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Totallympics G.O.A.T.
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  1. Haha
    Olympian1010 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Do you really want to phrase it like that
  2. Haha
    Olympian1010 reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Grand Final Moments

    NAFTA everywhere."
    "Olympian1010's Family reacts to all songs from TISC 2020." "Czechoslovak Trophy Hooray ! " "But always expect plenty from the fennec." "I fear there’s no more points for the US." "Trying to get laid is not proper social distancing buddy."
    "He's a teenage kid." "Covid-19 left the chat." "Is Agger rigging the contest?" "Is there a record for most silver medals without a single gold?"
    "You had more 12s in this forum than you can count."
    "That moment when Spain 12 is stolen by Germany with a Spanish song."
    "I'm @intoronto." "Greece wants to join NAFTA, it seems."
    "Technically Iran always awards medal to Israel by letting team walk free to the next round."
    "How dare you!"  
  3. Like
    Olympian1010 reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Happy Holidays and Birthdays Thread   
    Damn, good way to get arrested for assault if you try to pull that here  
  4. Sad
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from hckošice in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    Found the way April will try to kill us this year 
  5. Like
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    I think that would turn people off and over complicate things. I think we should stick to one simple idea if we want to do a special event.
  6. Like
    Olympian1010 reacted to Vektor in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    First we should probably just vote if we want to have some kind of a contest similar to TISC in the summer. And then if that vote goes through, we can have a second vote about what kind of a contest that would be, a special TISC where users will be free to send songs from any nation, not just their own, or a Got Talent contest with the TISC format, or something else. 
  7. Like
    Olympian1010 reacted to Vektor in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Hm, a Got Talent version is an interesting idea. So basically a contest similar to TISC where we can submit any kind of acts from our country, excluding music with lyrics (so instrumental music would still be eligible). That sounds just as intriguing as a special TISC. 
  8. Like
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    What if we didn’t do music, so as not to steal @heywoodu thunder for the 15th edition. We could do something with dance groups, or a “got talent” type thing. I just thought I’d offer those up as alternatives.
    I try and host a special edition competition in a virtual format. It could be a special edition music contest, hosted in Minecraft with the full compliment of ceremonies, parade of nations, concerts, etc.
    I could also arrange a form of mock Olympics using non-playable characters, and people could pick teams, and whatnot.
    Mu final suggestion would be that we wait until May 7th, and check out the Tokyo2020 mobile game. It looks super corny, but supposedly you can play online against friends, so theoretically we could have our own mini Olympics (and I’d love to organize something like that. To be honest, I already plan to if it’s possible, but I thought I’d just throw it out there now.)
    I’m pretty much cool with whatever. I think having activities to keep us preoccupied during these difficult times is a great idea. I’m down to help in whatever fashion I can. I’ll have to balance whatever we do with University, but major isn’t work intensive, so that shouldn’t be too hard. So I’m all ears to whatever y’all want to do (or not do).
  9. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from dezbee2008 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    I just wish there was less leeches and sewer water required for the process... 
  10. Like
    Olympian1010 reacted to dezbee2008 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Sorry, I missed most of the contest, but I had to do other things today.
    Anyway, congrats to our northern neighbors Canada @intoronto for finally breaking the winless non-European streak. It's about damn time. Also congrats to @Vic Liu and @Bohemia @Benolympique for silver and bronze
    If you ask me, 15th place is respectable in my book, but if you're wondering why and how I pick the songs for the US... well, that's for me (and maybe @Olympian1010) to know and for the rest of you to find out
  11. Haha
    Olympian1010 reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Makes you wonder if our future generations will compete in TISC after our retirement, doesn't it?
    If some Lithuanian representative in 2083 gives 12 points to some sort of Trap song, I promise, I'll rise from my grave.
  12. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from dezbee2008 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    @dezbee2008 works in mysterious ways...
  13. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    To China, or not China; Tis’ the question all Slovakians must face in their lifetime.
  14. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    @konig just fell out of his chair
  15. Haha
    Olympian1010 reacted to rybak in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Finally @Olympian1010 will be able to represent  
  16. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Hurry the fuck up @hckosice. I’m not wasting an hour waiting for your votes. We’ve carried your ass all day, now show us the damn votes!
  17. Like
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Yes this. Even if our song is in English I make sure to post some version of he lyrics. Some of us actually judge with lyrics as part of the criteria!
  18. Like
    Olympian1010 reacted to Wanderer in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Thank you @dcro on wonderfully organized contest  It was great to spend time here laughing during these troubled days.
    Now onto TISC Open, editions which usually bring, for my taste, more quality music. All eyes now to latewoodu, Kensingtonland, Paises Baixos  
  19. Like
    Olympian1010 reacted to catgamer in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    You mean Superhero by The Script?
    If so that is just an amazing Song with fantastic lyrics and a great tune. One of my all-time favourites
  20. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Since people love side competitions, I’m happy announce the US is winning the US Cup (where only the US eligible). A highly successful day for us.
  21. Haha
    Olympian1010 reacted to hckošice in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Gratulácia víťazom
    To bolo hlasovanie slovenskej poroty,
    ďakujeme za pozornosť,
    a dobrú noc.
    Congrats to the winners !
    These were the votes of Slovakia.
    Thank you all.
    and Good Night
  22. Haha
  23. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    @konig just fell out of his chair
  24. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from rybak in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    @konig just fell out of his chair
  25. Haha
    Olympian1010 got a reaction from brunamoura in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    @konig just fell out of his chair
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