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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
3 minutes ago, heywoodu said:


I wonder how surprised we should be with that in an age where there apparently are still tons of people thinking rhino horn powder gives you bigger erections.


Which is actually funnier since the actual Compendium entry for rhino horn is for curing fever, poisoning, and 'devil posession'

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[OFF TOPIC] Hantavirus
12 hours ago, Fly_like_a_don said:

Can someone tell me this is fake? 


All 32 passengers travelling with the man who died are tested positive according to the global times newspaper in China. 



Lemme ask you, have you read the real article instead of this random channel?

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
10 hours ago, Griff88 said:

Tomorrow Bali will be locked down...


So only one member fell to the trap :p


Bali is in "lockdown" because today is Nyepi, a Balinese Hindu religious holiday. For 24 hours, the people have to stay in silence with 4 noes: no fire (and electricity), no working, no travelling, and no entertainment. Local security forces called pecalang are deployed to make sure people adhere to this. No flight/ship to or from Bali, only hospital and other emergency services are allowed to operate as normal. Kinda relevant to what is happening right now


For the last few days everyone has been joking, that "Bali will be locked down!". Even journalists almost fooled the speaker of COVID-19 management team on live TV but luckily he realized that just in time ;)

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
3 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

But we sort of did, a little. Indonesian/Malay (apparently it's sort of listed together?) is apparently on the 7th place of languages we 'loaned' words from :p 


I see some examples like ketjap, klamboe, loempia, kroepoek and some more :p


Of course it happens, what I am referring as dumb is that someone actually consider ranting for centuries of cultural exchange ;)

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
14 minutes ago, up and down said:


Sorry I feel so sad for them. The coach is also not given a chance to go for the complete tests. I feel so sad for him now. How bad is this now?


Very bad in here, I would say. People complained about how the government is not helping in providing the healthcare but they themselves can't follow official directions. Instead of practicing social distancing, many household believed that putting a clove of garlic in your pockets and around your house will shield you from the virus :hairpull:

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
5 minutes ago, heywoodu said:




That is surprisingly similar indeed :d 


The problem is, Dutch words are slowly vanishing and replaced by English words.


Ask any highschooler and they won't know what 'kastanye' is. And in 10 years I think there will be a dumb video on Youtube that rants about how the Dutch copied Indonesian words :lol:

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
26 minutes ago, up and down said:


Alright I have used Google Translate to translate the news. Somehow according to the translated version it says only the coach is being tested and going for treatment. No testx conducted for the other coaches and other players in the same team. Don't you think that this is serious? I mean all the coaches and players should have also been given the test to be safe right? What caused the rest of the other coaches and players not given the test? Why is the reaction so slow here? If you read the translated news above, it also mentioned that the coach who is infected with the virus is also not given the test yet and is still awaiting for the swab test to be done. Can you believe this? I just cannot believe how slow is the reaction to check the people infected with the virus. So dangerous right?

Hmm so to give you more insight:


PDP means a sick person under surveillance.


As of now, those who are back from Europe (both the senior and junior team) are quarantined in the national badminton center dorms. They still train regularly but separated with those who did not go to Europe. So PBSI did have their measures and they tried to have their players & coaches tested BUT this country stupidly prioritized those limited test kits to parliament members.


You can't just abruptly send symptomatic people to any hospital too since there are only a few designated hospital to handle any suspect, it's a long wait both for suspects and those who are being tested.


Yes, we are not ready at all and the mindset of average people here are not helping at all. The way how Indonesians react to the virus is able to make any Italian mayor ranting for 7 days straight and die from high blood pressure.

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
Just now, Griff88 said:


Lots of deliveries system around the world are overwhelmed I think, with orders surging

But certainly not in my case... I tried to be the good guy, wanting to get it by myself but they refused. Kept the positive thought 'oh maybe they are affected by COVID so it will be slower'


And when I asked to the customer service just now, they told me that the courier returned the package to the drop point because he saw my house seems empty and did not bother to knock :hairpull:


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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
36 minutes ago, Siddhartha Talukdar said:

We do have online delivery of essential items in Bangalore, India but its delayed. We had ordered on Sunday but its scheduled to arrive on Wednesday. Normally lead time of online delivery of groceries in Tier I cities is not more than a day


Lots of deliveries system around the world are overwhelmed I think, with orders surging

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic

Tomorrow we will start a bigger 'work from home' movement as requested by the government. This time certain business district will have limited business time and police will patrol from time to time in order to disperse 'suspicious crowds' and catching students who are secretly hanging out. Some business owners decided to close for a few days, while others refused to abide by the rules stating that this is their only source of income. Traditional markets will be disinfected according to a set schedule, with hoaxes about locking down a whole district near the markets spreading like wildfire (which made people furious since no way the government will provide rationed food like Vietnam during lockdown).

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
3 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

Are there any other users, who like me, are trying to avoid reading/listening/watching news about the Coronavirus? This doesn’t mean I’m not heeding warnings, or not listening to professional advice. It just means that I’m trying avoid news about the spread, severity, and state of Covid-19. For me, this has been a “ignorance is bliss” strategy for coping with what’s happening. I’m just curious how others a handling this.




I muted the related keywords on Twitter, read/see such stuff only when I want to (mostly the national/provincial government annoucements or the funny bits). Muted all my older relatives on WhatsApp (they keep sending me hoaxes and/or "how to prevent coronavirus"), scolded two of my friends who live in Singapore to stop updating ferociously like they are 24H news channel, and make sure my mother report to me if one of our relatives try to influence her to do this/that about coronavirus.


Fighting people's reaction to the virus are harder than the virus itself :p

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
2 hours ago, heywoodu said:


About two: that is, as one would expect, extremely likely to be some sort of crazy conspiracy theory. It could be true, but you know, purely theoretically.


And number one: I think the last I read about it was that scientists found out it might be quite likely that it came from pangolins, possibly starting with bats and then going from pangolins to humans, thanks to the idiotic humans who illegally sold pangolins for their meat (and, not surprisingly, 'for their medicinal value' or some nonsense like that).

I wonder how can the pangolin get the bat virus? Do they eat bat poop? Or we have another middleman which are the pangolins' only food: ants?

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic

Food delivery apps now offer 'no contact delivery' option, which it means they just put your food in front of the doorstep.



Meanwhile I had a package delivery which is stuck in a drop point located 3 km from my house for 2 days, people normally would be mad (the delivery service is infamous for being slow) but this time I just assume they are overwhelmed and I tried not to complain.

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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic
Posted (edited)

In Indonesia, we got a lot of cases from Bogor region for the last 2 days. It is found that one sharia seminar and one church meeting held in that area were the event where the spread began.


The mayor of Bogor is also positive... and he went to Turkey and Azerbaijan, plus had a press conference after coming back :bye:


Good luck in tracing them all~

Edited by Griff88
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