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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. These guys from Almere* come across as such 100% stereotypical 'hockey people' (students with rich backgrounds who care more about being seen and being popular than about actually accomplishing stuff ) *described by everyone not living in Almere as 'the number one city in which I wouldn't even want to be when I'm dead'
  2. At least the ASPIRE Academy is a pretty good thing for athletes I guess. I mean, in terms of ethics it sure beats representing Turkey for a bag of money even without ever setting foot there, or same thing but Bahrain And no, I'm not in love with Bahrain Without knowing the politics, for me it's all the same as Qatar, UAE, Saudi-Arabia: oil-rich countries buying all their stuff instead of coming up with their own cool stuff and athletes (and yes, I'm sure there are tons of interesting ancient things there, but that's definitely from long before the oil-rich part existed )
  3. Another one of those US things, calling their own things 'pro sports' and the rest apparently 'something else' I watch a boatload of pro sports: athletics, cycling, biathlon, alpine skiing, F1, you name it. Also, highlights of NHL, NBA and NFL (not MLB unless it's the play-offs). Your videos remind me that it does seem to be better in college sports, or maybe in American football in general (I don't often hear that monotonous "Let's go xx!" buzzing around there). It's not much of a chant, more just an entry, but I do like the Enter Sandman one of Virginia Tech
  4. Why are US sports fans so insanely boring? No matter which of the US competitions I'm watching, the chants are always basically the same Let's go Dodgers! Let's go Celtics! Let's go Nuggets! Let's go Red Sox! Let's go Rockets! Let's go Raptors! Let's go Penguins! And all that in one monotonous drone of always the same. Can they not think of anything else? And no, the incredibly cringy "I believe that we will win" doesn't count
  5. To make people know Bahrain exists? If it wasn't for those bought athletes and Formula 1, I'd have no idea why I would even know of it's existence And I doubt "we should not buy women" is as much a moral code for Qatar as it is a sign of them believing women are simply inferior beings
  6. A conspiracy is indeed more likely. They're trying to control us by making us believe internet is the problem. Open your eyes, sheeple!
  7. I don't know everyone's opinion, but personally I'd prefer to wait for our Mexican friend to be fully connected to the internet again.
  8. Then there's gonna be 10 people counting votes and coming up with different results and it's just gonna be one insane mess
  9. Nothing one can (reasonably) do when there's stuff like internet companies messing everything up I mean, we could ask @mrv86 to book a ticket to a country where the internet is working fine, but I'd think that's a little much for an online contest
  10. Those youth world champs in Nairobi, holy smokes. Rumours have it half of Kenya is still moving up and down from that one week of non-stop jumping.
  11. This is gonna be a true party of athletics later this year..... (Pic is from today's finals session)
  12. European biathlon fans are so violent, half of them have no head or body.
  13. I'm gonna assume nobody here knows Egyptian politics better than @thepharoah, so I'd like to ask....what the hell happened?
  14. I have always preferred the 100m endurance or the marathon dash.
  15. Well yeah, I'm sure fires will keep happening all over the world, as they have always done
  16. Don't underestimate the recent youth/junior biathlon world championships
  17. I can promise you, there is not a single universe in which I would have given this 12 points. Or any points, for that matter, unless the opposition was really not my taste (like that "everyone who eats meat is a murderer" song of a few years ago)
  18. That doesn't always work though, and is also not the definition of what makes something a satellite
  19. Dutch Athlete of the Year: Mathieu van der Poel. Voting closed 25 minutes ago.
  20. I have just never seen a finish like this in such a major race, what the hell.
  21. When people celebrate extensively, they didn't need to give everything. He did
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