετά την πανδημία…), Νονη, Βοντζου, Περγουλη κτλ. Μιλάμε για παιδιά που έχουν πάρει πολλά μετάλλια στις ηλικιακές κατηγορίες (εκτός από την Χριστοδουλιδη η οποία είναι μεγάλο ταλέντο και παρά την απειρία της αναδείχθηκε πρωταθλήτρια Αμερικής φετος στο πανεπιστημιακό πρωτάθλημα). Για αυτό πιστεύω και εγώ ότι θα έχουμε πιο πολλούς τελικούς στην κωπηλασία στο Παρίσι. Όσον αφορά την Στεφανιδη, προσωπικά δεν περίμενα να είχε πάρει μετάλλιο αφού δεν βρίσκεται σε καλή φόρμα μετά την πανδημία. Παρ’ολα αυτά πιστεύω μπορεί να ξαναμπεί στο βάθρο το 2024 ειδικά αφού θα χρησιμοποιήσει μεγαλύτερα κοντάρια από εδώ και στο εξής. Εκτός από τον Τεντογλου και την Στεφανιδη, ο Καραλης και η Τζενγκο επίσης έχουν ελπίδες για μετάλλια στο Παρίσι. Και αν βελτιωθούν, ίσως και άλλους αθλητές όπως η Καρύδη, ο Φραντζεσκακης, ο Τσιτσος κτλ., όμως είναι πολύ νωρίς ακόμα για αυτούς… Το τενις στο Παρίσι θα γίνει στις εγκαταστάσεις του Ρολαν Γκαρος (αν δεν κάνω λάθος), άρα θα είναι μεγάλη ευκαιρία για τον Τσιτσιπά αφού είναι πολύ καλός στην χωμάτινη επιφάνεια. Εγώ περίμενα ένα μετάλλιο στο Τόκιο στην ιστιοπλοΐα. Δεν ήρθε το μετάλλιο, αλλα η Καραχάλιου θα έχει μεγάλη ευκαιρία το 2024 όπως και η ομάδα μεικτή 470. Στο iQFoil ανδρών επισης, είτε με τον Κοκκαλανη είτε με τον Καλπογιαννακη. Στα μαχητικά αθλήματα δεν τα πήγαμε καλά στο Τόκιο, συνολικά πήραμε 2 νίκες (από την Τελτσιδου που για μένα ήταν μια ευχάριστη έκπληξη) και 8 ήττες…Περίμενα την Γκουντουρα και την Πρεβολαρακη να τα πάνε καλύτερα. Τουλάχιστον θα έχουν άλλες ευκαιρίες το 2024 όπως και ο Πιλιδης και η Τζέλη. Αν προκριθούν ο Τσανικιδης (πυγμαχία, ήταν τραυματισμένος φετος και αποσύρθηκε από το προολυμπιακό ενώ έμεινε μόνο μια νίκη μακριά από την πρόκριση) και ο Τελικοστογλου (ταεκβοντο, δευτεραθλητής κόσμου το 2019), όλα είναι πιθανά. Στη κολύμβηση η 5η θέση του Κυνιγακη (παρά την μικρή του ηλικία) ήταν άλλη μια ευχάριστη έκπληξη από το Τόκιο, και πιστεύω τουλάχιστον ένας από τον Κυνιγακη και τον Γκολομεεβ (επισης 5ος στο Τόκιο) θα πάρει μετάλλιο στο Παρίσι. Έχει πολύ μέλλον μπροστά του και ο Παπασταμος στην πισίνα. Κλείνοντας θέλω να πω ότι αν προκριθούν οι εθνικές ομάδες μπάσκετ ανδρών και πόλο γυναικών, όλα είναι πιθανά. Το ίδιο ισχύει και για την εθνική μπάσκετ γυναικών, όμως το μετάλλιο θα είναι πιο δύσκολο για εκείνες αλλα η πρόκριση δεν είναι ακατόρθωτη με τις νεαρές παίκτριες που έχουμε. Θα πρέπει να δούμε πως θα εξελιχθούν αυτά τα κορίτσια τα επόμενα 2-3 χρόνια.
    1 point
  26. Makedonas

    Greece National Thread

    Εμεις οι 5 και τον @Yannakis
    1 point
  27. Sorry but to me she is one of the most rude and disrespectful players so I can't be happy for her, her behaviour over the years has been disgusting. However it is nice to see she seems to finally be becoming mature at age 29, either that or she is less miserable now that she is winning...
    1 point
  28. Joshi

    [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread

    The Taliban taking control of Afghanistan was bound to happen once the Western powers left. It was already happening during 20 years of US led intervention. This is a country that is tribal and a country that in theory has never actually been conquered. From Alexander the Great to now. Read history, Afghanistan and her tribes are restless and that's just the way it is. The Taliban may have control of big cities but pockets in Afghanistan won't be ruled by them. What is sad is that society will regress once again we will see no Afghanistan in the Olympics and no Afghan Cricket team anymore.
    1 point
  29. Dnl

    India National Thread

    Hi guys just here to say happy Independence Day
    1 point
  30. Prakash

    India National Thread

    Young Archers have made India proud on Independence day with 15 medals in World Archery Youth Championship 🤩🤩 India top the medals tally
    1 point
  31. Yes for PyeongChang. This time it was schedulled on purpose specially for the summer NHL break.
    1 point
  32. This is the only sport where they drug test to make sure there is some IN your system
    1 point
  33. by the way... 3 years away from that sh*t and we already have a thread with 2 pages of posts! and I'm here, too... I just can't believe it happened for real...
    1 point
  34. First! Kidding, but it will be funny to follow
    1 point
  35. phelps

    Your Tokyo 2020 Schedule

    I just can't stop re-watching the Italian commentators' reactions in the last laps of the men's team pursuit on eurosport player... they always make me cry because of the win, but also because how crazy they went...they almost destroyed the commentary box...
    1 point
  36. Well, it is Romashina's 7th Olympic gold. That's as many as Dressel and Ledecky. If she competes in Paris again, she could tie Latynina, Nurmi, Spitz and Carl Lewis.
    1 point
  37. Groups. Sadly we will not play in 1 hour of our borders A (Krakov, POL): B (Ostrava, CZE): C (Tampere, FIN): D (Tallinn, EST):
    1 point
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